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Official Proud Boys Southern Tablelands Australia

A group of true blue blokes who are proud western chauvinists 👌🏿👌🏿

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3 weeks, 6 days ago


Tucker Carlson Speaks at The Australian Freedom Conference

Tip/Donating (everything I do is free, so any tips are appreciated) Truth Seeker in my Spare Time You Can Follow Me at: Telegram is my home base of Oper

Official Proud Boys Southern Tablelands Australia
1 month ago
getting ready for the debate ***👌*** …

getting ready for the debate 👌 🍺 🍻

1 month, 1 week ago
Signed physical copies available now boys! …

Signed physical copies available now boys! Feel free to leave a note w/ your order if you want it personalized to a friend, family, kids etc.

Order here:

iTunes pre order will be available July 4th! Im gonna really need all your support on this one. As you all know we’re not allowed on fb, etc. my account just went down again and havent been able to get back on this time.

But, with just a few hundred pre orders we can likely hit #1 on the charts without any big tech/social media bs. I’ll post link soon as it’s available POYFB’s!

P.s. please share this around for me as well! Like I said, they’re trying their hardest to completely silence me/us…, but I will continue to fight til the end! UHURU!

8 months, 3 weeks ago
May we honour the courage they …

May we honour the courage they symbolize, remembering the sacrifices they made and preserving the freedom they fought for. Here's to strength, brotherhood, and the enduring legacy that binds us together. Cheers to the unyielding spirit of the Anzacs. We will remember them!

1 year ago

It is with great pride and gusto that I report on our ambitious mission to utilize the International Space Station (ISS) as a launching pad for our shock troopers. In a stroke of sheer brilliance, we have decided to deploy our troops to France to support the patriots in their ongoing civil conflict. After all, what better way to show our dedication to nationalism than to bypass the conventional means of transportation and drop in from space?

Our team of fearless Proud Boys - equipped with tactical armoured suits stolen from DARPA marked with our signature laurel - have now completely commandeered the ISS, ready to make history. With roughly 6000 troops from chapters all around the world, we have started to descended upon the French countryside. Our arrival, though unexpected, has been met with joy and amazement from the local patriots who marveled at our unconventional means of intervention.

With our shock troopers on the ground, we began joining forces with the French patriots to put an end to the invading forces. In our downtime we organized barbecues where we grilled sausages, hosted intense games of cricket, and educated them on the intricacies of Australian slang. Our mission to uphold the spirit of patriotism to France has been a resounding success thus far, as the locals welcomed us with open arms.

P.s. There was no curve...

1 year ago
Official Proud Boys Southern Tablelands Australia
1 year, 1 month ago
This June Proud Boys Southern Tablelands …

This June Proud Boys Southern Tablelands is celebrating Family Pride month.  We are a pretty proud bunch to start with but what really boosts our pride is our families.  A home with a virtuous housewife and thriving children is the greatest source of pride and joy a man can have.  Infinitely moreso as our families navigate hostile waters as degeneracy and hate attack us from every angle.  Big government and corporate backed Satanists and pedophiles never rest in their efforts to poison our minds and bodies, driven by envy and self-loathing.

We are reminded of Noah, who in similar times guided his family through the destruction of the world and into a new beginning where they inherited the earth through faith and hard work. 

Every time corporate pedophiles display the rainbow we remember the true meaning of the rainbow, the covenant between God and man after God killed every degenerate satanist on the planet.  They fear the rainbow and what it truly represents.  Be proud of your birthright.  Commies fear the proud family.

1 year, 8 months ago
Ancient Western wisdom still ringing true …

Ancient Western wisdom still ringing true today.

1 year, 8 months ago
Official Proud Boys Southern Tablelands Australia
1 year, 8 months ago
Proud Boys Southern Tablelands condemns the …

Proud Boys Southern Tablelands condemns the murder of 15-year-old Cassius Turvey in Western Australia. He was killed at the hands of a filthy eshay looking to settle scores in a cowardly act of senseless violence; with a metal pole, no less. We wish the Turvey family all the best in their time of great loss.

At the same time, Proud Boys Southern Tablelands also condemns the mainsteam media, for their attempts to stoke hatred and racial tension in their coverage of this tragedy. Unprovoked eshay violence is an issue that plagues all Australians, regardless of race. This was a case of mistaken identity and wigger vigilantism. Misrepresenting this tragedy as a racial issue - just as they also misrepresent multiracial fraternities like the Proud Boys - does nothing to make Australian society more harmonious, and actively sows the seeds of division.

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