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Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
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Last updated 3 weeks ago
Albania says it has not received a request from the US to accept one hundred thousand Palestinians, and will refuse to accept them in any case.
משחק הכדורגל בין מכבי חיפה למכבי תל אביב הופסק על ידי מפקד מחוז חוף, ניצב יחיאל בוהדנה, בהתייעצות עם המפכ"ל דני לוי, בעקבות אירועי האלימות מסכני החיים בהם נקטו אוהדים, עליהם התריעה המשטרה מבעוד מועד.
משטרת ישראל הפסיקה את המשחק על מנת לשמור ולהגן על האוהדים הנורמטיביים שהגיעו למשחק ספורטיבי.
משטרת ישראל לא תאפשר כל אלימות במגרשי הספורט ותגן על האוהדים, אשר כל רצונם הוא לצפות במשחק ספורטיבי.
RT @IsraelinAZ: “Israel’s resilience is born of necessity, forged in the painful recognition. That survival depends on the strength to stand alone when the world turns away” said Ambassador George Deek during his speech at the International Holocaust Memorial Day.
We gathered at the synagogue to commemorate and honor the memory of the millions of lives lost during one of the darkest chapters in human history. This day is a vital reminder of the suffering endured by the victims and the ongoing importance of standing against hatred and discrimination. As antisemitism continues to persist in various forms around the world, we reaffirm our commitment to education, remembrance, and action to combat prejudice and ensure that such atrocities are never repeated. Never again.
“İsrailin dözümlülüyü zərurətdən yaranıb, acı tanınması ilə təsdiqlənib. Belə sağ qalmaq dünya üz döndərdiyi zaman tək dayanmaq gücündən asılıdır” deyə səfir Corc Dik Holokostun Beynəlxalq Anım Günündə çıxışı zamanı bildirib.
Biz sinaqoqda insanlıq tarixinin ən qaranlıq fəsillərindən birində həlak olan milyonlarla insanın xatirəsini yad etmək və xatirəsini ehtiramla yad etmək üçün toplaşmışdıq. Bu gün qurbanların çəkdiyi əzabların və nifrət və ayrı-seçkiliyə qarşı durmağın davamlı əhəmiyyətinin həyati bir xatırlatmasıdır. Antisemitizm bütün dünyada müxtəlif formalarda özünü göstərməyə davam etdiyi üçün biz qərəzlə mübarizə aparmaq və bu cür vəhşiliklərin heç vaxt təkrarlanmamasını təmin etmək üçün təhsilə, xatırlamaya və fəaliyyətə sadiqliyimizi bir daha təsdiqləyirik. Bir daha heç vaxt.
George Deek
Palestine Israel Massacre by @HamasIsraeli
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
IDF: Numerous Weapons Located by the 810th Brigade in the Har Dov Area of Southern Lebanon
The 810th Brigade, under the command of the 210th Division carried out defensive operations in the thicketed terrain of the Har Dov area in southern Lebanon. The mission aimed to eliminate threats and clear the area of weapons and enemy infrastructure.
The troops located and confiscated a large number of weapons, including anti-tank launchers, rocket launchers, machine guns, scopes, and missiles aimed at Israeli territory.
The 810th Brigade will continue to operate defensively in order to eliminate threats to the State of Israel and its northern residents, preventing any attempts by the Hezbollah terrorist organization to reestablish or strengthen its presence in the area, in line with the ceasefire understandings.
Attached are the following:
A video announcement of the Commanding Officer of the 810th Brigade, COL L. regarding the weapons that were located and confiscated:
Footage of the 810th Brigade’s activity:
Photos of the confiscated weapons:
Photos of the troops activity:
The real time information flow is remarkable. During a live press conference, President Trump is taking questions from @pdoocy about drones that were spotted over New Jersey. Trump then asks his Chief of Staff to find out more about the drones, so he can share it with the press.
Trey Yingst
Palestine Israel Massacre by @HamasIsraeli
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
Fascinating to hear President Trump speak in depth about Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Gaza, China, Iran, etc.
He’s laying out how American foreign policy is changing in real time.
Trey Yingst
Palestine Israel Massacre by @HamasIsraeli
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
President Trump says almost a million Russian soldiers have been killed during the invasion of Ukraine.
Trey Yingst
Palestine Israel Massacre by @HamasIsraeli
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme
כוחות של מחוז מרכז פעלו בלוד נגד הפשיעה האלימה ברחוב הערבי במסגרת מבצע בלימת חירום. במהלך חיפוש במתחם מגורים נתפס אקדח טעון ופורקו מצלמות פיראטיות
Community chat:
Last updated 6 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 3 weeks ago