Web Development - HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Learn to code and become a Web Developer with HTML, CSS, JavaScript , Reactjs, Wordpress, PHP, Mern & Nodejs knowledge

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Official Channel for HA Tunnel - www.hatunnel.com

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5 days, 5 hours ago

JavaScript (JS) roadmap:

  1. Basic Fundamentals: - Variables, data types, and operators.
    - Control structures like loops and conditionals.
    - Functions and scope.

  2. DOM Manipulation: - Access and modify HTML and CSS using JavaScript.
    - Event handling.

  3. Asynchronous Programming: - Promises and async/await for handling asynchronous operations.

  4. ES6 and Modern JavaScript: - Arrow functions, template literals, and destructuring.
    - Modules for code organization.
    - Classes for object-oriented programming.

  5. Popular Libraries and Frameworks: - Learn libraries like jQuery or frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue depending on your project needs.

  6. Package Management: - Tools like npm or yarn for managing dependencies.

  7. Build Tools: - Webpack, Babel, and other tools for bundling and transpiling.

  8. API Interaction: - Fetch or Axios for making API requests.

  9. State Management (For Frameworks): - Redux for React, Vuex for Vue, etc.

  10. Testing: - Learn testing frameworks like Jest.

  11. Version Control: - Git for code versioning and collaboration.

  12. Continuous Integration (CI) and Deployment: - Travis CI, Jenkins, or others for automating testing and deployment.

  13. Server-Side JavaScript (Optional): - Node.js for server-side development.

  14. Advanced Topics (Optional): - WebSockets, WebRTC, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), and more.

This roadmap covers the foundational knowledge and key steps in a JavaScript developer's journey. You can explore more deeply into areas that align with your specific goals and projects.

5 days, 10 hours ago
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5 days, 10 hours ago

React.js 30 Days Roadmap & Free Learning Resource ?*?

??‍?Days 1-7: Introduction and Fundamentals*

?Day 1: Introduction to React.js

What is React.js?
    Setting up a development environment
    Creating a basic React app

?Day 2: JSX and Components

Understanding JSX
    Creating functional components
    Using props to pass data

?Day 3: State and Lifecycle

Component state
    Lifecycle methods (componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, etc.)
    Updating and rendering based on state changes

?Day 4: Handling Events

Adding event handlers
    Updating state with events
    Conditional rendering

?Day 5: Lists and Keys

Rendering lists of components
    Adding unique keys to components
    Handling list updates efficiently

?Day 6: Forms and Controlled Components

Creating forms in React
    Handling form input and validation
    Controlled components

?Day 7: Conditional Rendering

Conditional rendering with if statements
    Using the && operator and ternary operator
    Conditional rendering with logical AND (&&) and logical OR (||)

*??‍?Days 8-14: Advanced React Concepts*

?Day 8: Styling in React

Inline styles in React
    Using CSS classes and libraries
    CSS-in-JS solutions

?Day 9: React Router

Setting up React Router
    Navigating between routes
    Passing data through routes

?Day 10: Context API and State Management

Introduction to the Context API
    Creating and consuming context
    Global state management with context

?Day 11: Redux for State Management

What is Redux?
    Actions, reducers, and the store
    Integrating Redux into a React application

?Day 12: React Hooks (useState, useEffect, etc.)

Introduction to React Hooks
    useState, useEffect, and other commonly used hooks
    Refactoring class components to functional components with hooks

?Day 13: Error Handling and Debugging

Error boundaries
    Debugging React applications
    Error handling best practices

?Day 14: Building and Optimizing for Production

Production builds and optimizations
    Code splitting
    Performance best practices

*??‍?Days 15-21: Working with External Data and APIs*

?Day 15: Fetching Data from an API

Making API requests in React
    Handling API responses
    Async/await in React

?Day 16: Forms and Form Libraries

Working with form libraries like Formik or React Hook Form
    Form validation and error handling

?Day 17: Authentication and User Sessions

Implementing user authentication
    Handling user sessions and tokens
    Securing routes

?Day 18: State Management with Redux Toolkit

Introduction to Redux Toolkit
    Creating slices
    Simplified Redux configuration

?Day 19: Routing in Depth

Nested routing with React Router
    Route guards and authentication
    Advanced route configuration

?Day 20: Performance Optimization

Memoization and useMemo
    React.memo for optimizing components
    Virtualization and large lists

?Day 21: Real-time Data with WebSockets

WebSockets for real-time communication
    Implementing chat or notifications

*??‍?Days 22-30: Building and Deployment*

?Day 22: Building a Full-Stack App

Integrating React with a backend (e.g., Node.js, Express, or a serverless platform)
    Implementing RESTful or GraphQL APIs

?Day 23: Testing in React

Testing React components using tools like Jest and React Testing Library
    Writing unit tests and integration tests

?Day 24: Deployment and Hosting

Preparing your React app for production
    Deploying to platforms like Netlify, Vercel, or AWS

?Day 25-30: Final Project

*_Plan, design, and build a complete React project of your choice, incorporating various concepts and tools you've learned during the previous days.

Web Development Best Resources: https://topmate.io/coding/930165


5 days, 12 hours ago

Free Web Development Resources have been posted on our WhatsApp channel ??

6 days, 11 hours ago

JavaScript Complete free Resources ??

6 days, 17 hours ago
Web Development - HTML, CSS & …
1 week ago

To learn web design and development from basic to advanced levels, you can follow these steps:??

Start with the basics of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). HTML provides the structure and content of web pages, while CSS handles the visual presentation. Learn how to create web pages, format text, add images, and apply styles using HTML and CSS.

Expand your knowledge by learning JavaScript, a programming language for web development. JavaScript adds interactivity and dynamic features to websites. Study JavaScript concepts like variables, functions, loops, and conditional statements. Learn how to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) and create interactive elements.

Responsive Web Design:
Understand the principles of responsive web design, which ensures websites adapt to different screen sizes and devices. Learn techniques such as media queries and flexible layouts to create responsive and mobile-friendly websites.

Front-End Frameworks:
Explore popular front-end frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation. These frameworks provide pre-built components and a responsive grid system, making it easier to design and develop modern, visually appealing websites.

Back-End Development:
Dive into back-end development to create dynamic websites and handle server-side operations. Learn a back-end programming language such as Python, PHP, or Node.js. Understand concepts like server-side scripting, handling databases, and interacting with APIs.

Database Management:
Gain knowledge of database management systems such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. Understand how to create, manage, and query databases, as well as the principles of database design and normalization.

Content Management Systems (CMS):
Explore popular CMS platforms like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal. Learn how to customize and develop themes, create plugins or modules, and manage website content using CMS tools.

Version Control:
Familiarize yourself with version control systems like Git. Learn how to track changes, collaborate with others, and manage your codebase effectively using version control.

Web Performance and Optimization:
Study techniques for optimizing website performance, such as optimizing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, and caching. Understand concepts like page speed, performance testing, and website optimization best practices.

Continuous Learning and Industry Trends:
Stay updated with the latest web design and development trends, technologies, and tools. Follow blogs, forums, and online communities to learn from industry experts and explore new advancements.

➡️Build Projects and Practice:
Put your knowledge into practice by building projects and websites. Start with small projects and gradually work on more complex ones. Building real-world projects will help you gain practical experience and refine your skills.

We provide you best materials ??

Remember, web design and development is a vast field, and continuous learning is key. Practice regularly, experiment with different techniques, and don't be afraid to take on challenges. Building a strong foundation and keeping up with industry trends will help you advance in web design and development.

1 week, 1 day ago

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1 week, 1 day ago
Web Development - HTML, CSS & …
1 week, 1 day ago
Web Development - HTML, CSS & …
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In The Name Of God

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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

☑️ Collection of MTProto Proxies

🔘 تبليغات بنرى

🔘 تبليغات اسپانسری

پینک پروکسی قدیمی ترین تیم پروکسی ایران

Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Official Channel for HA Tunnel - www.hatunnel.com

Last updated 3 weeks ago