Ramana Maharshi | रमण महर्षि | ரமண மகரிஷி

Ramana Maharshi is a Jivanmukta. This channel propagates His deep & profound teachings of Self-Enquiry & Self-Surrender, as a direct path to Self-Realization.
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2 months, 3 weeks ago


Renunciation is always in the mind, not in going to the forest or solitary places, or giving up one’s duties. The main thing is to see that the mind does not turn outward but inward. It does not really rest with a man whether he goes to this place or that, or whether he gives up his duties or not. All that happens according to destiny.

All the activities that the body is to go through are determined when it first comes into existence. It does not rest with you to accept or reject them. The only freedom you have is to turn your mind inward and renounce activities there. Nobody can say why that freedom alone and no other freedom is left to man. That is the Divine scheme.

Giving up activities means giving up attachment to activities or the fruits thereof, giving up the notion ‘I am the doer’. The activities which this body is destined to perform will have to be gone through. There is no question of giving up such activities, whether one likes it or not.

If one remains fixed in the Self, the activities will still go on and their success will not be affected. One should not have the idea that one is the doer. The activities will still go on. That force, by whatever name you call it, which brought the body into existence will see to it that the activities which this body is meant to go through are brought about.

*~Sri Ramana Maharshi

Excerpt From: Gems from Bhagavan, Ch. X*

@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️

3 months ago
***☀️*****There is only one consciousness which, …

☀️There is only one consciousness which, manifesting as 'I'thought, identifies itself with the body, projects itself through the eyes and sees the objects around.

*~Sri Ramana Maharshi

From: Be As You Are
@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️*

5 months, 1 week ago
*****?*******Thus there is a state beyond …

*?*Thus there is a state beyond effort and effortlessness, Until it is realised, effort is necessary. After tasting such Bliss, even once, one will repeatedly try to regain it.*?*Effort is meant [as a way] not to allow oneself to be distracted by thoughts. Having once experienced the Bliss of Peace, [one will not] engage oneself otherwise. It is as difficult for a jnani to engage in thoughts as it is for an ajnani to be free from thought.

~Sri Ramana Maharshi

@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️

5 months, 3 weeks ago

All that one gives to others, one only gives to one's self. If this truth is understood and known, who indeed would refrain from giving?


5 months, 3 weeks ago


A devotee asked, "Swami, what is the easiest way to attain moksha?"

Bhagavan Sri Ramana said with a smile, "As and when the mind goes astray, it should be turned inward and made to steady itself in the thought of the Self. That is the only way."
Another devotee said, "To do so, the repeating of the name of Rama is good, is it not?"

"Certainly, it is good," said Bhagavan Sri Ramana. He continued, "What could be better? The greatness of the japa of the name of Rama is extraordinary."

In the story of Namadeva he is reported to have told one devotee :-

If you want to know the greatness of the name of Rama you must first know what your own name is, what your real nature [swarupa] is, who you are and how you were born. Unless you know your own origin, you will not know your name!
This idea is found in the Abhangas of Namadeva written in Marathi language and in the Malayalam Adhyatma Ramayana. Thereupon Bhagavan related a story from the latter.

It is stated in that book that when Anjaneya [Lord Hanuman] went in search of Sita, He seated himself opposite to Ravana in the Darbar Hall on a high pedestal and fearlessly spoke to him thus :-

"Oh Ravana, I give you a teaching [upadesa] for attaining liberation [moksha]. Please listen to me carefully. It is certain that the self [mind] gets purified by intense devotion to Hari, who is in the lotus of the Heart at all times. The ego gets destroyed and then the sin gets destroyed. Afterwards, in its place, the knowledge of the transcendent Self [Atman] emerges. With a pure mind and with the Bliss [Ananda] generated by a firm knowledge of the Self, the two letters "Ra", "Ma", which are like mantras, will repeat themselves within you automatically. What more is required for a person who has this knowledge, however little it might be. Hence worship the lotus feet of Vishnu, which will remove all worldly fears, which are dear to all devotees and which shine as brightly as the light of a crore of Suns. Give up the ignorance of your mind."
This has been mentioned in two or three slokas in the Sanskrit Adhyatma Ramayanam but not as elaborately as in the Malayalam text. Is the greatness of the name of Rama ordinary?
~From: Spiritual Stories as told by Ramana Maharshi

@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️

7 months, 2 weeks ago
***☀️***PRACTICE OF SELF-ENQUIRY***☀️*** *****?***If one attends …

☀️PRACTICE OF SELF-ENQUIRY☀️ *?If one attends to the centre of oneself with a keen mind to know “Who am I?”, the identification ‘I am the body’* will die and the Reality will shine forth as ‘I-I’. Then all the illusory differences, which are like the blueness seen in the sky, will disappear.

?Restraining the mind from going outside [through the senses], and fixing it always in its Source, Self, which is known as the Heart, so that the vain ‘I’-thought will not rise again, is the Atma-Vichara [Self-enquiry].

?Whenever a thought arises, instead of trying even a little either to follow it up or to fulfil it, it would be better to first enquire, “To whom did this thought arise?”. ?When one thus inwardly enquires, “Is it not to me that this thought has arisen – then who am I?”, the mind will return to subside in its Source, and the already risen thought will also vanish.

?When one daily practices in this manner, since the impurities are being removed from the mind, it will become purer and purer to such an extent that the practice will become so easy that the mind will reach the Heart as soon as the enquiry is commenced.

?Just as the creature which come out of the bushes to save their lives, being unable to bear with the heat of the wild forest-fire, are surely burnt to death, so all the vasanas hiding in the Heart will be destroyed, being unable to stand before the growing and blazing fire of the strength of Self-enquiry.

?The thought “Who am I?”, after destroying all other thoughts, will itself finally die just like the stick which is used to stir the funeral pyre, and then the supreme Silence will prevail for ever.

?When the delusion which has veiled Self, the Light of Consciousness of unlimited Bliss [Sat-Chit-Ananda], is destroyed by the clear enquiry “Who am I?”, one’s own Nature will shine forth gloriously as the Atmakasha [i.e. Space of Self].
~Ramana Maharshi
•Verses From: Guru Vachaka Kovai*
@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️***

7 months, 3 weeks ago
***?*****Liberation is not anywhere outside you. …

?Liberation is not anywhere outside you. It is only within. If a man is anxious for deliverance, the internal Guru pulls him in and the external Guru pushes him into the Self. This is the grace of the Guru.

*~Sri Ramana Maharshi

Excerpt From: Be As You Are*

@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️

8 months, 1 week ago


One day, one of the devotees came to Bhagavan and said in an excited whisper, “Look, Bhagavan! Just look at that man!”
Everyone turned to look. We saw a gentleman who was asleep, swaying back and forth. The gentleman who had approached Bhagavan complained, “I have been watching him for the past few days. He always sleeps in Bhagavan’s presence!”

Bhagavan looked at the devotee and said, “That man is doing what he came here to do. But what about you? Did you come here just to check on people, and see who is awake and who is asleep? Why don’t you mind your own business?”

Seeing the over-zealous devotee rebuked like this, all the others were burst out laughing. Bhagavan did not like it at all when people complained about others.

He used to say that as long as a person concentrated upon the work he was engaged in, he would not even notice what others were doing. One can find the time to criticise others only when one’s own attention wandered from the work at hand.

~Narrated by - Kanakammal
•From: Cherished Memories, Chapter 25

@ramanamaharishi || @ramana_maharishi✈️

9 months, 1 week ago
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