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Last updated 4 months, 4 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 1 month ago
This Spanish TV series suggests that Apophis could be so-called Planet X/Nibiru. Because of this object politicians are turning into bots, but others into homosexuals. Basically a mockery about people, who are waiting for the end of the world.
The real reason behind this programming could be an implementation of a global martial law, because people don't fall for their plandemics anymore.
The more we cleanse ourselves of toxins and negativity, the more creative we become. Creation is the Source of pure and innocent joy and well-being. Just be prepared, if someone doesn't like Your creation.
Escape from the 21st Century (2024).
Deep state's interpretation of their great awakening is to plug everyone into an artificial hive mind.
Thanks to our pineal glands and hearts, we're connected with Sun, Moon, Gaia and basically all organic life by default.
Whoever or whatever is doing it, there are forces, who deliberately are melting places like Antarctica and Greenland.
It is perfectly understandable, why Donald Putin does not want to reveal the horrors of the underworld. But we have to understand, that nothing will ever change in this realm, if the whole humanity is kept in the dark about the truth. And someone already released the genie from the bottle in a form of organic nanoparticles.
Donald is already promising new tic-tac videos, but we don't need any new tic-tacs, and some people are done listening to fake Messiahs. If Donald Putin don't want to reveal to everyone, what they are doing under ground, then the only other option is a full disclosure, of what they found in Antarctica, Greenland, the Falkland Islands, etc.
This movie suggests, that only the pure-hearted will break through the so-called Event.
Could this be one of the reasons, why the rich and powerful never vaccinate their children?
Sure, if people need a little push or lecturing on what's best for us, they also sometimes "take some shots" like this white hat.
If the covid vaccines really did contain graphene nano technology, then there are basically only two options - either this technology is completely harmless and safe, or so called white hats are as black as their handlers. Let's hope that our Messiah was simply tricked like the rest of Humanity.
Train to the End of the World (2024).
This TV series shows how "adults" will fry themselves with technology, their Consciousnesses will descend to animal dimension, and nature will rule again with lizards in forefront.
Smiling Friends. Season 2, Episode 6.
It almost doesn't matter whether this is meant as a mockery about Steven Greer, another attempt to scare people with a new bogeyman, or simply to mess with our heads... What matters is that everything is coming out on mainstream, and we are another step closer to a full disclosure about ETs and our reality in general.
This documentary is a propaganda about a rotten democracy, and it also clearly shows, what David Icke said from the very beginning about Qanons and their Messiah Donald Putin - a typical religious "holy" war between blue/red ogres and pedophiles. Just look at the colors of their flags.
Democracy is nothing more than imposition of "opinion" of the majority on the minority, which in simple terms works like this...
Billionaires --> Mainstream and social media --> Meaningless elections --> Business as usual.
The only way out is a completely open platform, similar to Telegram and synchronized with mainstream media, where every single human being with brains and fingers could express their own opinion, without any censorship, on how, for example, our trust funds and taxes are spent, where to host next Olympic Games, which criminals should donate their blood to vampires or cannibals, etc...
Is the deep state's next move to implement a civil war, so they can shock the world and arrest all the leaders of every corporation, including Donald Putin?
Theoretically, if a genocide is being committed against the people and their organizations, they have every rights to defend themselves. This means that people, who do not have contracts with corporations we call countries, as well as other private organizations, have the rights for their own justice, for which they should not be held accountable before any so called country.
"Leaders" of all corporations have forgotten of one important thing. Creator and nature did not create the electromagnetic field, internet, electricity, aether, water, land, animals and plants so some greedy people can make business out of these nature's resources. These resources either belong to every living man and woman on this "planet", or they belong to no one. We have to remember about this, when every nation will have to sign new collective agreements.
Community chat:
Last updated 4 months, 4 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot
Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month ago