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Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago
Charged with “advocating terrorism”, four former HKUSU Council members appeared before NSL designated judge Kwok Wai-kin in the Wan Chai District Court today. As the defence needed more time to process their legal aid application, they have requested for the case to be adjourned. The four students will appear in the Wan Chai District Court again on Jan 20, 2021 at 2:30 pm. They are released on bail under original and revised terms.
The 4 former HKUSU Council members charged with “advocating terrorism” under the NSL will appear in the Wanchai District Court (8/F Court No. 27) today at 14:30.
In a statement released yesterday, the Law Association, HKUSU, opposes the proposed revisions of the legal aid system. The suggestion is to have the Director of the Legal Aid Department assign legal representatives to eligible applicants in criminal legal aid cases. The Association is concerned that this suggestion will exploit the rights of applicants to choose their own legal representatives, a right protected by the principle of equality before the law in Article 25 of the Basic Law. If the suggestion comes into effect, “applicants in criminal legal aid cases are bound to face a dilemma, struggling to make a choice between being forced to accept the unsatisfactory legal representatives assigned by the Department, and being unable to hire a legal representative at all”.
Full statement: Law Association, HKUSU
HKUSU Council Motion Case to be heard again on Oct 28
Four former HKUSU Council members charged with "advocating terrorism" under the NSL appeared in the West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts today (Oct 15). The prosecution's application to refer the case to the District Court was approved. The case will be heard again in the Wan Chai District Court on Oct 28 at 2:30 pm. The four students are released on bail under the same conditions.
Source: Undergrad
HKU orders June 4 vigil group to remove the Pillar of Shame from campus before 5pm next Wednesday
Full report: HKFP
Professor Xiang Zhang reappointed as HKU President for another 5-year termIn an email sent this morning (Oct 3), HKU Council Chairman Arthur Li announced that President Xiang Zhang’s appointment has been extended to 2028. He emphasised that the Council’s “unanimous” decision to extend Zhang’s appointment was due to significant progress he made in ventures such as the HKU-Shenzhen campus development project.
Before Zhang’s appointment, the then Vice-President Terry Au commented that HKU needed a high-level member who “can smooth our path in China”. Since he assumed office in 2018, Zhang made significant progress in developing an HKU campus in China, and the HKU Beijing Centre was established within his term. In the opening ceremony of the Centre, Zhang claimed that “the very aim of HKU’s establishment in 1911 has been to serve China”. Recently, Zhang signed a memorandum with the Shenzhen government to set up a campus in the city.
In July 2019, Zhang released a statement condemning the occupation of the Legislative Council complex on July 1, saying that he was “disheartened by the violence”. In May 2020, Zhang joined the Hong Kong Coalition “in his personal capacity”. He later issued a joint statement alongside the Presidents of CUHK, PolyU, EdUHK, and Lingnan to support the national security law.
Source: Undergrad
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Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago
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Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago