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5 months, 3 weeks ago

Dear friends of Germanische Heilkunde!
Dear friends of Dr. Hamer!

As of now, a new GHK Video Testimonial is online:

What is the Cause for Swollen Feet and Ankles – GHK Testimonial

Knowledge is power.
Germanische Heilkunde is freedom.
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GHk Academy

Cause for Swollen Feet and Ankles - GHK-Academy

Testimonial about the cause of swollen feet and ankles. Read this GHK Academy testimonial now!

Dear friends of Germanische Heilkunde!
6 months ago

As a reminder
Dear friends, don't forget, tomorrow is the first Friday of the month.
This means that our Basic Webinar will take place tomorrow in the BASIC - GHK WEBINAR GROUP.
As always, on time at 3 p.m. GMT

The topic today is the 4th & 5th Biological Law of Nature.
Have you prepared well and noted down your remaining questions?

Greenwich Mean Time

Exact time now, time zone, time difference, sunrise/sunset time and key facts for Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

As a reminder
6 months, 1 week ago

Recently, I have been asked for an interview about GHK.
The questions were from someone new to GHK and gave me the opportunity to respond appropriately. Therefore, this interview is particularly suitable for people who have never heard of Dr. Hamer or the GHK before, it is therefore particularly suitable as an easy introduction to the topic of GHK and Dr.Hamer.
Please all, help to share this interview on all your social media.
Thank you very much:

Lies are Unbekoming

German New Medicine

Interview about Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer (with John Holledauer)

Recently, I have been asked for an interview about GHK.
6 months, 1 week ago
BREAKING - Telegram announced that Apple …

BREAKING - Telegram announced that Apple will remove the Telegram app from their phones without their joint notice. Telegram announced that to prevent this, apply to mentioned settings.
- -

There’s a step between 3 and 4.

Tap on iTunes and App Store Purchases


6 months, 1 week ago
Dear friends, this morning the founder …

Dear friends, this morning the founder of Telegram, Pawel Durow, was arrested in France. He is accused of being co-responsible for crimes which were organized via his online platform.
His actual “crime” is that he has rejected all attempts to subject the Telegram to censorship by the Deep State.
I don't understand how he could voluntarily fly to a satanic rat's nest like Paris. Just remember that also Dr. Hamer was locked up in Paris for four years because he refused to hand over his discoveries to the rabbis.
Will Pavel Durov stand firm like Dr. Hamer, or will he buckle and humanity lose Telegram, the last free means of communication? We can only wait and see.

Dear friends, as you can see, the enemy is playing increasingly dirty and we have to expect anything. If Pawel Durow is broken, it is to be expected that Telegram will be shut down by tomorrow. So here is my repeated recommendation.
If you are not yet on the GHK-Academy newsletter mailing list,
visit the homepage and subscribe now!

If we lose Telegram, we still can keep in touch via the newsletter database and I will let you know on which alternative medium a new channel will be created.
If you have bought the seminar modules but have not yet downloaded and safed them on your own external device, do it now!
If you have not yet bought the seminar programs, do it now and save everything on your own device. The Deep State is in a panic because its global power system is crumbling, we must now expect anything at any time. If you have downloaded the seminar modules to your private device, you can still study the GHK even if the internet is cut off.

6 months, 2 weeks ago

Dear friends of Germanische Heilkunde!
Dear friends of Dr. Hamer!

A Love Rush, a GHK testimonial about a Double Orgasm causes a stir on the internet

On August 15th, I published a new testimonial on the GHK Academy homepage on the subject of orgasm - no, even better, a double orgasm, or what Dr. Hamer calls "Love Rush. "
The woman who described her own experience of this double orgasm for us in this testimonial has thoroughly studied the available literature in original German and the relevant Seminar Modules of the GHK Academy. This comprehensive self-study was necessary for her to understand her own experience of what had happened to her during this "Love Rush" and to describe this experience for us in her own words.
This testimonial is the first available GHK testimonial describing the experience of a double orgasm.

Link to testimonial:

As it turns out, not everyone enjoys this topic. Some individuals aim to allow Dr. Hamer's legacy in the English language to be known only in a very incomplete and distorted format.
These self-proclaimed therapists and experts present the GHK Basics in a very minimalist form. They ignore the significance of the hormonal status completely, and the psychoses are only mentioned marginally. A concept (GNM) is pursued that guarantees that patients will remain dependent on doctors and these self-proclaimed "Hamer-therapists," thus guaranteeing their way back to conventional medicine.

Germanische Heilkunde is the medicine of freedom, because this knowledge empowers people to be their own therapist. It is impossible otherwise because nobody but the patient knows his conflicts. No one but the patient can resolve his conflicts and avoid tracks, and no one can go through the healing phase for the patient.
Selling the illusion that personal responsibility for one's own health might be delegated to therapists or doctors is a lucrative business concept.
Based on how quickly the shouting about this double orgasm testimonial has spread on the internet, it only proves the intention behind it, which is to keep their established business concept intact.

Dear friends, study Germanische Heilkunde only ever in the original because otherwise, the painful path via these self-proclaimed "Hamer therapists" and then back to conventional medicine is inevitable.

Knowledge is power.
Germanische Heilkunde is freedom.

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and hey, we also have a chat:
or even Twitter:

GHk Academy

Double Orgasm Causes a Stir on the Internet - GHk Academy

Some individuals aim to allow Dr. Hamer's legacy in the English language to be known only in a very incomplete and distorted format.

Dear friends of Germanische Heilkunde!
8 months, 3 weeks ago

That's an interesting thought:
The idea of a blood-brain barrier was invented because no microbes are found in an intact brain due to the high energy tension. In reality, all microbes are present there in the form of spores. They form and become visible when they are needed, e.g., after injury during degradation processes. All toxins, especially so-called adjuvants in vaccines, nanoparticles, etc., end up in the brain via the blood and nerve tracts. The idea of the blood-brain barrier also serves to lull the population into a sense of security and distract them from the massive damage caused by vaccines.

8 months, 3 weeks ago

Only in a constitutional state (like that of our Germanic ancestors) there is a chance to live according to the Germanische Heilkunde and practice it. Schneerson may have stolen our GERMANIC Heilkunde, but nonetheless it does not belong to the Jews. And the Jews, like all people on earth, would only be allowed to practice it in a constitutional state – even if they have a 99.4% cancer survival rate with my Germanische Heilkunde, without living in such a constitutional state.
Being very loyal to you; Yours truly and respectfully
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer


Germany's sovereignty? | Germanische (Germanic) Heilkunde

Germanische Heilkunde***®*** is not possible without a constitutional state, and a constitutional state is not possible without Germanische Heilkunde***®***.

8 months, 3 weeks ago

Dr. Hamer to President TrumpDr. med. Mag. theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer Sandkollveien 11 3229 Sandefjord Norwegen Tel: 0047-335 22 133 Fax: 0047-335 22 134Jan 25, 2017
To The President of the of the United States of America Donald Trump [email protected] Honorable Mr. President of the United States of America,
Please, hear me out. This is about the biggest crime and mass murder in the history of mankind – about 4 billion non-Jews, deliberately and ritually slaughtered with chemo and morphine in the past 35 years by order of the Jewish "
Messiah", M. M. Schneerson, at whose grave in Brooklyn your daughter recently had herself filmed.
The people in Germany have placed so much hope in you and your presidency that it is really embarrassing for me to have to link your family on religious ground with this biggest and most disgusting mass murder in world history. Excuse me, but the "Messiah" of the Jews (who died in 1994) is the biggest and
most unscrupulous mass murderer of all times, fully driven by religious delusion.
Since 1981, when an official verification of the
Germanische Heilkunde (at that time New Medicine) with a 100% positive result, had to be denied by the University of Tübingen by order of "Messiah" Schneerson – because pursuant to his orders, only Jews were supposed to survive with Germanic Heilkunde which by the way, according to the publication of the Israeli Embassy of October 29, 2008, 99.4% did so over the past 35 years, while 4 billion non-Jews worldwide have been executed with chemo and morphine, including several million US-Americans – since then there has been nothing but lies and mass murder in Germany.
But who do I tell? Is it not your government that is the occupying power in Germany, while we only have a fake government that has heaped up 40 million cadavers executed with chemo and morphine over the past 35 years? Your government not only knew about this mass murder, but rather expressly agreed to it. Surely our terrible Brand, Schmidt, Kohl and Merkel could not have committed this mass murder on their own authority and out of religious delusion without your consent.
Now, we hear that you want to mend the grievances. That would be great. Not only would it be great, it would be urgently necessary. Me, being a patriot yet uninterested in pseudo politics, it would be a heart-felt wish to be allowed to save my people. If I, despite my age of 81 years, could be of any help, I would be more than happy to do so. The one who made the greatest discovery in human history, namely the
Germanische Heilkunde, could probably quickly restore order and implement truly democratic conditions in Germany if he only were allowed to.
Since you, as our occupying power, have the real power in our pseudo-state, I take the liberty of enclosing a copy of my letter addressed the President of the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgericht Sigmaringen). This President, Dr. Graßhof, has access to everything and could immediately verify and confirm all my statements in the blink of an eye. It would be a special honor for you to be directly involved in the investigations into the biggest mass murder in world history. As the President of the United States of America, you would have the authority to do so. I would even be willing to visit you together with my son Dr. Bernd Hamer, a physician who speaks excellent English.
However, you might not think I am stupid, because a moron could not have made the greatest discovery in human history (the Germanische Heilkunde), but you might think I am dewy-eyed and naive if I trust your family of all people, who is so intimately connected to the late
Messiah Schneerson, the most evil mass murderer of all time.**
Well then, you may consider me as a naive blue-eyed germano-phile German whose people are being annihilated by the evil semito-phile Merkel and who refuses to accept that nothing could nor should be done about it. Excuse me for being so naive to still believe that after 70 years of occupation, we will have a constitutional state again.


Focus: The Messiah is dead | Germanische (Germanic) Heilkunde

Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the seventh and last Rebbe of the Belorussian Dynasty, died at Manhattan's Beth Israel Medical Center at the age of 92.

11 months ago
Dear friends of Germanische Heilkunde!

Dear friends of Germanische Heilkunde!
Dear friends of Dr. Hamer!

Last Friday was our first GHK-Basic webinar for the new Basic class. There were many new participants and students who had already successfully completed last year's Basic class, which I was happy to see.
The introductory lecture covered a very extensive topic, so the webinar lasted an unusually long 3.5 hours. However, the new concept was very well received, and I was particularly pleased with the large number of approving comments in the study group after the webinar.
The screenshot is just a brief excerpt.
Thank you very much.

Knowledge is power.
Germanische Heilkunde is freedom.
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