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1 month, 2 weeks ago


The recent display of ZERO on last night wasn't a glitch; it was a deliberate signal of the profound transformation underway in our financial system. Those dismissing it as a mere technical error are out of touch with the seismic shifts behind the scenes.

For years, I've closely monitored the debt clock, studying its implications and sharing its messages with the public. The images it has shared, often dismissed as mere memes, are prophetic insights into the unfolding timeline of events. The truth is that our government is not a government at all but a controlled entity that enslaves us through its control of money, media, and food. This is the legacy of a bloodline that has manipulated the financial system since the Roman Empire, passing inflation onto other countries and forcing them to use their fiat currency.

However, the tide is turning. Countries like the BRICS are moving away from this legacy system, seeking financial sovereignty and stability through gold and silver, which are legal tender according to Article 1, Section 10 of our Constitution. We are on the brink of a quantum leap into a new financial paradigm. The zero on the debt clock signifies the end of the old debt-based system and the birth of a new credit-based system.

We are transitioning away from the Federal Reserve note, a debt-based system owned by the banks, into our new 🇺🇸 USA Treasury Certificate, a credit-based system 100% owned by "We the People." This new system will be built on blockchain technology, a decentralized network that empowers the people and maximizes potential.

The signs are clear: we are at the endgame. Call it the rapture, the singularity, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or whatever you will, but the shift is inevitable. Those who fail to prepare mentally will be left behind, unable to comprehend the magnitude of the coming changes as the world is being upgraded.

For those who have been with us, spreading the message and believing in the vision, I am proud of you. This is not an easy fight, but we are chosen for a reason. We have been blessed with the ability to see beyond the surface, to envision the future, and to bring about the change that is desperately needed.

The timeline is now. The moment is here. Let us move forward with faith, resilience, and determination, knowing that we are part of the greatest story ever told, biblical and magical moments.

Romans 12:2 (NIV):
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

"Know What You Hold!!!"

#echodatruth #usdebtclock #kwyh


U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

US National Debt Clock : Real Time U.S. National Debt Clock

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Q couldn’t afford to give MAGA an anti-Semitic label. These terms have been weaponised way beyond our usual racist, far-right reputation. The World assumes that if you criticise Jews, that makes you a Nazi. Voltaire had a lot to say about who you cannot criticise.

The truth about Zionists could have also repelled Q followers who weren’t comfortable with any criticism alluding to Israel. This could have killed of the movement before it began.

There was a reason Israel were left until last…
Israel = Rothschilds.
The Sovereign Nation of Imperialist Banksters.

A scheme which used decent Jewish people to create an impervious stronghold no different to how the Vatican has fooled the Catholic people under the Roman Empire. A Corporate Militia designed to take advantage of people’s goods nature, while they proceed to dominate from behind the curtain, under the guise of righteous virtue.

This War has many layers & we still have some way to go.
Stay strong. 🔥🔥🔥

1 month, 2 weeks ago

The day POTUS handed over to the military❤️🇺🇸👇👇

1 month, 3 weeks ago

🚨🇬🇧London, UK Britain Rises ‼️

Tens of thousands of people descend on Parliament to protest the deliberate destruction of their country.

They ALL know what’s happening & ALL want to stop it.

X (formerly Twitter)

Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) on X

***🚨******🇬🇧***London, UK Britain Rises ***‼️*** Tens of thousands of people descend on Parliament to protest the deliberate destruction of their country. They ALL know what’s happening & ALL want to stop it.

***🚨******🇬🇧***London, UK Britain Rises ***‼️***
1 month, 3 weeks ago

💥⚡️💥BRILLIANT explanation by JOHN WILSON (Commo John), National Strike Australia, of the evil cabal’s satanic tree that HAS BEEN controlling everything in this world..Trump ring-barked the tree. If you don’t know what ring-barking is, it is a method used to kill trees - they are still standing but they die. This short clip explains the satanic tree in the clearest way I’ve heard. Must listen. (1min26secs).⚡️💥⚡️Full video here:

1 month, 3 weeks ago

If YOU have someone in YOUR life who does NOT understand what the hell has been going on, please introduce them to Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter, and their fantastic work - The Fall of the Cabal and The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal...

The Fall of the Cabal episodes:

The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal:

These two women ARE hero's 🫡🇦🇺

Thank you, ladies.

2 months ago

A few days ago here in the UK our Government who are war criminals told families to stockpile three days worth of food and water along with other supplies just in case of a major emergency. On the same day our fake government called an early general election for July 4th, it is very clear that the warmongering Tories will lose. The UK Government who are a terrorist organisation have been trying to get other European countries against Russia and incite them in to WW3 and is
conveniently now backing off. Unelected PM Rishi Sunak has stated that he doesn’t want to be a wartime Prime Minister. MP Andrew Bridgen said that we are actually already in a war with Russia but [they] the Deep State won’t let the public know until July/August. Also nobody has seen Princess Kate for about 160 days and the Royals seem to be missing which we were told a few days ago and on the same day as to get the 3 days worth of emergency supplies and the General Election being announced on July 4th - that all the Royals engagements have been cancelled as they want people to focus on the fraudulent elections that hopefully won’t happen. Engagements and events have never been cancelled before because of a corrupt General Election. And with everything popping off in the world something is definitely brewing. They know something big is coming.

2 months ago

Next up….China and Taiwan.

Vladimir Putin has arrived today in Belarus for a two-day visit where he will discuss tactical nuclear exercises with his ally Alexander Lukashenko. This week it was reported that The Russian Federation forces have begun the ‘first stage’ of exercises to simulate preparation for the launch of tactical nuclear weapons.

China is holding 2 days of military drills around Taiwan as 'strong punishment'. Right now CHINA has deployed 19 warships and 49 warplanes to completely encircle Taiwan in the second day of drills. Beijing has warned they can “seize power” from Taipei with ease if they continue to be challenged by the Taiwanese government. Chinese state television has also just released an animation showing simulated attacks on Taiwan, depicting missiles being launched at the island before hitting cities like Taipei, the island’s capital, and Kaohsiung. China has also warned that Taiwan’s president is pushing the island towards ‘war’.

Earlier today the UN stated that “Taiwan is a province of China.”

The Kremlin says "Russia recognizes Palestinian statehood, just as the Soviet Union did." And now most of the world recognises Palestine as an independent state. Israel is angry that many EU countries are recognising Palestine as an independent state. News just coming in is that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered Israel to stop its military offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah immediately.

Shits really hitting the fan all over the place along with the two power houses of the BRICS alliance Russia and China preparing, we are about to see some massive moves on the world stage.

2 months ago

🔥🔥🔥FOR THE past few weeks, supermarket shelves are half empty. I’m in south central France. Anyone else noticing this where you live????🔥🔥🔥

4 months ago

CLIF HIGH: “You know they are saying that they are forced to, have to do, this red heifer sacrifice. Their strange god demands it in order that the 3rd temple can be built (after they get rid of that pesky dome that's in the way). Then, of course, they will say, well, we HAVE to perform open ritual human sacrifice in order to 'sanctify' (to bless with blood) it. Their strange space alien ELohim god demands it.

Yep. It's all a slow progression to openly burning gentile babies in the belly of a big iron Ba'el.

Pharisees are so predictable. They are, after all, continuously, mind controlled by their narradigm, thus their thinking and awareness are always constrained.”

X (formerly Twitter)

clif (@clif_high) on X

You know they are saying that they are forced to, have to do, this red heifer sacrifice. Their strange god demands it in order that the 3rd temple can be built (after they get rid of that pesky dome that's in the way). Then, of course, they will say, well…

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