Kate Sugak

?Official Telegram channel of naturopath, researcher and activist Ekaterina Sugak.

Ekaterina works to popularize real biology and to bridge the gap between the public and science that exists in our society.
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9 months ago


Guys, please consider donating to such an important project for all of humanity.

9 months ago

"Ladies and gentlemen, scientists and skeptics alike, today we are thrilled to announce a scientific project that will rock the very foundations of virology.

In an unprecedented effort led by Jamie Andrews and sponsored by The Way Forward, a team of independent biologists are conducting the most exhaustive virological control experiments ever. This brave team of scientists have completely dismantled virology's so-called "evidence," rendering the foundational aspects of virology totally pseudoscientific and fraudulent.

And the good news is, we're just getting started... And we're asking for your help to finish the job.
We've finished Phase 1 and 2, but we'll need help funding Phases 3 and 4.

Phases 3 and 4 of the control experiments will focus on genetics — Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Full Genome Sequencing.

To fully understand the truth about PCR related to so-called "viral genetics," we need to purchase a QPCR machine and a few other bits of equipment. We'll need to send samples to CROs for Full Genome Sequencing, and we'd like to conduct a more comprehensive Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM).

In order to finish, we need your help to raise funds to continue these vital experiments. Any amount helps, and we are so grateful for your contributions.

To donate to the project, visit: https://www.thewayfwrd.com/donate

Enjoy this episode? Please share it with at least ONE friend who you think needs to hear it!

Key Discussion Points:

Bird Flu Dogma: Why the bird flu narrative doesn’t make sense and how non-specific symptoms are funneled under so-called viruses to justify vaccines.

Misinformation in Studies: Examination of studies that misrepresent and spread misinformation, turning them into perceived natural phenomena.

Narrative and Fear: How the bird flu narrative is used to generate fear and financial gain.

Case Studies: Analysis of cases involving bird flu symptoms and deaths, highlighting medical-establishment and pharmaceutical misinformation.

New Project: Introduction to a new project aimed at expanding and testing fraudulent and real claims on virology.
Extensive Control Experiments: Overview of experiments conducted so far around Stefan Lanka’s work."


E99: The Most Important Project of the Century: The End of Virology with Jamie Andrews + Jacob Diaz

Ladies and gentlemen, scientists and skeptics alike, today we are thrilled to announce a scientific project that will rock the very foundations of virology. In an unprecedented effort led by Jamie And

"Ladies and gentlemen, scientists and skeptics alike, today we are thrilled to announce a scientific project that will rock the …
10 months, 2 weeks ago

The first “virus” Stefan started with was HIV. After studying the publications of the HIV discoverers and their followers, he realized that they did not contain a single piece of evidence for the existence of the virus. He then studied the publications on all other viruses and clearly saw that instead of finding and isolating the virus from a sample of a sick patient, virologists put the patient's sample (e.g. blood) into a cell culture, which they poison with toxic substances, and they equate the resulting cell death with proof of the virus. Yes, it sounds absurd, but it is exactly what virologists do. You can learn more about why virology is a pseudoscience by watching my talk "The scientific Vacuum: The Scientific Method and its absence in Virology", which I presented at a conference at Moscow State University.

When Stefan realized the real state of affairs in virology, he was shocked for a long time. It is important to realize that by deciding to speak publicly about the non-existence of viruses, he was risking his career and even his safety. At the time, he was working at a university and lecturing about HIV and running a laboratory. But seeing how much suffering people were getting from vaccinations and toxic antiviral therapies for non-existent viruses, Stefan chose the truth over his promising career and, of course, was expelled from scientific (actually anti-scientific) circles.

In Germany, where Stefan is from, he founded his own scientific journal, Wissenschaftplus (Science +), to publish there information and research on disease and health, vaccination, the falsity of the germ theory of disease and contagion, based on real scientific evidence.

In 2016, Stefan won a lawsuit in Germany on the existence of the measles virus, in which he demonstrated that there is no evidence that the measles virus exists and that the intention of German officials to introduce mandatory measles vaccination is not based on science, but on pseudoscientific premises. You will have the opportunity to learn all the details and explanations about this trial and its significance in my new documentary "The Truth About Measles", which will be published in the within a month.

Stefan Lanka also conducted the first ever control experiments in virology in 2016 for measles and in 2021 for Sars-Cov-2, in which he showed that what virologists call proof of the existence of viruses - the cytopathic effect (cell death in vitro) is merely the result of exposure to toxic substances and reduced cellular nutrition, and not of the presence of a so-called "virus".

If you type "Stefan Lanka" in the search on this channel, you will find a lot of interesting material, including my 4 interviews with this brave and brilliant man.


Kate Sugak

The scientific vacuum: The scientific method and its absence in virology. Friends, I had the honor of speaking at the XXII Russian Scientific Conference with international participation called "Interdisciplinary studies on security and development problems:…

10 months, 2 weeks ago
Kate Sugak
10 months, 2 weeks ago

Dear friends!

In April 2024, my new feature-length investigative documentary, The Truth About Measles, was released. It is the world's first film to present the most detailed, scientifically sound and unparalleled refutation of any argument about the need for measles vaccination.

It is almost 4 hours long and consists of 3 episodes. There is no other material that covers the topic of measles in such depth. It covers the history of measles, the creation of the diagnosis, explains how throughout history the medical establishment has created the illusion of measles epidemics and how it has convinced the public that vaccination reduces the incidence of measles.

The film gives the most detailed analysis of the 2016 German measles virus trial, in which it was demonstrated that measles virus does not exist. Regarding this trial, there is still an ongoing controversy. Any attempts by fact-checkers and vaccination adherents to discredit the outcome of this trial, have been completely debunked in this movie.

The experiments that tried to prove measles contagious are examined to test the validity of claims that measles is the most contagious disease on the planet, as well as the so-called complications of measles and whether measles really causes them. You will understand the true causes and purpose of measles symptoms, learn how to act if you or your children become ill, and eliminate the fear of measles once and for all.

If you want to put all doubts about your decision not to vaccinate yourself and your children to rest, and understand why virology is a pseudoscience, be sure to watch this movie. Measles is a crucial link in virology, without which it is impossible to understand the extent of this fraudulent scheme. All of modern virology as we know it today, as well as modern vaccination before the era of mRNA vaccines, began with measles. Measles is the biggest knot in all of virology, which I have carefully untied for the general public to understand.

The movie was published on a measles themed telegram channel where there is a discussion about the movie, measles, virology and all the related topics.

??For now, the film is only available in Russian language. I am creating the English version right now, and later there will be German, Italian and Spanish versions. Once the English version is ready, I will publish all the info about it here.
?? ?If you speak Russian or you have friends who do, this is the link to the Russian version of the film:

? https://t.me/ekaterinasugak/518


Екатерина Сугак

Документальный фильм - расследование «Вся Правда о Кори». ***⭐️******🎥*** Описание фильма: Просматривая заголовки новостей, складывается впечатление, что мир то и дело поражают всё новые эпидемии ужасных вирусных заболеваний. Особенную панику в последнее время вызывали…

11 months, 1 week ago
11 months, 1 week ago

In my video presentation titled "The Scientific Method and its Absence in Virology," https://t.me/katesugakofficial/139 I straightforwardly and logically explain why conducting any experiment, including controls, is impossible without first identifying the independent variable. Since virology has never identified the subject of its study - the viruses, it falls under pseudoscience.

Despite all these facts and logic, virologists persistently assert that even in the absence of finding and isolating the virus, it is still present in the patient samples, and the cytopathic effect (i.e. the cell death) observed during cell culture experiments serves as evidence for its existence. Essentially, virologists operate on the hypothesis of virus presence in samples, based on the cytopathic effect. This hypothesis was refuted by Stefan Lanka in 2016 https://www.ekaterinasugak.com/images/kate01/Measles_Control_Experiment.pdf

and 2021 https://odysee.com/@Science:a5/Stefan_Lanka_CPE_Experimento_de_control_Sub_Español_21_Abril_2021:c through experiments involving two cell cultures: one with a sample from a sick individual and the other without. Following the standard viral culture procedure, both cultures were subjected to high doses antibiotics and reduced nutrition, and both exhibited the cytopathic effect

Stefan’s experiments perfectly demonstrate that the CPE occurs only because virologists create toxic cell culture conditions. He demonstrated that even if we were to allow virologists (which we shouldn't, but even if we did) to assert the existence of a hypothetical virus in the sample, the cell culture experiments do not prove their hypothesis because the cell culture without the imaginary virus still exhibits the CPE (i.e., dies). So, virology was disproven on all the levels, even on the level of virologists’ imagination.


Kate Sugak

The scientific vacuum: The scientific method and its absence in virology. Friends, I had the honor of speaking at the XXII Russian Scientific Conference with international participation called "Interdisciplinary studies on security and development problems:…

11 months, 1 week ago

An excellent article by Doctor Mark Bailey highlights a crucial point: virology is so pseudoscientific that virologists cannot even conduct “mock-infected experiments” or control experiments, which would be essential steps in their research if viruses really existed.

The control experiment are necessary to confirm or reject the validity of results from the cell culture experiments. In so-called "virus isolation" papers, mentions of controls are occasionally made, but detailed information, such as the concentration of antibiotics used, is omitted in almost 100% of cases. Therefore, it is not surprising that they evade discussing or conducting controls since they lack the independent variable - the virus. Even if they were to conduct control experiments, the results would lack significance and fail to prove anything, given the absence of the independent variable.

I highly recommend everyone to read Mark’s paper that is attached as PDF to this post.

11 months, 2 weeks ago

They actually don’t lie… at least not with it’s name; It says they are the world organization of health, but it doesn’t specify whether they pursue the betterment of it or it’s deterioration ?. Now seriously, today you put a fancy name to something and thats enough to justify any atrocity with a view of the public.

1 year, 1 month ago
If pandemics were real and were …


If pandemics were real and were not plandemics, it would be impossible to say with certainty what they will be in the future and talk about any numbers. But since in reality they are just plandemics that they themselves organize by scaring people and manipulating statistics, they do not hesitate to "predict" and make preparations for the show that they themselves will organize. And people don't see it and think they are super predictors - scientists - experts - saviors of mankind from extinction. ?‍♀️

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Bergabunglah bersama 40 juta pengguna untuk pengalaman perdagangan web3 yang lebih unggul dan lancar bersama Bitget Wallet.

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Last updated 2 months, 2 weeks ago