
As lovable as a Teddy Bear, please do keep me in your warm hugs!
Custom Edits stall: @Grumchis
Moodboards stall: @Okinuawa
Orderlist: @Ikissbaal
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Pemburu yang diburu.

Last updated 1 week ago

Memaparkan maklumat awal dan kemaskini terkini berkaitan kemalangan, bencana, jenayah dan isu-isu semasa dalam dan luar negara setiap hari.

Last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago

Rakyat Malaysia tunggal di Palestin. Berkongsi kehidupan seharian di Gaza.

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

7 months, 3 weeks ago

Guysss ini aku Lavatee huhu maaf yaa aku kemarin” belom bisa lanjutin send”in preview orderan soalnya lagi ngedrop gegara abis banyak urusan ??? abis ini nanti aku lanjut kokk maaf banget soalnya bener” langsung ngedrop aku baru bisa ngabarinnya sekarang soalnya kemaren” full buat tidur”an aja, makasih yaa for the understandingss, mungkin habis ini aku lanjut”in kirim sama balesin chat kalian yaahh mohon ditungguuuu, sekali lagi maaf juga yahh ???

8 months, 1 week ago

2,5k subs nnti ak promo dan up katalog baru, mending klian sebarkan ke persekutuan klian ???

8 months, 1 week ago

Hawoo guys aku lagi cari kinci nih hihi buat up katalog icons baruu ? yuuu isi ajaa yang mauu


Channel serbaguna

Drop foto muse (bebas mau apa aja, kpop idol, anime, rhythm game, dll) buat kinci icons yaah 2-3 photos kalau bisa yang senada, oh iya sertain nama kalian jugaa

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Guys bolehh bantu aku subs @yorru gak yahh biar ownernya cepet notice aku ?? aku udah bikiin channel proof jugaa @proofyorru ini yaaah, makasih temen” semoga yang ngekeep cepet noticee ???

8 months, 2 weeks ago

UDAHH GUYSS boleh kontak ke sini yaa to confirm misal ada orderan yang belum aku kirim atau gimanaa, but most of them udah kokk @okinauwabot btw makasih banyaaakk guys ???

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Btw.. cara bikin bot gimana guys huhu aku lupa, boleh chat ke @iciclemelts nggak ya temen” :’)

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Btw.. cara bikin bot gimana guys huhu aku lupa, boleh chat ke @iciclemelts nggak ya temen” :’)

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Hi guyss so I’m broadcasting here to inform and say sorry for being inactive for way too long, and it is not because on purpose but somehow tele managed to restrict me from opening my account. So everytime I tried to open my tele account it always got forced exit, it happened since December. And my tele has been restored as the way it used to be recently I also have sent the unsent orders that got delayed because of the error and have sent to each customers an apology. But if somehow you still haven’t received your orders yet, please do send us a message and we will crosscheck it. So sorry for the inconvenience and making you all wait and worry and scared and all the negative things but truly we were meant to do none of these. These were all happened out of our willings and controls. Have a great day! We don’t know when will be operating again, we still need to make sure all of these things that happened never occur again. Thankk youu!!! Even my account got deleted already by tele (karena saking lamanya off) @yorru and the username has been kept by someone whom I don’t know T___T I will make a new bot yah please do wait!!!!

1 year ago

Yang mau kastem blh yhh

1 year ago

Oh iyh janlup cek @grumchis ?

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Pemburu yang diburu.

Last updated 1 week ago

Memaparkan maklumat awal dan kemaskini terkini berkaitan kemalangan, bencana, jenayah dan isu-isu semasa dalam dan luar negara setiap hari.

Last updated 2 weeks, 1 day ago

Rakyat Malaysia tunggal di Palestin. Berkongsi kehidupan seharian di Gaza.

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago