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China’s Central Bank Developing Own Digital Currency in Response to Libra
China’s central bank is reportedly developing its own digital currency in response to Facebook’s Libra as the latter could purportedly pose a risk to the country’s financial system.
Wang Xin, director of the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) research bureau, argued that “if Libra is widely used for payments, cross-border payments in particular, would it be able to function like money and accordingly have a large influence on monetary policy, financial stability and the international monetary system?”
Wang said that the bank decided to create its own digital currency specifically because of the unclear role of the United States dollar once Libra is issued:
“If the digital currency is closely associated with the U.S. dollar, it could create a scenario under which sovereign currencies would coexist with U.S. dollar-centric digital currencies. But there would be in essence one boss, that is the U.S. dollar and the United States. If so, it would bring a series of economic, financial and even international political consequences.”
As such, PBoC purportedly received approval from the chief Chinese administrative authority, the State Council, to begin work with other market participants and institutions on a central bank digital currency.
Major Chinese Financial News Provider Quietly Adds Crypto IndexSina Finance, a finance-focused website owned by China’s major tech company Sina Corp, has added crypto index into its mobile app.
The new index on China’s major financial news channel provides data on prices and performance of major cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin (BTC), bitcoin cash (BCH), litecoin (LTC), XRP, ether (ETH) and 31 more cryptocurrencies.
The new crypto index is only available on the Sina Finance’s mobile app, but not its desktop version. The new feature also provides the latest news in the industry.
Sina has not issued a public announcement on the issue to date.
新浪财经APP上线数字货币行情 包含比特币等36个币种
新浪财经APP目前已上线数字货币板块,该板块位于行情页,与沪深、科创板、港股等市场并列,其中包含了比特币、比特币现金、以太坊、莱特币等 36 个主流币种的行情信息。
Gram Asia to Sell Telegram Tokens at Three Times ICO Price
South Korea’s Gram Asia is selling rights to its Gram holdings at $4.00 per token starting July 10.
The proposed sale price is triple the original $1.33 sale price at Gram’s second initial coin offering (ICO) round in March 2018.
The sale on July 10 is apparently happening exclusively through Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Liquid, as per its website. Liquid also hosted the Gram ICO in March, at which time Telegram raised $850 million, bringing its total valuation up to $1.7 billion.
As per report, users who buy Gram with the exchange’s native token, QASH, will get a $0.50 discount per token.
Gram Asia将以ICO三倍价格出售Gram代币
韩国Gram Asia将从7月10日开始以每枚4.00美元的价格出售Gram。
First Successful Blockchain-tracked Shipment from South Korea to the Netherlands
Samsung SDS, Dutch bank ABN AMRO and the Port of Rotterdam have jointly conducted a proof-of-concept (PoC) shipment from South Korea to the Netherlands in which they tracked a container exclusively using an interoperable blockchain platform.
The container was tracked via the blockchain platform “DELIVER,” which allowed for the shipment to be instantly financed, fully tracked, and conducted paperlessly.
According to Port of Rotterdam CFO Paul Smits, the traditional process of shipping is usually paper-heavy and inefficient:
“Currently payments, administration and the physical transportation of containers still take place entirely via separate circuits ... This results in inefficiency, as many parties are involved and everything is organized via paper documentation. For instance, an average 28 parties are involved in container transport from China to Rotterdam.”
Now that the proof-of-concept shipment is complete, the organizations behind the project have signed an agreement to launch multiple pilot projects based on the shipping platform. Further, they say that the end goal is to provide a global and independent platform for shipping.
三星 SDS,荷兰银行荷兰银行和鹿特丹港联合进行了从韩国到荷兰的概念验证(PoC)运输,他们在那里跟踪一个专门使用可互操作区块链平台的集装箱。
根据鹿特丹港首席财务官Paul Smits的说法,传统的航运流程通常是纸张繁重且效率低下的:
Samsung to Seek Collaboration With Platform Firms on Blockchain Innovation and 6G
The vice chairman of South Korean consumer electronics giant Samsung says the firm will seek to collaborate with platform companies on the development of blockchain, artificial intelligence and sixth-generation mobile networks.
The vice chairman, Jay Y. Lee — who reportedly serves as the firm’s de facto leader — held discussions with Samsung executives to discuss the potential collaborations last week, according to a company statement. A platform company is an initial acquisition by a private equity firm for the purpose of making further acquisitions within a certain sector.
The move to pursue bleeding-edge technologies such as blockchain and 6G comes amid a rapidly changing business climate and structural changes in the technology industry, which ostensibly presents new challenges for major firms. In the statement, Lee noted:
“We should challenge ourselves with a resolution to make new foundations, moving beyond the scope of protecting our past achievements.”
Japan Data Initiative Brings Blockchain Security to 100 Major Businesses
A data-sharing initiative involving one hundred of Japan’s biggest companies will use blockchain for its security.
The project, which will commence in spring 2020, aims for participants to share production data in order to enhance overall efficiency.
Its controller is the Industrial Value Chain Initiative, an industry organization formed four years ago by manufacturers interested in the Internet of Things (IoT).
Among prospective participants are DMG Mori, Mitsubishi Electric and Yaskawa Electric.
Blockchain is expected to lower the risk of data leaks compared with managing the information on servers, as well as reduce operating costs.
共享内容包括产品设计数据、生产设备状态和质量检验信息。该项目预计将于明年春季启动,将由“产业价值链倡议”(Industrial Value Chain Initiative)监督。
Korea Post to apply blockchain technology
South Korea’s national postal service Korea Post is planning to apply blockchain technology to its billing system.
The initiative is a collaboration between the South Korean government and local private companies including a mayor South Korean blockchain company Coinplug and global IT company NHN.
South Korean authorities will grant project participants 800 million won ($677,000) in order to support the initiative.
Operating under the authority of the Ministry of Science and ICT, the Korea Post will build a blockchain-powered payment method incorporated in its postal service, using the blockchain expertise of Coinplug and NHN’s payment technology.
The pilot project will reportedly launch in the city of Naju, which received the title of “Innovative City” and has attracted a number of public offices to move from Seoul.
The postal service is also considering to apply blockchain technology to overseas remittances.
Japan’s LINE Pay and Visa Partner on New Blockchain, Digital Payments Solutions
LINE Pay Corporation, the operator of fintech services on major Japanese messaging app LINE, is partnering with American payment services firm Visa on new blockchain and digital payments solutions.
The two firms’ strategic partnership will reportedly herald cooperation on a wide range of services, notably including the development of new fintech solutions powered by blockchain technology that support business-to-business and cross-border payments, as well as alternative currency transactions.
In addition, LINE users will be able to apply for a digital Visa card from within the app, and be able to integrate existing Visa cards to make mobile-based payments in the future.
The firms have further announced plans to roll out new merchant-focused solutions, with support for various LINE Pay services to be rolled out at Visa’s 54 million merchant locations globally. Even where LINE Pay is not directly accepted, the press release notes that users will be able to track their merchant transactions using their LINE Pay digital wallet.
The LINE Pay digital wallet will see heightened interaction with Visa-based services in a bid to foster the growth of globally interoperable payments.
LINE Pay电子钱包功能+1 携手Visa整合数位支付卡
LINE Pay今天(6日)宣布与全球数位支付科技领导者Visa达成策略联盟,未来将结合双方在金融科技的长才,共同在全球数位支付、转帐平台及区块链等面向,提供数百位用户创新体验,其中包括用户日常支付、 商户应用方案、金融科技服务、专属行销活动。
针对用户日常支付,LINE在全球有1亿8700万月活跃用户,未来在LINE应用程式中,就可以申办Visa数位支付卡,并且可以随时将现有的Visa信用卡或金融卡加入LINE Pay帐号,透过行动装置达到无缝支付。
同时,LINE Pay表示,双方也将为用户带来多元深度的消费体验,像是用户回馈机制、专属优惠,以及新的海外旅游支付功能等,以满足消费者日常生活中的各种支付需求。
至于商户应用方案,用户可以透过LINE Pay在全球5400万家Visa合作的商店使用支付,并获得奖励与回馈,并在绑定LINE Pay帐号后,即使没有透过LINE Pay交易,也能在LINE Pay电子钱包内查询每笔交易纪录。
LINE Pay表示,未来计画携手Visa透过LINE Pay服务及电子钱包功能推出各种商户应用服务,加速全球共通支付(globally interoperable payment)的发展。
金融科技服务方面,LINE Pay与Visa将运用区块链技术开发全新的服务体验,以实现B2B商业模式、跨境支付与替代性货币交易等服务。
专属行销活动方面,LINE Pay与Visa将共同为2020东京奥林匹克运动会规划独家用户活动,透过奥运前后期间的行销活动及奖励计划,加速日本境内无现金交易的发展。
LINE Pay计画将支付功能整合至最常使用的单一应用程式,轻松完成包含转帐、网路购物、缴费、机票及住宿预订、美食外送服务等,并深化LINE Pay与Visa既有的伙伴关系,包括在台湾已经发行,以及日本当地即将在今年发行的LINE Pay Visa联名卡。
Blockchain Firm Perlin, ICC To Establish Center Of Future Trade In Singapore
Distributed ledger firm Perlin and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) will be establishing a Center of Future Trade (CoFT) in Singapore.
Perlin and ICC will be working with Enterprise Singapore, the government agency that drives the growth of Singapore as a hub for global trading, to coordinate and drive commercial adoption of leading-edge blockchain technology by major commodity players. The CoFT will be established to help companies transition from existing paper-based systems to digital blockchain platforms, which are significantly cheaper, faster, more secure and efficient.
Satvinder Singh, Assistant CEO of Enterprise Singapore, said that the CoFT capitalizes on the country’s strengths as a leading trading hub, its skilled talent pool, and strong connectivity to the rest of the world.
“Enterprise Singapore is pleased to see the ICC and Perlin working together on the CoFT, which embraces the use of innovation and technology as drivers of transformation for the commodities trading sector,” Singh said. “With CoFT, Singapore-based international trading companies will have more opportunities to test and develop strategies and new technologies that will put them in good stead to succeed in the ever-evolving trading industry.”
Perlin will provide its solutions to the CoFT, including Perlin Clarify, which provides full value chain traceability, Perlin Certify, which enables product authentication as a powerful anti-counterfeiting measure to attack global black markets for counterfeit goods, and the Wavelet Protocol, a protocol that enables an “ultra-fast directed-acyclic-graph (DAG) distributed ledger capable of over 10,000 transactions per second.”
Perlin Network与国际商会 (ICC)将成立区域未来贸易中心(CoFT)。Enterprise Singapore在年度Global Trader Dialogue大会上宣布,Enterprise Singapore将与Perlin和ICC合作,协调并推动主要商品交易参与者在商业领域采用最先进的区块链技术。Enterprise Singapore是一家致力于提升新加坡作为全球贸易中心地位的政府机构。CoFT的一个主要目标就是帮助公司从现有基于纸面的系统向数字化区块链平台转型,后者的价格要低得多,而且其速度、安全性和效率远超前者。
Enterprise Singapore助理首席执行官Satvinder Singh先生对这一由私营领域主导的动议表示欢迎,他说:“Enterprise Singapore十分高兴看到ICC和Perlin就CoFT开展合作,这一举措将使用创新和科技来推动商品交易行业的转型。该中心将利用新加坡作为全球贸易中心的优势,高素质的人才库以及新加坡与世界其他地区的强大关系网。借助CoFT,总部位于新加坡的国际贸易公司将拥有更多的机会来测试和开发策略和新技术,这些策略和技术将有助于它们在不断变化的贸易领域获得成功。”
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