Official OL DEX telegram channel: news, updates, and important announcements.

OL DEX website: https://openledger.io/
News portal & blog: https://dex.openledger.io/
We recommend to visit

Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

12,975,749 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

Download from Google Play Store:


Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago

4 years, 10 months ago

​​OL DEX is closing all activities

OL DEX, also known as OpenLedger DEX is closing all activities until further notice.

The OL DEX was initiated back in October 2015 same day as BitShares 2.0 was introduced and was intended to work in the future as the de-facto BitShares exchange. It is almost five years later now, and time has been full of ups and downs.

Legal developments in Denmark early 2020 where the DEX had been operating since its very beginning made it necessary to change to working in the cloud since end of 2019 and the intention was to work towards a solution making it possible to continue as a fully decentralized operation. We have carefully reviewed all possible and reasonable options as for today, including licensing, but the working solution that will fit all needs of the platform and users, requires more time and efforts than it was originally estimated.

[​​](https://telegra.ph/file/c83ef3ce882f4982cda66.jpg)**OL DEX is closing all activities**
4 years, 10 months ago

​​USDT (ERC-20) Gateway Enabled

Dear users,

We are happy to inform you that the USDT (ERC-20) gateway is now working in the operational mode.

All the maintenance works have been finished.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Please note:

  1. You have to use ONLY Openledger.io UI for withdrawals and deposits
  2. You should use ERC-20 addresses for USDT withdrawals

Thanks for choosing our decentralized trading platform!

Best regards,
The DEX Team

[​​](https://telegra.ph/file/29fbfc00fac0d7bb0c123.jpg)**USDT (ERC-20) Gateway Enabled**
4 years, 12 months ago

​​DOGE Gateway Temporarily Disabled

Dear OpenLedger DEX users,

The DOGE gateway is temporarily disabled due to maintenance works.

We will let you know as soon as the works are finished.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

All the best,
The OpenLedger DEX Team

[​​](https://telegra.ph/file/94d635b1a16e7b112eab7.jpg)**DOGE Gateway Temporarily Disabled**
5 years ago

​​Day 8 Trading Competition Review with the VPLedger KYC by Default Explained

In Day 8's Trading competition and lottery 4000 OBITS was given away.

It will be done every day for 30 days. 22 days left

Join now to take part! 8% so far burned in last 8 days!

Burned Day 8: 135 124 OBITS. New supply 13 377 297 OBITS.

OBITS Trading Competition - The road to the reward of a retail value 1000 EUR worth of Lifetime Membership Subscription.

[​​](https://telegra.ph/file/5a0d0c1bbadf44d93eaf3.jpg)**Day 8 Trading Competition Review with the VPLedger KYC by Default Explained**
5 years ago

​​ZEC Gateway Temporarily Disabled

Dear OpenLedger DEX users,

The ZEC gateway is temporarily disabled due to maintenance works.

We will let you know as soon as the works are finished.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

All the best,
The OpenLedger DEX Team

[​​](https://telegra.ph/file/a716abbdbac6230dd3f5d.jpg)**ZEC Gateway Temporarily Disabled**
5 years ago

​​Day 7 Trading Competition Review with the VPLedger Consensus Introduced

In Day 7's Trading competition and lottery 4000 OBITS was given away.

It will be done every day for 30 days. 23 days left

Join now to take part! 7% so far burned in last five days!

Burned Day 6: 136 489 OBITS. New supply 13 512 421 OBITS.

[​​](https://telegra.ph/file/93079bc07397c7e96a386.jpg)**Day 7 Trading Competition Review with the VPLedger Consensus Introduced**
5 years ago

​​LTC Gateway Temporarily Disabled

Dear OpenLedger DEX users,

The LTC gateway is temporarily disabled due to maintenance works.

We will let you know as soon as the works are finished.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

All the best,
The OpenLedger DEX Team

[​​](https://telegra.ph/file/e7a7b95e17ae66a5fc35b.jpg)**LTC Gateway Temporarily Disabled**
5 years ago

​​ eDEV - blockchain-guaranteed platform for freelancers and buyers

Are you #freelancer, online #developer, web #designer, #contractor, #investor or anything similar part of the global #GIG economy, there is still hope ahead. Read on for full info

Do you have an account at freelancer, fiverr, upworks or similar and lost time and money dealing with a fake account, believed in fake reviews or as freelancer simply did not get paid?

The future service #eDEV using a unique #SaaS #blockchain will solve all of the above as well as avoiding #phishing and fake #websites.

First product available to eDEV freelancers and contractors is a limited time only Lifetime Membership #Subscription to receive a cash back forever of 60% of all platform related costs you may have when establishing future contract as well as any residual income from network also using platform of 60% of their spending as well.

Do you like what you have read so far, more information will come in near future, so do stay tuned and perhaps even join the telegram group https://t.me/eDEV_OnlineDEV

#freelancing #freelancework #freelancejob #freelancers

[​​](https://telegra.ph/file/177e2b3f343f337c1c936.jpg) **eDEV - blockchain-guaranteed platform for freelancers and buyers**
We recommend to visit

Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

12,975,749 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

Download from Google Play Store:


Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago