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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.

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Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago

2 years, 8 months ago

? First impression for me ? #ꦏꦭ. cantik ? cool and pretty ? cantikkk ? ?. Cantik ? @oyourmk cantik. ? Cantik. #?? ? #jAs Gorgeous, pretty and coo. ? #OD PRETTYYY AND ELEGANT ? #AL so stunning ? #Goldblack you're so pretty and elegant ? #Darmono…

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago

? Secret message for @vSuasana
Don't use bracket.

? mulai harimu dengan doa yaaa

? anak baik, semoga kebahagiaan berkehendak terus ke kamu ya

? take care of your health and may you always be blessed and always happy, God bless you.

? hi cantik


? Jaga kesehatan. Tetep jadi diri lu sendiri, ya? Lu hebat dengan cara lu.

? be hAppy, jgn lupa senyum

? lo keren abiess

? semangat terus ya

? Cantik

? so pretty & adorable

? cantik bener, pacaran aja kita

? kamu cantikkk dehh, jangan pernah insecure yaaa

? jadi pacar gua yuk atau gua jadi pacar lu aja dh

? kamu cantiii banget, jaga kesehatan ya, jangan sampe sakitt

? jangan lupa buat selalu bersyukur ya

? dont forget to love yourself

? kamu bahagia terus ya, jangan sampai sakit God Bless you

? Cakep bgt dehh

? Lo cantik banget serius ga boong

? 08 berapa dek?

? sehat selalu, Zivana.

? jangan pernah menutup telingamu kalau ada yg menghinamu, cukup tampar saja bibirnya agar tidak berbicara buruk lagi

? kamu tuh, CANTIK BANGETTT ???

? semangat terus ya cantik

? Positive vibes, pretty and calm

? pretty asf

? kece banget


? cakep gitu dulu emak nya ngidam apa

? kamuu lucu bangett?‍??‍? bahagia terus yaa??

? cantiikk bangeett, ilyyy dek

? ayayuu

? semangat terus buat jalanin hari-harinya, istirahat sama makan yg cukup.

? Emg boleh ya secantik ini?

? Hey pretty girl

? sukses terus yee buat lo??

? Percuma cantik tapi bukan milik gua ?

? stay healthy !

? halo cantikk, happy terus yaaa! jangan suka badmood okeoke? dijaga pola makan minum tidurnya, hope ur days always good<3


? sehat selalu zivana, i hope you're always happy?

? kαmu cαncii.. jαngαn pernαh insecure yyαα!^^

? if u're having a bad day, take a deep breath. remember it's just a bad day. not a bad life

? 44 people have voted so far.
? Anonymous Board

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago

@donediving bracket [#ziv]. Jika ada yang terlewat bisa kirim ke @Nightjmarebot.

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago

????'?? ??? ?????????
?????? ???? ?????
??? ????.

The young girl with her cute little steps strolled along a twig of trees that towered across to the other side to pass the ravine. Have you ever thought of what's behind a giant beehive that hangs on towering pine trees when portrayed in a children series of masha and bears. Their small steps are always carried on a small lake in the middle of an undisturbed wilderness wilderness. Their little bodies with unique fairy wings as their identity. The unknown presence of a unique creature is in there, but will always be in public if there is one among the millions of fairies who are likely to live and blend into the human world. One of them is named Zivana Mahika Khaizure, the little girl the leader of one of the play groups who loves working with ants. Playing on fresh leaves and flower petals blossomed in the morning sun with refreshing, wet dew. To wish for a kind world to hide its beauty for now, even in the near future. ּ ও



2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago

? First impression for me

? #ꦏꦭ. cantik

? cool and pretty

? cantikkk

? ?. Cantik

? @oyourmk cantik.

? Cantik. #??

? #jAs Gorgeous, pretty and coo.


? #AL so stunning

? #Goldblack you're so pretty and elegant

? #Darmono Geulis pisan

? #gthv pretty

? #Ray. Elegant n classy

? #?? humble, pwetty gurl

? ?? ִ pretty

? #ici humble nan cantiii

? ۟ ֢ ? ? SLAYYYY??

? #?e humble ?

? Cantik dan ramah

? ? ִֶָ ›??。pretty!!

? #jidan cantik, humble

? #dgln pretty and elegant

? ?. cantik

? gorg af

? #?ea. Elegant

? #?ya cakeppp bangett weh

? #キキ looks cool, pretty and adorable

? ⩩???ꪱ ⸼ pWETYY

? #よち. pretty

? #??? elegant

? #rα??‍♀️ pretty and elegant

? cantik dan menarik

? Pretty and positive vibes

? pretty

? ?`. Cantik

? #?ybele elegant,pretty,simple person

? #cas elegant & humble

? #kajey? so elegant


? #EVN cantik

? #??? elegant and humble

? #michie graceful

? #sebas pretty

? #heenn PRETTY BRO

? #LX keren + baikk

? ☽︎. so pretty, elegant, humble

? #yen elegant lucu

? #Ann. pretty n positive vibes

? humble n elegant personn

? cantik

? #JaeYoon cantik

? #radhika cantik, humble

? ?????. CANTIII

? #????. CANCII><

? ?. elegant

? #raya pretty, elegant, classy, humble, seems friendly

? #αℓ? elegant, humble, perfect, gemeshh

? #el? humble

? #HC alegant

? #jø gorgeous

? #?á?ç? so pretty and kinda elegant

? #àges kamu cantik, terus humble

? pretty

? #VDR. Pretty, cool and elegant

? ??‍♀ elegant

? #SeL u look so prettyy

?#Guinnisse ⊰ cantik sekali dirimu

? the prettiest girl i've ever seen

? 87 people have voted so far.
? Anonymous Board

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Game: https://t.me/hamster_kombat_bot/

Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.

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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago