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2 months ago

Essential 2 unit 17
- maqsad
attach - ulamoq
bet - garov bog'lamoq
carriage - arava
classic - mumtoz
commute - borib kelmoq
confirm - tasdiqlamoq
criticize - tanqid qilmoq
differ - farq qilmoq
expense - xarajatlar
formal - rasmiy
height - balandlik
invent - ixtiro qilmoq
junior - kichik
labor - mehnat
mechanic - mexanik
prime - asosiy
shift - o'zgarish
signal - belgi
sincere - samimiy

2 months ago

Essential 2 unit 16
- xujra
deny - inkor qilmoq
document - hujjat
emphasize - urg'u bermoq
fever - isitma
flu - gripp
freeze - muzlatmoq
gesture - imo-ishora
interrupt - gapni bo'lmoq
last - oxirgi
likeness - o'xshashlik
moreover - bundan tashqari
perspective - nazar
rational - oqilona
recover - tiklanmoq
rely - tayanmoq
shock - zarba
shy - uyatchang
stare - tikilmoq
thus - shunday qilib

2 months ago

Essential 2 unit 15
- shimib olmoq
boss - xo'jayin
committee - Qo'mita
contract - shartnoma
crew - jamoa
devote - bag'ishlamoq
dig - qazimoq
dine - Ovqatlanmoq
donate - ehson qilmoq
double - ikki karra
elevate - ko'tarmoq
flavor - lazzat
foundation - asos
generation - avlod
handle - dastak
layer - qatlam
mud - loy
smooth - silliq
soil - tuproq
unique - noyob, o'zgacha

2 months ago

Essential 2 unit 11
- ruxsat
astronomy - astronomiya
blame - ayblamoq
chemistry - kimyo
despite - qaramasdan
dinosaur - dinozavr
exhibit - ko'rgazma
fame - shuhrat
forecast - ob-havo ma'lumoti
genius - daho
gentle - muloyim
geography - geografiya
interfere - aralashmoq
lightly - engil
principal - asosiy direktor
row - qator
shelf - tokcha
spite - ataylab
super - ajoyib
wet - nam

2 months, 1 week ago

Essential 2 unit 10
- fuqaro
council - kengash
declare - e'lon qilmoq
enormous - ulkan
extraordinary - noodatiy
fog - tuman
funeral - dafn marosimi
giant - ulkan
impression - taassurot
income - daromadlar
mad - telba
ought - kerak
resist - qarshilik ko'rsatmoq
reveal - oshkor qilmoq
rid - qutilmoq
sword - qilich
tale - hikoya
trap - tuzoq
trial - sud
violent - zo'ravon

2 months, 1 week ago

Essential 2 unit 9
- hurmat qilmoq
aid - yordam
attempt - urinish
authority - hokimiyat
capital - poytaxt
cooperate - hamkorlik qilmoq
defend - himoya qilmoq
destruction - vayrongarchilik
disorder - tartibsizlik
division - bo'linish
enable - imkon bermoq
frustrate - ko'nglini qoldirmoq
govern - boshqarmoq
plenty - mo'l
relieve - xalos qilmoq
reputation - obro'
royal - qirollik
slave - qul
struggle - kurash
stupid - ahmoqona

2 months, 1 week ago

Essential 2 unit 5
- ajdod
angle - burchak
boot - yuklash
border - chegara
congratulate - tabriklamoq
frame - ramka
heaven - jannat
incredible - ajoyib
legend - afsona
praise - maqtamoq
proceed - davom etmoq
pure - sof, toza
relative - nisbiy, qarindosh
senior - katta
silent - jim, tinch
sink - cho'kmoq
superior - ustun, katta
surround - o'rab olmoq
thick - qalin
wrap - o'ramoq

2 months, 1 week ago

Essential 2 unit 4
- ko'krak
confidence - ishonch
consequence - oqibat natija
disaster - falokat
disturb - bezovta qilmoq
estimate - baholamoq
honor - hurmat, sharaf
impress - taassurot qoldirmoq
marathon - marafon
narrow - tor
pale - rangsiz
rough - qo'pol
satisfy - qoniqtirmoq
scream - qichqirmoq
sensitive - tasirchan
shade - soya
supplement - qo'shimcha
terror - daxshat
threat - tahdid
victim - qurbon

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Essential 2 unit 3
- o'q
battle - jang
bow - kamon
brave - jasur
chief - boshliq
disadvantage - zararli tomoni
enemy - dushman
entrance - Kirish
hardly - kamdan-kam
intend - niyat qilmoq
laughter - kulgu
log - jurnal, yog'och
military - harbiy
obey - itoat qilmoq
secure - xavfsiz, qo'lga kiritmoq
steady - barqaror
trust - ishonch
twist - o'ramoq
unless - agar …masa
weapon - qurol

2 months, 2 weeks ago

? 4000 Essential English Word 1

? Book 1| Unit  29 #Book1
*?*advertise - reklama qilmoq
*?*assign - tayinlamoq
*?*audience - tomoshabin
*?*breakfast - nonushta
*?*competition - musobaqa
*?*cool - salqin, ajoyib
*?*gain - erishmoq, ega bo'lmoq
*?*importance - ahamiyat
*?*knowledge - bilim
*?*major - katta
*?*mean - anglatmoq
*?*prefer - afzal ko'rmoq
*?*president - prezident
*?*progress - taraqqiyot
*?*respect - hurmat
*?*rich - boy
*?*skill - qobiliyat
*?*somehow - qandaydir yo'l bilan
*?*strength - kuch-quvvat
*?*vote - ovoz bermoq

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Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

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