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1 month, 3 weeks ago


There are two types of (هَمْزَة):
1. Hamzatul Qaṭ' (هَمْزَةُ ٱلْقَطْع)
2. Hamzatul Waṣl (هَمْزَةُ ٱلْوَصْل)
What is Hamzatul Qaṭ' (هَمْزَةُ ٱلْقَطْع)?
This is the همزة that is ALWAYS pronounced; whether at the beginning, middle, or end of a word, and it appears in one of 6 forms:
أ آ إ ء ئ ؤ

آمَنَ، أَعُوذُ، أُمِرُوا، إِذَا، سُوءٍ، بِئْسَ، سُؤَالٌ

This (آ) is actually = أَا.
What is Hamzatul Waṣl (هَمْزَةُ ٱلْوَصْل)?
This is the connecting Hamzah (ٱ). It is an 'ADDITIONAL' همزة prefixed to words which start with Sukūn to allow for easier pronunciation WHEN STARTING WITH THE WORD.

Try reading these words:
سْمٌ، بْنٌ، كْتُبْ، قْرَأْ، لْبَيْتُ، لْقِدْرُ

Try reading them now:
ٱِسْمٌ، ٱِبْنٌ، ٱُكْتُبْ، ٱِقْرَأْ، ٱَلْبَيْتُ، ٱَلْقِدْرُ

Which group of words is easier to pronounce?
Well...according to the 'Arabs, the words with the additional Hamzah at the beginning are easier to pronounce, hence why they NEVER begin any word with a Sukūn!

NOTE: The Hamzatul Waṣl is only pronounced when starting with the word. If we are continuing from a previous word, the Hamzatul Waṣl is dropped!

وَٱسْمٌ = wasmu-n | ٱسْمٌ = ismu-n
وَٱبْنٌ = wabnu-n | ٱبْنٌ = ibnu-n
وَٱكْتُبْ = waktub | ٱكْتُبْ = uktub
وَٱقْرَأْ = 'waqra | ٱقْرَأْ = 'iqra
وَٱلْبَيْتُ = walbaytu | ٱلْبَيْتُ = Al-baytu
وَٱلْقِدْرُ = walqidru | ٱلْقِدْرُ = Al-qidru
BENEFIT: Hamzatul Waṣl occurs in:
1. Nouns - أَسْمَاءٌ
2. Verbs - أَفْعَالٌ
3. Particles - حُرُوفٌ

How is هَمْزَةُ ٱلْوَصْل pronounced?
The Hamzatul Waṣl may be pronounced with any of the three vowels (Ḥarkāt). Although, its pronunciation depends on what type of word it occurs in.

1⃣ In the beginning of VERBS (command forms) it is pronounced with:

A: Ḍhammah; if the third letter carries a CONSTANT Ḍhammah.

ٱكْتُبْ = uktub

B: Kasrah; if the third letter has a fat-ḥah, kasrah or an INCONSTANT Ḍhammah.

iqra' = ٱقْرَأْ
ijlis = ٱجْلِسْ
imshū = ٱمْشُوا

NOTE: The Ḍhammah in the last example is not constant; it was originally a Kasrah which has been replaced with a Ḍhammah to allow for easier pronunciation of the wāw. I'm sure you'll agree that it's much easier to say: ْشُو than: شِوْ

NOTE: In past tense verbs, the hamzatul waṣl will be read with a kasarah:
اِنتقل، اِنكسر، اِستخرج

2⃣ In the beginning of NOUNS it is always pronounced with a kasrah (ـِ)

ٱنْتِفَاعٌ = intifā'u-n

3⃣ In the beginning of PARTICLES.

The only particle which Hamaztul Waṣl enters upon is the Lām of the definite article (لْ) / لَامُ ٱلتَّعْرِيْفِ

In this case the هَمْزَةُ الوَصْلِ is always pronounced with a Fat-ḥah!

ٱلْكِتَابُ = Al-kitābu
The letter Hamzah is spelt همزة
& the name Ḥamzah is spelt حمزة


2 months, 1 week ago

Even if some of these things are halaal, accepting and eating them is part of celebrating with them. We are ordered to oppose and be different from the disbelievers in all their customs, manners and social interactions.

As our prophet Muhammad ﷺ
said: "Whoever imitates a people, then he is from them."

Imitating Christians, Jews and others is from the major sins, so it's imperative that we Muslims stay far away from resembling Christians in what they are doing at this time of the year.

This includes the second big celebration they have following Christmas; New Year's Day.

We Muslims follow the Hijriah calendar not the Christian calendar. Our first month of each year is Muharram, not January. With that said, we do not take the first day of Muharram to be a day of celebration.

Muslims have to stay far away from the disbelievers festivities of drinking, partying, eating and joining together for parties on this, their New Year's Day.

Composed by one in need of his Lord's forgiveness and mercy,
Aboo Daawood Ismaa'eel ibn George Gauron Al Injileezee

2 months, 1 week ago

(Many old paintings that hang in art galleries and can be found in older Christian churches or cathedrals, clearly show these bright yellow or gold or orange circles or halos behind the heads of 'Ēsā, Maryam and other their saints, they worship). If you look on Christmas cards today which they send one another you may still see these halos or circles around the head of pictures of 'Ēsā or Maryam.

'Ēsā always made it clear why he came to earth, which was to call the people of his time to worship Allāh alone.

When he was a babe in the arms of his mother, he spoke to the Jews, saying,

﴿إِنِّى عَبْدُ ٱللهِ ءَاتَىٰنِىَ ٱلْكِتَٰبَ وَجَعَلَنِى نَبِيًّا﴾
"Truly I am a slave of Allāh. He has given me a scripture and made me a Prophet."

He said:
﴿وَإِنَّ ٱللهَ رَبِّى وَرَبُّكُمْ فَٱعْبُدُوهُۚ هَٰذَا صِرَٰطٌ مُّسْتَقِيمٌ﴾
"And verily Allāh is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him Alone. That is the Straight and Correct Path." [Maryam 19:30, 36]

Christians ignore what is obvious, that 'Ēsā was only a prophet and that his mother was only a devout, chaste and saintly woman and instead carry on in veneration and glorification of him and his mother, instead of making all these things for Allāh alone.

At this time of the year, Christians will hang mistletoe, a special leaf from a tree, under doorways or other places and an ancient pagan rite teaches them that they should kiss anyone they find under it. Another excuse for indecency and immorality at this time of the year.

They also hang wreaths or circular arrangements of holly leaves and their red berries on the outside doorways of their homes. These leaves have sharp pointed ends like thorns and along with the red holly berries, represent to them the crown of thorns supposedly placed on 'Ēsā's head when he was captured and tortured before he was crucified. The red berries symbolise the blood that flowed from his head. (The blood they say came from God's head, when He appeared in the form of 'Ēsā, to redeem them from their sins!)

لا حول ولا قوة إلا الله!
There is no power or might except with Allāh!

You will find they sometimes bake cakes in the shape of a log of wood, called the Yule Log. This is another leftover from pagan rites or rituals that took place at this time of the year for those polytheists living in Northern Europe and Britain.

Is it permissible to celebrate the birthday of one of Allāh's Prophets and Messengers?

Even if 25th December was really the birthday of 'Ēsā, it's still not permissible for anyone to make that day a day of celebration or 'Eid. If that was allowed, the noble Companions of Muhammad ﷺ would have been the first of people to make his birthday a day of enjoyment, and of eating and drinking. Neither did Muhammad ﷺ allow this nor did any of the righteous believers from the past celebrate the birthdays of their Prophets. Christians invented this foolishness and disobedience themselves, along with all the other evils they perform now; the worst of them being Shirk with Allāh.

This time of the year between Christmas and New Year's Day witnesses the highest incidents of hit and run driving. More people get killed or seriously injured by drunken drivers who hit them in their cars and then take off.

Drunkenness, drug taking, homosexuality, fornication, these are all part of their merriment and enjoyment in this season.

As Muslims we are not allowed to reply to Christians or anyone else when they say to us "Merry Christmas!" or "Happy Christmas!" or "Happy New Year!"

These greetings are not to be responded to. We are not allowed to join in their celebrations or congratulate them or give them gifts or presents at this time of the year. Nor are we allowed to accept presents from them or accept invitations to eat with them. Nor can we take gifts of the special foods they eat during this festival of theirs. From them are mince pies, Christmas cakes, Christmas puddings, and walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts are all from the foods they especially take at Christmas time.

2 months, 1 week ago

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Christmas is a festival of major Shirk where Christians worship 'Ēsā who they call Jesus. They make him into a God and elevate him far above Allāh, Who sent him.

The name "Christmas" linguistically, is made up of two words, "Christ", which comes from the Greek word, "Kristos" meaning "annointed" and "Mass". This Mass is
a ceremony resembling cannibalism which they perform regularly in their churches, especially now at Christmas time.

A priest lifts up a cup of wine and says, "The blood of Jesus, shed for our sins." and then drinks from it before passing it around the congregation, until they all take a sip of this wine, now called the blood of 'Eesaa (which came out of his body when he was crucified).

Then the priest takes some bread, lifts it up, and says, "The body of Jesus, broken for us." He breaks the bread, eats from it, then everyone else takes a bite of 'Ēsā's broken body, killed for them and swallows it down.

Christians in their distorted and evil 'Aqīdah, say that 'Ēsā was the sacrificial lamb sent by Allāh, (and he was also Allāh Himself) who came to earth in the form of a human to be slain for them and his blood cleanses them from all their sins and they now go to heaven because 'Ēsā (or God accordingto them) died on the cross for them!

ولا حولى ولا قوة إلا بالله!
There is no power not might except with Allāh!

Allāh ﷻ said:
{وَقَوْلِهِمْ إِنَّا قَتَلْنَا ٱلْمَسِيحَ عِيسَى ٱبْنَ مَرْيَمَ رَسُولَ ٱللهِ وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ}
"And because of what they said in boasting, "We killed 'Ēsā, the Maseeh, son of Maryam." But they neither killed him or crucified him."' [An Nisā' 4:157]

As we well know, the Jews came to arrest 'Ēsā but Allāh rose him up into heaven before they could reach him and they captured another man, thinking him to be 'Ēsā and crucified him instead.

Was 'Ēsā born on the 25th December?

Nobody knows exactly when he was born. Many Christian scholars come to the conclusion that he took birth in the spring time which agrees with a song or carol they sing with the wording, "When shepherds watched their flocks by night..." One of their Christmas fables tells them that some shepherds received a divine message that 'Ēsā had been born on earth and this was while they were keeping awake out in the fields at night, guarding their sheep. However, if 'Ēsā had really been born in December, which is winter time, these shepherds would have been at home keeping warm in their beds and their sheep would have been in their pens, huddled together to keep warm in the winter nights.

So why did they make
25th December to be his birthday?

25th of this month, falls close to the shortest day of the year, 21st December. When the early Christian missionaries came to Britain and Northern Europe, they found people worshipping at this time of the year as they were looking forward to the coming of longer and soon to be warmer days. So to trick the pagan people living then into worshipping 'Ēsā instead of the coming of a change in seasons, they put 'Ēsā's birthday at that time. People also worshipped evergreen trees and see how they now have Christmas trees in their homes, places of work, shops etc.

And the people of the past also worshipped stars, angels and jinn, so you see how Christians now put stars on top of their Christmas trees, or an angel or a fairey (jinn). All these things are symbols of polytheism and disbelief.

Another trick Christian missionaries used to get people to worship 'Ēsā as well as his mother Maryam who they call Mary, was to paint or draw a halo which is a coloured circular ring behind the heads of whoever they wanted worshipped. The pagan people they were preaching to, used to worship the sun, so to get them to worship 'Ēsā or saints or Maryam (who the Catholics call the Mother of God!!), they painted these yellow halos around their heads.

2 months, 1 week ago


Following the recent conference on Parenting and Homeschooling, there has been significant interest, along with various requests and suggestions from different sources. We are committed to taking this initiative seriously and aim to establish an online Islamic school until Allah allows us to develop a physical one. As this is a community-driven project, we would like to gather all your ideas and suggestions before proceeding further.

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