Veneficus | Bakhodir

NurPs 25'
PyDev PDP Academy23'
IELTS R8.5 | L8.0
BetterMind AI&ML intern 2024
Veritas STEM writer CS department
Varsity Football NurPS
CS & Physics
Graphics & Visuals
Cinema geek
Contact: @veneficus_007
We recommend to visit

🤗 Assalomu Aleykum, bu kanalda PUBG Akkaunt, Klan, TikTok, Youtube, Tg Kanal OLIB va SOTISH mumkin, malumot 👇

⚜️ REKLAMA 15.000 so’m: @TonyYT


💠 Elon va Garant: @TonyYT

💠 Glavniy kanalimiz: @TonYOUTUBER

Asosiy Kanalga Kirish Uchun Ushbu Ssilkani Bosing 👇👇👇

👆👆👆 Barcha Akkauntlarni Sotib Olish Uchun Ushbu Kanalga Kiring ‼️


Eng So'ngi Xit Muzikalarni bizning kanalda tinglang!⚡️

😎 Birinchi bizda keyin boshqalarda. Hech qanday pechatsiz orginal taronalar joylab boramiz.

💰 Reklama: @Xojisaid

3 weeks, 5 days ago
3 weeks, 5 days ago

Barca is coming back ?

3 weeks, 6 days ago

Chelsi is buying literally just for fun ?

  • Sancho
1 month ago

Shiheads caught our Pavel bro ?*

1 month ago

First battle is coming, wish me luck ❤️

1 month ago
1 month, 1 week ago

They merely released top hit of the 2024 without any previews ? Wow I love it❤️


Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars - Die With A Smile (Official Music Video)

Listen to “Die With A Smile”, song and video out now: Directed by Daniel Ramos & Bruno Mars Shop official music and merch: Follow Lady Gaga: Facebook:…

1 month, 1 week ago

Laptop crash 8 days before DSAT exam ?

1 month, 1 week ago

PART 2 - Fight club

The violence in the movie is intense, but it’s more than just physical. It’s symbolic, a way for the characters to break free from the numbness of their lives. Watching those fight scenes, I realized it wasn’t about the pain or the blood; it was about feeling something real, something raw and unfiltered. There’s a line in the film where the narrator says, “I felt alive.” And I got it. In a world that constantly tries to dull our edges, sometimes we need that jolt, that shock to the system, to remind us that we’re still here, still human.

The movie also made me think about the duality within us all—the side that conforms, that plays it safe, and the side that craves freedom, even if it comes with chaos. Tyler Durden is that voice we all have, the one that whispers, “What if you just let go?” But what Fight Club also shows is that this kind of freedom isn’t without its dangers. It’s a fine line between breaking free and losing control, and the film walks that line with a sense of unease that’s both thrilling and unsettling.

In the end, Fight Club didn’t give me answers, and I don’t think it was supposed to. Instead, it left me with questions—about who I am, what I want, and what I’m willing to let go of to find out. It’s a movie that challenges you to look at your life and ask if you’re really living it, or if you’re just playing a role. And for me, that’s where its power lies—not in the fights or the chaos, but in the way it forces you to confront yourself.

Fight Club isn’t a movie you watch passively; it’s one that demands your attention, your thoughts, your reflections. It’s not comfortable, and it’s not meant to be. But sometimes, the best things aren’t.


3 months, 4 weeks ago
We recommend to visit

🤗 Assalomu Aleykum, bu kanalda PUBG Akkaunt, Klan, TikTok, Youtube, Tg Kanal OLIB va SOTISH mumkin, malumot 👇

⚜️ REKLAMA 15.000 so’m: @TonyYT


💠 Elon va Garant: @TonyYT

💠 Glavniy kanalimiz: @TonYOUTUBER

Asosiy Kanalga Kirish Uchun Ushbu Ssilkani Bosing 👇👇👇

👆👆👆 Barcha Akkauntlarni Sotib Olish Uchun Ushbu Kanalga Kiring ‼️


Eng So'ngi Xit Muzikalarni bizning kanalda tinglang!⚡️

😎 Birinchi bizda keyin boshqalarda. Hech qanday pechatsiz orginal taronalar joylab boramiz.

💰 Reklama: @Xojisaid