Be the voice for children 💖
Prevention of domestic violence is a community obligation including:
*Abduction and pedophilia
*Where the following may be involved in the crimes: government, third party agencies, judicial system

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9 months, 3 weeks ago

Do Not Vax your children
With Poison ☠️ ?️
Causes Autism ?

National Strike Australia

9 months, 4 weeks ago

To all the mothers of the world – thank you for all the incredible, thoughtful, amazing things you do. Not least of all, creating life!!

To all those mothers who are separated from their children today, whether it is due to distance or estrangement, I send you a big hug. Mothering is one of the most rewarding experiences in this dimension, but it can also be the hardest. My heart goes out to you ❤️

To those mothers whose children are estranged through no fault of their own – because they have been caught up in the state sanctioned child trafficking system – my heart aches for you ❤️ Please remember that one intent of ‘Mother’s Day’ is to create division and disappointment, particularly for individuals like yourselves. It is just one day. Don’t let the bastards who took your children gloat over your misery. You can get through this. Your children are thinking of you – they want you to know they appreciate all you have done, and continue to do for them. Do something beautiful for your self today, on their behalf. They would want that for you.

To all the survivors of satanic ritual abuse who had their babies and children stolen in the most horrific manner imaginable – I am so sorry. There are no words for what you and your little ones have been through. My heart breaks for all of you – especially those whom I know personally and feel such deep love for. You are not alone. Justice comes in many ways. Know that your babies in spirit are looking down on you today and feel your pain as you remember them. They are not gone – just transformed. They still love you too ❤️

Mother’s Day can be a nightmare for those who don’t have their babies with them.

If you know someone who is struggling today, please reach out to them and give them your love. You don’t know how much difference that could make.

Sending love to you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


9 months, 4 weeks ago
*****?***Action required ***?***

*?Action required ?*

It's Mother's Day today

‼️The most important post on social media ‼️

Thousands of Mothers and thousands of younglings are not together to share the time together

These private member associations acting as unions believe they are protected under international law. With guns and other weapons they rape our families

Everyone who reads this post, everyone who lives and breathes came from a mother.

This mother's day make a difference
Join this channel and share ideas of what you personally are actioning right now to bring the mothers and younglings back together..
What movements can people join?https://t.me/+Wdrg82n_mTMyZmY1 All ideas are great ideas.

We are responsible for protecting younglings we are responsible bringing families back together every single one of us.**

Together we will stop this rape and end their reign‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

9 months, 4 weeks ago
Writ 11005-1 Where is Kyan?

Writ 11005-1 Where is Kyan?

10 months ago



????READ UP????


10 months ago

❗️Welfare check required until her release❗️

Yes in our country right now, a mother protecting her youngling
Consider this a public notice for the instructions to release the living woman :angela-mary: of the lineage Shannon from Wacol women's correctional centre in Brisbane Queensland.

Registered to Washington DC securities exchange

Reporting Filing Number 333 163 307

Executive order 13818 will be an issue for a lot of people complicit in the crimes of abducting mothers and their younglings

The Policy holders for a corporation ABN 29 409 225 509 which go by the name of QUEENSLAND POLICE SERVICE have tresspassed the property, living woman :angela-mary: of the lineage Shannon and abducted her.

Welfare check required for :angela-mary: of the lineage Shannon, currently located in Wacol women's correctional centre. The correctional centre number is 07 3271 9000.

Forcing contract
Crimes Act 1900 Sec 318, 319 False instument
Federal Crimes Act 1914 Sec 85Q
Slavery and Servitude Act 1995 Sec 268.10-268.15
Modern Slavery 2018 Sec 270

Freedom of Information Letter from Cabinet 4th April 2024..
There is no instrument that the Law Enforcement looks to for its head of power under the Commonwealth Constitution - The question is Under what jurisdiction do they belive they are all operating from?

This is not a one off.. Keep calling until she is released from these private corporations.

The Commonwealth of Australia and all its employees are instructed to stand down.
Your organisation is bankrupt and you have no standing on this land.
We the people are the creditors we instruct, you are the public servants whom take direction from us.

10 months, 1 week ago

?May madness?
A child is being deprived from being with their mother and ordered by force to be with the father who is an alleged pedophile

A child who moved in with his grandmother to escape the abuse of his father has been ordered by force to live with the father.

In both situations the law was not abided by

Their paperwork is inaccurate and fraudulent
The wishes of the younglings are ignored
The safety of the youngling is being ignored

We live with Belligerent Occupiers who will soon see the wrath of Executive Order 13818 and the Law of War Manual

Police (policy enforcers of a private corporation) take orders from the private Courts aka Bank
Private courts aka Bank take orders from the parliament aka corporation registered on the US stock market
Albanese has a lot to answer for

All politicians, court employees and contractors and police staff are complicit in crimes against humanity.

Take action now

No more sitting on the fence

Get involved in the National Strike to End the Belligerent Occupation

10 months, 1 week ago

?‼️May day May day‼️?

This trafficking of younglings needs to stop Today forever. All younglings are to be protected immediately.

The land, flora, fauna and all living beings are under attack.

We the People of This land commonly known as Australia put out a May Day call.

We the people are not lost at sea our feet are firmly on the land.

Rule of Law: All Are Equal Before The Law and the government really is, the public servant.

The law must be upheld immediately

There is no corporate immunity

We are the creditors and we instruct

End the Belligerent Occupation now‼️

Executive Order 13818... Go look it up ‼️

Military including but not limited to Navy, Space force, Airforce are instructed to action according to the Law of War Manual

10 months, 2 weeks ago

Never forget...

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