In The Name Of God
تبلیغات? :
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
☑️ Collection of MTProto Proxies
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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Official Channel for HA Tunnel - www.hatunnel.com
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Backend Developer 💪
Complete JavaScript Road Map🔥
↳ var
↳ let
↳ const
3.Declaring variables
↳ var
↳ let
↳ const
Primary expressions
↳ this
↳ Literals
↳ []
↳ {}
↳ function
↳ class
↳ function
↳ async function
↳ async function
↳ /ab+c/i
↳ string
↳ ( )
Left-hand-side expressions
↳ Property accessors
↳ ?.
↳ new
↳ new .target
↳ import.meta
↳ super
↳ import()
↳ Arithmetic Operators: +, -, *, /, %
↳ Comparison Operators: ==, ===, !=, !==, <, >, <=, >=
↳ Logical Operators: &&, ||, !
6.Control Structures
↳ if
↳ else if
↳ else
↳ switch
↳ case
↳ default
↳ do...while
↳ for
↳ for...in
↳ for...of
↳ for await...of
↳ while
↳ Arrow Functions
↳ Default parameters
↳ Rest parameters
↳ arguments
↳ Method definitions
↳ getter
↳ setter
9.Objects and Arrays
↳ Object Literal: { key: value }
↳ Array Literal: [element1, element2, ...]
↳ Object Methods and Properties
↳ Array Methods: push(), pop(), shift(), unshift(),
splice(), slice(), forEach(), map(), filter()
10.Classes and Prototypes
↳ Class Declaration
↳ Constructor Functions
↳ Prototypal Inheritance
↳ extends keyword
↳ super keyword
↳ Private class features
↳ Public class fields
↳ static
↳ Static initialization blocks
11.Error Handling
↳ try,
↳ catch,
↳ finally (exception handling)
↳ Lexical Scope
↳ Function Scope
↳ Closure Use Cases
13.Asynchronous JavaScript
↳ Callback Functions
↳ Promises
↳ async/await Syntax
↳ Fetch API
↳ XMLHttpRequest
↳ import and export Statements (ES6 Modules)
↳ CommonJS Modules (require, module.exports)
15.Event Handling
↳ Event Listeners
↳ Event Object
↳ Bubbling and Capturing
16.DOM Manipulation
↳ Selecting DOM Elements
↳ Modifying Element Properties
↳ Creating and Appending Elements
17.Regular Expressions
↳ Pattern Matching
↳ RegExp Methods: test(), exec(), match(), replace()
18.Browser APIs
↳ localStorage and sessionStorage
↳ navigator Object
↳ Geolocation API
↳ Canvas API
19.Web APIs
↳ setTimeout(), setInterval()
↳ XMLHttpRequest
↳ Fetch API
↳ WebSockets
20.Functional Programming
↳ Higher-Order Functions
↳ map(), reduce(), filter()
↳ Pure Functions and Immutability
21.Promises and Asynchronous Patterns
↳ Promise Chaining
↳ Error Handling with Promises
↳ Async/Await
22.ES6+ Features
↳ Template Literals
↳ Destructuring Assignment
↳ Rest and Spread Operators
↳ Arrow Functions
↳ Classes and Inheritance
↳ Default Parameters
↳ let, const Block Scoping
23.Browser Object Model (BOM)
↳ window Object
↳ history Object
↳ location Object
↳ navigator Object
24.Node.js Specific Concepts
↳ require()
↳ Node.js Modules (module.exports)
↳ File System Module (fs)
↳ npm (Node Package Manager)
25.Testing Frameworks
↳ Jasmine
↳ Mocha
↳ Jest
------------------- END-------------------
Some Good Resources To Learn JavaScript
Mozilla MDN Web Docs
Javascript Courses: https://t.me/javascript_courses
Programming Resources: https://t.me/programming_guide
FreeCodeCamp: youtube.com/c/FreeCodeCamp
Hope it helps 😊🌱
🌟 Step-by-Step Guide to Become a Full Stack Web Developer 🌟
Learn Front-End Technologies:
- 🖌 HTML: Dive into the structure of web pages, creating the foundation of your applications.
- 🎨 CSS: Explore styling and layout techniques to make your websites visually appealing.
- 📜 JavaScript: Add interactivity and dynamic content, making your websites come alive.
Master Front-End Frameworks:
- 🅰️ Angular, ⚛️ React, or 🔼 Vue.js: Choose your weapon! Build responsive, user-friendly interfaces using your preferred framework.
Get Backend Proficiency:
- 💻 Choose a server-side language: Embrace Python, Java, Ruby, or others to power the backend magic.
- ⚙️ Learn a backend framework: Express, Django, Ruby on Rails - tools to create robust server-side applications.
Database Fundamentals:
- 🗄 SQL: Master the art of manipulating databases, ensuring seamless data operations.
- 🔗 Database design and management: Architect and manage databases for efficient data storage.
Dive into Back-End Development:
- 🏗 Set up servers and APIs: Construct server architectures and APIs to connect the front-end and back-end.
- 📡 Handle data storage and retrieval: Fetch and store data like a pro!
Version Control & Collaboration:
- 🔄 Git: Time to track changes like a wizard! Collaborate with others using the magical GitHub.
DevOps and Deployment:
- 🚀 Deploy applications on servers (Heroku, AWS): Launch your creations into the digital cosmos.
- 🛠 Continuous Integration/Deployment (CI/CD): Automate the deployment process like a tech guru.
Security Basics:
- 🔒 Implement authentication and authorization: Guard your realm with strong authentication and permission systems.
- 🛡 Protect against common web vulnerabilities: Shield your applications from the forces of cyber darkness.
Learn About Testing:
- 🧪 Unit, integration, and end-to-end testing: Test your creations with the rigor of a mad scientist.
- 🚦 Ensure code quality and functionality: Deliver robust, bug-free experiences.
Explore Full Stack Concepts:
- 🔄 Understand the flow of data between front-end and back-end: Master the dance of data between realms.
- ⚖️ Balance performance and user experience: Weave the threads of speed and delight into your creations.
Keep Learning and Building:
- 📚 Stay updated with industry trends: Keep your knowledge sharp with the ever-evolving web landscape.
- 👷♀️ Work on personal projects to showcase skills: Craft your digital masterpieces and show them to the world.
Networking and Soft Skills:
- 🤝 Connect with other developers: Forge alliances with fellow wizards of the web.
- 🗣 Effective communication and teamwork: Speak the language of collaboration and understanding.
Remember, the path to becoming a Full Stack Web Developer is an exciting journey filled with challenges and discoveries. Embrace the magic of coding and keep reaching for the stars! 🚀🌟
Engage with a reaction for more guides like this!❤️🤩
Web Development Best Resources: https://topmate.io/coding/930165
Websites to practice javaScript:
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In The Name Of God
تبلیغات? :
Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago
☑️ Collection of MTProto Proxies
? تبليغات بنرى
? تبليغات اسپانسری
پینک پروکسی قدیمی ترین تیم پروکسی ایران
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Official Channel for HA Tunnel - www.hatunnel.com
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago