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1 month ago
1 month, 1 week ago


Join THE REVIVAL OF AMERICA 🇺🇸 and SCOTT/ FT WORTH from True Destiny tomorrow FRIDAY Aug 9th as we CONTINUE to bring it back to God

12 pm CST

Join the link below 👇 trap your pen 🖊️ paper 📑 and questions and let’s chat 💬


1 month, 1 week ago

The Long Walk

As men we walk through life enduring what our family, society and friends impart upon us. We go along to get along. We seek approval and identity based on man’s idea and suggestion of what is success, what is good, what is acceptable and moral. We Identify our reality based upon the comas in our bank accounts, the car we drive, how big and shiny our toys are.

The man of today journeys on a long walk. He defends society’s ideas of him and what he has been shown is important. Men will wage war to protect their things like gear and cars and money and fancy watches. You may ask why? The answer is evident. Sadly most don’t see it until they take their last breath and they have led an empty life with a walk that is not a legacy at all. But why? Simple. As noted before we are a product of our parents our society.

The more saddening part is man will defend all things he has purchased or acquired with a blood oath. When will man start defending their children? Their God? Their Families their communities? I opine that the common man sees himself as the great defender. That is untrue. Most have un-wittingly allowed God to be mocked, their country to be invaded, their kids to be assaulted intellectually through destructive programming. Where is that same defense for matters of the invaluable? Why won’t they defend it with the same vigor as the stuff, the cash? The property ? I surmise it’s programming once again! Man has been raised to worship status and things that have a finite value because that is how culture measures success! Case In point, America is full of divorced families children suffering from gender confusion and lack of self value! We have become godless worshipping idols,houses,cars,gear and the infamous size of the bank account.

When men finally awaken to the greatest falsehood veil pulled over human kinds eyes, they will be broken hearted, alone and deeply saddened at the loss and destruction. They will weep and cry out!

Men! Change your path. Stand for God! Stand for your children!stand for your country! Say no to the programming. Invest in the invaluable and not the depreciating things of old. Find new vigor and stand to save your soul. Put down the false idols help your neighbor. Give of yourself. Don’t worry about finding your way home. God has you. Take his long walk and find your true purpose and destiny. Fear of losing things is shallow. Fear of losing your kids, your soul, your country, your family should rock you to the core. Change your path and do not fear which, is noted in the Bible 365 times for a reason. Don’t fall pray to the program, change your execution under God enjoy the most spirit filled outcome in faith. Be well brothers. Enjoy the long walk. Much love!


1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 2 weeks ago

United We Stand Fellow believers.

We pledge allegiance to the Flag one nation under God! Those words will forever ring true in my spirit for the rest of my days. A God centered nation that stands against the darkness of man’s heart manifested by fear, swelling into indignation and anger.

My brothers and sisters, today I am absolutely crushed for the state of our worldly existence. We have fallen pray to the establishment and their divisive, calculated social engineering to keep us apart. They keep us fighting, bickering and scathing each other. They keep us in this state to further the will of their sinister ill gotten deeds. When we all stand back and remove the emotion you can see what their plan is. We know this to every fiber of our being the core of our soul.

A faith centered person could surmise with great internal reflection that we are in transition but not fully where God wants us to be. Our destination is unity in support of each other as our family standing his. Light, love, truth and grace. Even the prophets of today are calling for us to stand up and pray and to declare our King in our creator. Yet we still play the same old radio station.

It’s time to quit the Linus mentality dragging that old stinky blanket around. It’s time to open the windows of our souls and let the light in. It’s time to quit tearing each other apart. It’s time to love our family, our world, our selves. It time to Unite. When we can leave the peanuts gang where it belongs in its fictional world and Stand soul to soul we will affect change. When we laugh again an smile at the beauty of this life, we will see blessings even greater than we imagine. You want to see God act suddenly. It will make your head spin. You may ask why? Because we are living the way he intended us to. No fear, no lack no anger or indignation. But first we have to change the radio station of our souls our spirit and climb.

I am working to organize a night of prayer and revival for all of us. A time of grace, truth and love. A time for Unity. A time for support and a time to heal. Will one truther one podcaster help me with this? Anybody. If so DM me.

Changing the radio station out of love!


1 month, 3 weeks ago

Weathering The Storm

It’s a beautiful day, day break hit. The birds began to sing and fly. Plants began to uptake the sun rays and synthesize what they needed to grow.
Babies and children began to hustle and bustle as the start of a new day begins. We make our breakfast, sip our tea/coffee in preparation of the journey we will experience today.

While our journey everyday is rooted in our soul that our creator breathed life into, we often are remiss to find the glory in the moment. We miss the things that really matter and feed our spirit. I surmise like watching our little ones take their first step in utter amazement that they are upright and moving, watching our youth achieve a new goal like riding a bike or learning how to get up on a wakeboard, seeing our parents and elderly sparkle as they hold hands and walk in peace with each other. Being in the moment and seeing the sheer Grandeur of the Grand Canyon and all the natural beauty here for us to enjoy experience take in and grow with.

We are all here for a purpose as reason. Mostly to learn and experience the journey and who we are and how we can support our brethren. Our walk is to find that God proclaimed purpose that he ordained for us in his grand creation. We have the distinct honor to seek it. The solemn oath to proclaim it. The duty to find it. The experience to live it and the experience to know it. When we wash away all the darkness manifested by our emotions, seek his Devine guidance and open our spirits to the opportunity, we are at that moment on the path to peace. To living our calling and perfecting our journey according to the Creators plan.

Today I am saddened! I see so much angst, loathing, hatred and divisive propaganda in the world. All engineered by our humanly flesh and quite frankly evil doers who just enjoy seeing pain in our lives. It is paramount and in our face daily. Deception is the daily fragrance in the air. Even the outright lies we experience along our journey are so prevalent that it leaves a toxic residue that lulls us as normality because of its un-wavering presence.

My brothers and sisters, aren’t you battle torn and weary? Are your guts churning with a nausea of it all? Aren’t you tired of it all and exhausted beyond belief? If you are even think it’s yes minutely, you have to ask yourself whose journey are you living? Whose plan are you working? What path are you on? If your path is wide and riddled with weeds and rot, change your trajectory! Take the fork in the road God is giving all of us at this moment!
Seek the narrow path while it may be less traveled the beauty to experience is far greater than the path we find ourselves currently on. Seek the Devine, walk in that peace, truth, Grace, light and love. Climb the side of the mountain one step at a time and pierce the clouds and bask in the glorious rays of warmth and love. The journey may be grand and extensive but the experience gained is paramount.

The love of our brother and sister can be so grand especially when we come and show them the fork in the road, even if, it leads up the side of the mountain. I ask you all my Devine sovereign kin, to think today and as God to show you the fork in the road. If you do that one thing above all else, you are taking the first step to a journey of a lifetime. Our God knows the path, we know the path, We first need to seek the path and then walk it! You will find no more darkness and elevate yourself up out of the weeds. Then you will gain the wisdom of how to invest your precious time and energy in the love God has for you. You will find light in your soul that shines bright and encounter your true blessings. Follow not man’s engineered path but the path you already have placed in your soul. Have a great day and know you are loved unconditionally so very much! Denounce the darkness declare the light and march on under the shield he provided in his word!


1 month, 3 weeks ago
1 month, 3 weeks ago
4 months, 1 week ago

Here’s this Week’s Blog. It talks about the “Greater Good”. Feel free to share it out, and if so moved let me know your thoughts. Blessings to each of you.

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