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Question#332 ❓?❓??
What is the ruling on democracy?!?
BENEFIT 198: Democracy is Kufr!
What is democracy and what is its ruling? ⤵️
Haitham Haddad and his likes from the ikhwanul Musflisoon are callers to misguidance. Beware of him and his call to taking part in voting and elections!
The reality ofvoting ⤵️
Question #331 ❓?❓
Should one attend the classes where there is videos and is it blessed ❓??
BENEFIT 195: Sheikh Muqbil raḥimahullāh on attending classes that involve tasweer
Questioner: In his (i.e. Sheikh 'Amrani's) class there is [dissemination of] knowledge, but if you attend there is evil since in Sheikh 'Amrani's classes there is filming, so is it permissible to attend or not?
Sheikh Muqbil: No, do not attend! Allāh does not bless these sessions: "The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture." [Hadith]
And the Prophet ﷺ said: "No people gather in one of the houses of Allah (masjids), reciting the Book of Allāh and studying it among themselves, except that tranquility descends upon them, the angels surround them, mercy covers them, and Allāh mentions them to those with Him."
He is to be advised, why is he not advised? ...
Sheikh Yahya Al-Hajuri ḥafidhahullāh has inherited a great deal of knowledge from Sheikh Muqbil - اللهم بارك ⤵️
Questions#330 ❓?❓
What is this greeting - good morning and good evening?!
صباح الخير - صباح النور؟!
In his 'Dictionary Of Prohibited Terms' (p. 334), Al-'Allāmāh Bakr Abū Zaid raḥimahullāh wrote:
"There is an interesting article in 'The Journal Of The Arabic Language Academy in Egypt' written by Professor 'Umar Farrūkh, in which he stated:
"Most people, when they greet each other, say:
صباح الخير أو مساء الخير!
'Good morning' or 'Good evening!'
And the response to this greeting is:
صباح النور - مساء النور!
'Morning of Light' - 'Evening of Light'
This greeting is the Zoroastrian greeting. The Zoroastrian believe in two forces: good and evil, represented by light and darkness.
The Zoroastrians have a God of good or light and a God of evil or darkness, and they (these two Gods) vie for control over the world. Thus, it made sense for the Zoroastrians to greet each other with:
صباح الخير - صباح النور!
'Good Morning' - 'Morning of Light!'
Even though Islam has commanded us to use the Islamic greeting:
السلام عليكم - 'Peace be upon you'
in place of any other greeting.
Arabs, for the most part, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, still exchange greetings by saying:
صباح الخير - صباح النور!
'Good Morning' - 'Morning of Light'." [End quote]
New answers just came. Stay put for your answers
The ruling on acts of worship if they are mixed with Riyaa (showing off)
If worship is accompanied with Riyaa, it has two scenarios:
1) Absolute Riyaa (الرياء المحض)
I.e. Riyaa is present in ALL acts of worship, this is inconceivable in the case of a Muslim; rather, this occurs in the case of a hypocrite or a disbeliever.
2) Riyaa is present, but only in SOME actions, then this has two scenarios:
A. If the original motive behind the action was Riyaa, then the entire action is invalid. Although this is minor shirk, it is feared that it may lead to major Shirk.
B. If the original motive was for the sake of Allah, but the corrupt intention arises during it, then it has two scenarios:
1) The person fights against it and does his best to repel it; in this case, there is nothing against him, and his action is accepted, and he is rewarded for his struggle.
2) Submitting to the Riyaa, being content with it and persisting in it; then the action has two scenarios:
The first scenario: If the act of worship is separable (I.e. The first portion is not dependent on the first portion), such as charity, dhikr, and Quran recitation, then the portion that was done for the sake of Allah is valid, and whatever was accompanied with Riyaa is invalid.
The second scenario: If the act of worship is inseparable, such as prayer, then there is a difference of opinion:
View 1. The whole act is invalidated, as chosen by Imam Ibn Qayyim and ibn 'Uthaymeen, and this is the correct opinion, due to the Prophet's saying in the sacred Hadith: "I will abandon him with his polytheism." Also, due to the Hadith of Abu Umamah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: "A man came to the Prophet and said, 'O Messenger of Allah, what do you think about a man who fights seeking reward and fame?' The Messenger of Allah said, 'He has nothing.' He repeated it three times. The Messenger of Allah said, 'Allah does not accept any deed except that which is purely for His sake, seeking His Face.'" [Narrated by An-Nasa'i with a good chain of transmission]
View 2. Only the portion that was affected by Riyaa is invalidated, such as if someone improved their standing, lengthened the prayer, increased the number of supplications, or improved their recitation and beautification. In this case, these affected qualities are invalidated, and the action is valid. This is the opinion of Imam Ahmad, Ibn Jarir, and others, narrated from Al-Hasan Al-Basri and others.
Summarised from:
الملخص المفيد في شرح كتاب التوحيد (323 - 324)
تأليف: أبي عبدالله طارق بن يوسف بن عباس الوليدي
Imam Hasan al-Basri رحمه الله said to his own students, when they had entered upon him:
“Welcome to you all, may Allah give you long life in peace, and enter us into the abode of peace (Paradise), it is an obvious good if you are patient; give charity and have certainty. Let not your portion of this affair, may Alläh have mercy upon you, enter into one ear and leave the other.
For whoever saw Muhammad ﷺ saw that he came and went and had no interest in constructing houses or palaces, rather Allah raised for him knowledge, and he dedicated himself to it. Hurry (towards) salvation, for what are you doing, if not that? You have refused! (seeking sacred knowledge), by the Lord of the Ka'bah, death is almost upon you."
[Imam Ahmad in his book, Kitab al-Zuhd, 2/242]
Learn from the Righteous Predecessors and the heirs of the prophets.
Asalmulikum, when I was younger I attended uni for one year, I didn’t know about riba or anyhting around that time, when I realised a year later a dropped out but took student loan for that year, I was told you have to earn over 25,000 a year before paying it back, It’s been over 10 years I have never paid it back due to not earning the amount demanded, I don’t think I’d be able to pay off because I don’t have the funds unfortunately am I still sinning even if I don’t get charged for it and had no knowledge ?
BarakAllāhu feekum
عندما كنت أصغر سنا، حضرت الجامعة لمدة سنة، لم أكن أعرف عن الربا أو أي شيء في ذلك الوقت، عندما أدركت بعد عام من التسرب ولكن أخذت قرضا طالب لذلك العام، قيل لي إنه يجب عليك كسب أكثر من ٢٥٠٠٠ في السنة قبل سداده، لقد مر أكثر من ١٠ سنوات لم أدفعها أبدا بسبب عدم كسب المبلغ المطلوب، لا أعتقد أنني سأكون قادرا على السداد لأنني لا أملك الأموال للأسف. هل ان آثمة حتى الآن حتى لو لم يتم محاسبتي على ذلك وما كان عندي علم
Answer : by shaykh Muhammad Al ANSI may Allāh preserve him.
What you have taken in money as a loan then return the loan as it was taken. And what they have requested you to pay back in interest do not pay this back because interest is prohibited.
Except if they take it forcibly without you allowing this and they burden you with it and threaten you then this is something else. If this is not the case then return back the loan that you have taken and seek forgiveness from Allah from any transaction that has interest attached to it. And take from the places that are permissible and good that Allāh has made easy for a Muslim to take from.
And do not come close to interest based debts and banks that deal with interest, if there is interest in the lands of the Muslims then how about the lands of the disbelievers?
And Allāh knows best.
Translation by Abu Hamza.
Question # 225
Commenting on Allaah's statement:
وَقَرْنَ فِى بُيُوتِكُنَّ وَلَا تَبَرَّجْنَ تَبَرُّجَ ٱلْجَٰهِلِيَّةِ ٱلْأُولَىٰۖ وَأَقِمْنَ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ وَءَاتِينَ ٱلزَّكَوٰةَ وَأَطِعْنَ ٱللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُۥٓۚ
"And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves immorally (tabarruj) like that of the Days of Ignorance. And establish the prayer and give the Zakaat and obey Allaah and His Messenger.” [Surah Al-Ahzaab: 33]
? Ibn Katheer (rahimahullaah) said: "Mujaahid said:
‘A woman would go out and walk amongst men (i.e. intermingling). This was the Tabarruj of the Days of Ignorance.’ Qataadah said: ‘The women would walk out, swaggering and flirting (with men) so Allaah forbade them from doing that.
? Muqaatil said: ‘Tabarruj is when a woman places a khimaar on her head, not fastening it properly so that it will conceal her necklace, earrings and neck. As a result of this, these are all exposed from her. This is Tabarruj." ⁶⁴
? Imaam Al-Qurtubee (rahimahullaah) said: "From the ways of Tabarruj is that a woman wears two transparent garments that describe her (body).” ⁶⁵
? Imaam ‘Abdur-Rahmaan bin Naasir As-Sa’adee (rahimahullaah) said: "This (ayah) means: Do not go out whilst you are beautified or perfumed, as the women of the Days of Ignorance used to do since they did not have any knowledge or religious characteristics.” ⁶⁶
? Imaam Al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) said: “Tabarruj is when a woman exposes her adornment, body features and all that she is obligated to cover, which invites the desires of men.” ⁶⁷
? The Messenger of Allaah said: “And the worst of your women are the ones who commit Tabarruj, who strut around in arrogance. They are the hypocrites. None from among them (i.e. these women) will enter Paradise except (those who are) like the rare crow.” ⁶⁸
? Commenting on this hadeeth, Imaam Al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) said:
“What is meant by the rare crow is that which has a red beak and red legs, as occurs in a hadeeth that states the small amount of women that will enter Paradise.⁶⁹ This is since there are very few crows that match this type of description." ⁷⁰
⁶⁴ Mukhlasar Tafseer Ibn Katheer: vol. 3. pg. 94
⁶⁵ Tafseer Al-Qurtubee: vol. 12, pg. 310
⁶⁶ Tafseer Ibn Sa adee: vol. 6, no. 107
⁶⁷ Hijaab-ul-M ar’at-il-Muslimah: pg. 54
⁶⁸ Reported by Al-Bayhaqee (7/82) and authenticated by Al-Albaanee in his as-Saheehah (4/1849)
⁶⁹ The hadeeth Imaam Al-Albaanee is referring to is the one reported by 'Antr bin AI-'Aas-j. who said: “One day we were with the Messenger of Allaah on this mountain path when he said: ‘Look! Do you see anything?’ We said: 'We see a crow that is very strange. It's beak and its legs are red." So Allaah 's Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم: ‘No one among women will enter Paradise except for those who have the similitude of this crow in strangeness.'"
[Reported by Ahm ad (4/197) and Abu Ya'laa (1/349). and authenticated by A l-A lbaanee in as-Saheehah (4/1850)]
⁷⁰ Silsilat-ul-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah: vol. 4. no. 1849
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
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جزاك الله خيرًا
Healthcare Doubts in Yemen
How much are the Lessons? Are there any Lessons for Women and Children?
Can someone get married in Yemen?
Is it hard to get Married?
How can one seek knowledge and seek an income in Yemen, are there Jobs available?
Do we need a permit to work?
How will I suffice myself?
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