Sean 's lab | channel

I am Sean,i like developing some 'useless' apps, welcome to my channel
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Last updated 3 months ago

🔥 我們發布最好的 和加密貨幣項目

💯 投資前一定要做好自己的研究

☎️ 營銷聯繫人:@cryptohuang @Ashleyshenoy

🚀 官方合作伙伴:

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

#缅甸 #柬埔寨 #菲律宾 #迪拜 #东南亚


📮 大事件爆料合作: @kaidilake


Last updated 1 week ago

3 months, 3 weeks ago

No Normal user or Pro user has been effected, In fact no one is effected by this. Only the one who tried to do piracy by seeing a random misc code/mod/hack/zip etc on telegram and flashed zip or tried that specific cmd adb (shaddy stuff - what you are trying…

3 months, 3 weeks ago

No Normal user or Pro user has been effected, In fact no one is effected by this. Only the one who tried to do piracy by seeing a random misc code/mod/hack/zip etc on telegram and flashed zip or tried that specific cmd adb (shaddy stuff - what you are trying to do is piracy) and then they blame that project for their actions. How foolish it is.

Yes! u can do whatever you want with adb without having any issues but if you trigger specific cmd for piracy then dont blame project for anything. You take responsibility of your own actions.

also if one has so much issues then there are other options and roms too. Also i dont understand why few rats have so much obsession with elixir

3 months, 3 weeks ago

No Normal user or Pro user has been effected, In fact no one is effected by this. Only the one who tried to do piracy by seeing a random misc code/mod/hack/zip etc on telegram and flashed zip or tried that specific cmd adb (shaddy stuff - what you are trying to do is piracy) and then they blame that project for their actions. How foolish it is.

Yes! u can do whatever you want with adb without having any issues but if you trigger specific cmd for piracy then dont blame project for anything. You take responsibility of your own actions.

also if one has so much issues then there are other options and roms too. Also i dont understand why few rats have so much obsession with elixir

5 months, 2 weeks ago



5 months, 2 weeks ago


5 months, 2 weeks ago
Sean 's lab | channel
5 months, 2 weeks ago

正在开发:橘子网络工具 橘子软件,与众不同,既然有ssh连接功能,那就没有ssh连接功能

5 months, 2 weeks ago


5 months, 2 weeks ago
5 months, 3 weeks ago

功能开发完成: 删除,现在在外面发不了

We recommend to visit


Last updated 3 months ago

🔥 我們發布最好的 和加密貨幣項目

💯 投資前一定要做好自己的研究

☎️ 營銷聯繫人:@cryptohuang @Ashleyshenoy

🚀 官方合作伙伴:

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

#缅甸 #柬埔寨 #菲律宾 #迪拜 #东南亚


📮 大事件爆料合作: @kaidilake


Last updated 1 week ago