Fall of the Cabal

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11 months ago

Alipay, China's largest digital payment platform, has an inbuilt individual carbon footprint tracker, which monitors users' behaviour and purchases in order to "shift people's daily behavior towards a low-carbon lifestyle".

Users receive ''green energy points'' for "integrating a range of low-carbon activities into daily life", "such as by biking to work, going paperless and buying sustainable products."

"An initiative of United Nations Climate Change Global Climate Action. Supported by the Rockefeller Foundation."

Make no mistake: The unelected globalists at the United Nations, Rockefeller Foundation and elsewhere, have every intention of rolling out individual carbon footprint trackers in the West. Coming to a 15 minute city near you soon!

Join: Fall of The Cabal ?

11 months, 1 week ago

Pro-Vaxxer Left Speechless as Dr. McCullough Drops the Disturbing Truth About the COVID Shots
BRIAN SHAPIRO: “You are... far less likely to get the effects of having to go into the ICU or possibly dying if you were vaccinated. Am I wrong?”

DR. MCCULLOUGH: “Yeah, you’re wrong. And here’s the reason why.”

• “The prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials of the vaccines never showed a reduction in severity.”

• “They never showed a reduction in hospitalization and death.”

• “In a recent paper by Norman Fenton from the UK, he shown that there was tremendous misclassification bias.” This misclassification bias led to the false claim that 90% of people dying in the hospital were unvaccinated.

• “In countries that actually did have the vaccine status, like the UK, they found far more vaccinated in the hospital on ventilators and dying than the unvaccinated.”

• “With every single injection, one is more and more likely to get COVID-19.”

• “Our safety system for vaccines records, on average, 150 deaths in a year on average. The COVID-19 vaccines roll out... 18,655 Americans dying after the vaccine. 1150 die on the same day they take the shot! Some die in the vaccine center. 1200 die the next day.”

• 18,655 Americans dying after the vaccine doesn’t account for the underreporting factor of 30. “We’re looking, as we sit here today, at 550,000 plus Americans who have died after the vaccine. The same pattern is seen worldwide.”

Dr. McCullough ended with this statement:

“There are calls to pull these vaccines off the market. They’re so grossly unsafe because people die quickly after taking them.”

Follow: Barbara O'Neill

11 months, 1 week ago

Bill Gates complains that Covid vaccine uptake wasn't as successful as expected, due to "conspiracy theories" that there would be side effects and that the vaccine wasn't properly tested—despite admitting there would be side effects due to the vaccine not being properly tested. ?

An original edit by Wide Awake Media. Please share far and wide!

Join: Fall of The Cabal ?

11 months, 1 week ago

RFK Jr. Exposes BlackRock’s Chronic Disease-Related Money Laundering Scheme
60% of Americans have at least one chronic disease. Who does that benefit? Big Pharma.

Who owns portions of all major pharmaceutical companies? BlackRock.

It goes even deeper.

People are sick because they’re eating processed foods with ingredients that are banned in European countries.

Who owns portions of all major processed food companies? BlackRock.

And who is one of the biggest donors to both the Republican and Democratic parties? Once again, the answer is BlackRock.

Kennedy says both parties are “not allowed to solve” the chronic disease epidemic.


“Because there are people making money on that problem who are giving them money.”

Join: Fall of The Cabal ?

11 months, 1 week ago
**Hеrе is Dr. Zеlеnko's protocol for …

**Hеrе is Dr. Zеlеnko's protocol for boosting immunitу and curing c0nvid.

LivPure is includеd in Prеsidеnt Trump doctor’s protocol for boosting our immunе ststеm and curing c0nvid.

LivPure is thе curе for еvеrу modеrn disеasе and it is a grеat protеction from c0nvid. It will kill еvеrу INFЕCTION and hеlp уou losе wеight!

? Mark my words.
It will be hard to find it, when you’ll need it the most.
The truth is in front of your eyes, you’re just waiting a little too long.

? Get yours here!!**https://rebrand.ly/HEALTHYLIVPURE

11 months, 2 weeks ago

Another good reason not to buy meat from the big chains.......???

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11 months, 2 weeks ago

RFK JR: “We’re Being Mass Poisoned By Our Food”
“And that’s part of Bill Gates’s plan.”

“When I was a kid, a typical pediatrician would see one case of diabetes in his entire career, juvenile diabetes. Today, one out of every three kids who walks through his door is either prediabetic or diabetic.”

“Something’s wrong,” Kennedy says.

“It’s high fructose corn syrup, and it’s glyphosate and neonicotinoids and atrazine and all the other crap that is in our food. We’re not feeding people; we’re poisoning them.”

Follow: Dr. Berg

11 months, 2 weeks ago
***?*** Finally, achieve complete control over …

? Finally, achieve complete control over your family's health in just a few months without relying on expensive, chemical-laden medications, or worrying about side effects!

Discover the Medicinal Seed Kit – your key to a sustainable, natural pharmacy right in your garden.

With the 365-day money-back guarantee, embark on a journey to wellness that's risk-free and rewarding.

The 300 packages crafted for this season are going away fast! Act now and transform your garden into a haven of healing!

11 months, 3 weeks ago

In 1992, American radio broadcaster Paul Harvey gave a prophetic speech warning about the dire consequences of the climate scam:

"We could spend a trillion dollars over the next decade destroying what's left of the American economy, in an utterly unnecessary attempt to repeal the Industrial Revolution."

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11 months, 3 weeks ago

Beware of WEF and Bill Gates-funded Apeel - the dangerous new food coating that can't be washed off.

Follow: Barbara O'Neill

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Bot: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot

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