The Rose of Mercia 🌹

Folklore, history, allotmenteering and other such things. 🌱
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3 Tage, 15 Stunden her
The rhubarb has gone bonkers this …

The rhubarb has gone bonkers this year!

3 Tage, 22 Stunden her

Here's an awkward topic...

Nowadays there are an awful lot of good writers, astute writers, insightful writers. Same goes for videos and podcasts. More and more people have something to say, and want to be heard. Others are seeking ways to monetize their passions and expertise. There are countless Substacks and YouTube channels one can subscribe to... and then feel somewhat obliged to consume every single piece they publish.

But your time is valuable. Your great-grandfather didn't spend hours every day educating himself by reading or watching (unless he was somehow paid to). Education without practice is stifling, and by my reckoning most of us do a lot more consuming than creating; a lot more learning than practicing. It's overwhelming.

All I'm saying is: Be selective. Don't feel obliged to 'keep up with the Joneses' by consuming articles/videos/podcasts. You have 16 waking hours in a day - Some of them are for consuming, sure, but the lion's share are for doing. And some must be reserved for silent contemplation. Give yourself permission to unsubscribe, skip and ignore.

And if this channel doesn't make the cut, I'm happy for you. Do great and fulfilling things with your day.

1 Woche her
The July full-moon fell this morning …

The July full-moon fell this morning so my family-hearth will hold a small rite today. This week sees the start of the (English) school holidays which last six weeks before schools restart in Sept. The timing of this school holiday is in fact very old and was meant to free up children who were expected to help bring in the wheat and hay harvests. Todays moon is often called Buck-Moon but our Germanic ancestors called this month Hay-Month, so for us Hay-Moon it is.

1 Woche, 1 Tag her
Our ancestors built sites that reflected …

Our ancestors built sites that reflected the heavens above, like the Thornborough Henges in North Yorkshire, which is a reflection of Orion’s belt.

1 Woche, 3 Tage her
The Rose of Mercia 🌹
1 Woche, 3 Tage her
The Rose of Mercia 🌹
2 Monate, 3 Wochen her

The sun is finally shining here. There's a lot to be cracking on with this month, but here are just a few things to get you started. 🌱

The Rose of Mercia

Five Things You Should Do In May

The air and the soil are finally beginning to warm; seeds are germinating and growing in the blink of an eye. It is tempting to plant out your delicate seedlings, but as they say, never cast a clou…

The sun is finally shining here. There's a lot to be cracking on with this month, but here are just …
2 Monate, 3 Wochen her
The Rose of Mercia 🌹
2 Monate, 3 Wochen her

Elderflowers are starting to emerge from their slumber and are blooming throughout the English hedgerows. A little earlier than last year, but a welcome sight after a long, wet spring.

Elder trees are easily identifiable with their feather shaped leaves, light brown roughly textured bark and their large cream coloured flowers.

Elderflower champagne is a fantastic taste of summer. You can find my recipe here:

The video on how to make it can be found here:

The Rose of Mercia

Elderflower Champagne

After much trial and error, I have finally created a recipe for a lightly carbonated, delicately floral elderflower champagne. This should make six 750ml bottles. Ingredients:- Twelve to fourteen e…

Elderflowers are starting to emerge from their slumber and are blooming throughout the English hedgerows. A little earlier than last …
4 Monate, 3 Wochen her
The Rose of Mercia 🌹
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