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It is foolish to ascribe anything other than tawhid as a cause for victory. We have seen many adopt the view set of "causes and benefits", in order to justify engaging in actions of disbelief.
Allying with rafidha, jahmiyyah, secularist groups, the ikhwan will never bring about any benefit. Compromising on pillars of the religion.. You've forsaken tawhid, in order to establish the shar'iah! What a counter-productive thing to do.
Understand that our goal isn't just winning in worldly affairs, rather it's to attain entry to Jannah. This means that we cannot treat our affairs like any other secular affair, we need to fulfill the rights & conditions of tawhid — and not compromise on a single one.
And thus, if an action goes against the kalimatayn, if an action goes against any aspect of tawhid, if an action breaks the pillars of iman, if an action contradicts what the salaf were upon — then it is rejected.
Regardless of the worldly benefit it might bring.
Understanding Kufr bit-taghut.
We begin in the name of Allah, and upon Him we rely.
This channel is an explanation of the fundamental part of Islamic 'Aqidah (creed or doctrine), commonly referred to as "al-Kufr bit-taghut wal-imanu billah", the disbelief in taghut and the belief in Allah. It compromises the two pillars of "La ilaha ila Allah", the statement which the entire religion is built upon. Thus, every Muslim, whether male or female, young or old, needs to understand this, and understand it well.
We ask Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, to make this easy to understand and beneficial for the Muslims. These posts are based upon a well known booklet, translated and released by some brothers.
Channel Directory:1 — Why were we created?
2 — How can I purify myself from all Shirk?
3 — The only way to fulfill La ilaha ila Allah.
4 — Definition of the word "taghut"
5 — The 3 categories of tawaghit.
6 —The 5 heads of the taghut - five Posts.
7 — Common tawaghit in the modern world.
8 — How can I actualize my kufr in the taghut?
Kufr bit-Taghut
1. The Reason for our existence #Kufr\_In\_Tawaghit1 #AlKufrBitTaghut [1/12] Allah (تعالى) created us to worship Him alone, as He said: وَمَا خَلَقْتُ ٱلْجِنَّ وَٱلْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ "I did not create jinn and humans except to worship Me." This…
"Why would God give cancer to a child? Why does war happen? Why do we suffer?" These pseudo-intellectual atheists are essentially saying: "If God exists, then why do bad things happen?" This train of thought is wrong, and honestly a bit childish. It sounds…
Strengthening iman.
Some ways which will aid you in strengthening your iman..
Before you read, it's important to understand basic principles regarding iman:
[1] Iman increases and decreases. Meaning, when you do a good deed, your iman will increase, and when you commit a sin, your iman will decrease. This applies to the extent that your iman might completely disappear, and likewise you're able to increase your iman until it becomes like an entire mountain.
[2] Iman is made up of 3 things: (1) inward beliefs, which means your 'aqidah, (2) your actions, meaning the actions of your limbs have an effect on your iman, and lastly (3) is your speech, meaning the words and statements that leave your mouth.
Make sure to take these two principles into consideration when you try to strengthen your iman, for the following will not benefit the mushrik or the kafir.
0 — Sincerity in your intentions.
1 — Perfecting your prayers.
2 — Seeking Knowledge.
3 — Learning the Seerah.
4 — Pondering on the Qur'an.
5 — Abandoning sins.
6 — Making Adhkar daily.
7 — Supplicating to Allah.
8 — Repentance & istighfar.
9 — Being mindful of Allah.
10 — Jihad in Allah's path.
11 — Taking care of orphans.
12 — Detachment from Dunya.
13 — Remembering death.
14 — Voluntary fasting.
15 — Leaving bad friends.
16 — Spending in Allah's cause.
17 — Hiding your good deeds.
18 — Pondering Allah's creation.
19 — Leaving useless talk.
20 — Taking care of parents.
21 — Giving Da'wah.
22 — Defending your brother.
23 — Thankfulness to Allah.
24 — Hating what Allah hates.
25 — Loving what Allah loves.
And there is certainly more — Allah knows best, but this is what I was able to gather. May Allah increase my iman, may He increase your iman, and may He increase the Iman of the Muslims worldwide.
Never belittle the Salah. It’s become common to downplay the importance of the salah. Many view it like it a chore, "it needs to get done”, when they say takbir—they find themselves impatient for the arrival of the taslim. Where does this mentality lead…
Some Ahadith with regards to the voluntary prayers:
— Narrated by Imam Muslim in his Sahih, Aisha (رضي الله عنها) reports, that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:
“Two Ra'kahs of prayer before the Fajr prayer are better than the world and everything in it. They are both more beloved to me than the entire world.”
— In Sunan at-Tirmidhi, with an authentic chain of narration, Aisha (رضي الله عنها) reports that the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:
“Whoever perseveres in performing twelve Rak'ahs of prayer from the Sunnah, Allah will build a house for him in Paradise. They are four Rak'ahs before dhuhr and two after it, two cycles after maghrib prayer, two rak'ahs after 'isha prayer, and two rak'ahs before fajr prayer.”
— Within both of the Sahihayn, Abu Hurayrah (رضي الله عنه) reports:
"My dear friend the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) advised me to do three deeds and to never abandon them until I die: (1) to fast three days of every month, (2) to perform forenoon (duha) prayer, (3) and to perform the witr prayer before sleeping."
— Found in Sunan at-Tirmidhi, and it is authentic, Umm Habiba (رضي الله عنها) reports, that the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:
“Whoever performs four Ra'kahs of prayer before dhuhr prayer and after it, Allah will forbid him from entering the Hellfire."
— Narrated in both of the Sahihayn, Abdullah ibn Umar reports, that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: “Make the last of your prayers at night the witr prayer.”
Drop your ego.
If you aren't knowledgeable, don't "answer" any Islamic questions that are above your head. And fear Allah, because it is never permissible to speak about matters that you have no knowledge of.
Tell the person that you simply don't know. Maybe send a fatwa from a trusted scholar, maybe recommend a book, or maybe send a lecture on the topic. And remember, you shouldn't say things about Allah, His Prophet, or His religion things that you aren't certain about.
This applies especially to random DMs, group chat messages, etc. A lot of time, its someone baiting you into a debate where they know that they'll have the upper hand. They have certain ways of coming off innocent, but they'll slowly drag you into an argument.
Don't let such people fill your head with doubts and confusion. Study the religion, worship Allah, and make du'a for steadfastness — and eventually you'll know these cheap arguments when you see them.
Freemixing in group chats and wherever else is forbidden by Allah.
Remember that you're bringing shame on everyone associated with you when you act in that way.
I've noticed a certain trend. Usually its online, and elsewhere:
Every single group of deviance & misguidance has made clear that "Islamic extremists" or "Wahhabis" are their enemy. Some of them spend most of their time complaining about Salafis or Atharis.
You've probably realized this as well:
• The Rafidha often call us out specifically, and send their highest-ranking "scholars" to debate with us.
• The neo-Murijah, the domesticated hounds of the rulers, the bastardized children of rabi' & raslan — they spends hours attempting to refute us. Often they mention our names or indirectly speak about us in their gatherings, but they can do nothing more than slander and strawman.
• The Neo-Jahmiyyah seethe with rage, constantly going on about takfiris and "mujasima", among other nonsense claims.
• The grave worshipping fools, from amongst the sufis and the barelvis. One might say that their main opponents are those who call them out because of their shirk.
• The ikhwan al-Murtaddun hate us for refusing to break under their pressure, their lies, and their populist poision. Their goal is political power, positions of authority, and wealth, whereas our goal is the establishment of tawhid.
• The liberals, atheists, and secularists moan and complain about how strict we are, how uncompromising we are with our religion, and how intolerant we are. They hate us more than anything, as our principle of "enjoying the good and forbidding evil" goes against everything they believe in.
• The cross worshipers fear us, even in their own countries. They hate how Islam retains its followers, even their hedonistic lands, they can't stand to see how we will fight for our the honor of our Prophet and the Prophet they claim to follow.
• The Jews hate us to a point where they're willing to kill thousands of innocent women and children, fund moderate-islam thinktanks and speakers, and build "abrahamic houses" in Muslim countries.
• The disgusting pagan filth of the Hindus, the bugs who can't seem to keep themselves out of the Muslims business. They pop up like fruit flies all over social media, and in the real world — their only strength is in numbers. They rape Muslim women, beat the elderly, but run when they see Muslim men approaching.
All of these deviant groups and disbelieving religions are all teething with hatred at the "wahhabis".
What does that tell you?
Calling to the truth.
We begin in the name of Allah, and upon Him we rely. We ask Him to bless this da'wah, and to make it a means of guidance for the sincere.
Christianity has been a pillar of misguidance for hundreds of years, pulling people away from the real message of 'Isa Ibn Maryam (عليه السلام)—the message of tawhid and pure monotheism to the darkness of polytheism and ignorance.
Our goal is to refute this altered, bastardized version of 'Isa's (عليه السلام) da'wah—a religion fabricated by the hands of priests and monks. We hope to expose it's many contradictions, logical fallacies, and unauthentic scriptures. At the same time, we will defend the religion of truth against the slander and misconceptions spread by the adherents of this false religion.
Disclaimer — Just because a specific speaker or preacher is shared, doesn't mean we share and promote all his views.
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