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2 months, 2 weeks ago

Lots of people attacking Kamala.

That’s fine and all but let’s wait and see what happens. We don’t even know if she’s even the candidate yet.

With her unpopularity, ties to the undisputed worst president in our history, and how much dirt we have on her… she’s probably the most beatable candidate they have right now so why show our cards?

Let the left get all hyped up about a woman president and all that and then once she’s selected, that’s when we strike.

Art of war anyone?


Hope Trump team is thinking the same way.

If not… yikes.

This is pretty much high school level strategy stuff…

Just my two cents.

Could be wrong but curious what you guys think?

2 months, 2 weeks ago

Pray for his safety too.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he dies of an “overdose” soon…

2 months, 2 weeks ago

?this is also very important to note.

It’s possible that Joe has no clue he got ousted, gets pissed, and him and his family go scorched earth and try to throw the election against the dems with whatever influence they have left.

Remember all those reports of the Bidens fighting with the Obamas?

And keep in mind, these people have no loyalty and are the most corrupt people on the planet.

Backstabbers gonna backstab as they say ?

3 months, 3 weeks ago

It's time for you to get involved in the Polaris Recount!

We have obtained the ballot images from several counties, but we need your help to review them.  The process is simple...

First, you need a computer or tablet.  We can't make the images small enough to be readable on a phone, so a bigger screen is necessary.

Second, go to https://PolarisRecount.com and watch the short training video, then click the "Apply" button to create your account.  Then check your email for your confirmation and go back to PolarisRecount.com and login to get started.

As you will see in the training video, the screen is divided into 2 sections.  The left 2/3 of the screen will show you the ballot image.  The right 1/3 will give you buttons to make selections as to who the voter intended to vote for.  When you have made all of the correct selections and any comments, if necessary, you just save it and go to the next ballot.  It is quick and easy.

There is no need to comment on much unless it is REALLY strange.  (You don't need to comment on the fold lines.)  Only make a choice on the right side if the voter voted for someone.  If they didn't, leave it blank.  If they voted for more than one candidate for that race, select over-vote (if that choice is available) or make a comment in that section and I'll review it later. 

Each ballot is looked at by at least 2 different people.  You will never see the same ballot twice, but someone else will look at that same ballot and if your selections agree, it is saved.  If not, someone else takes a look.  If the 3 of you can't agree, it is sent to Lady Raccoon for administration.

We have MANY counties awaiting adjudication, but WE NEED YOU.  Participation in Polaris has been quite disappointing and we are looking for Patriots who will give a little or a lot of time to help us look at more data.

The counties we have already finished have been used in court cases and have aided us in our analysis.

Please consider working on the Polaris Recount system.  The more we work together, the quicker we'll be out of this mess.

You may email questions and concerns to [email protected] or [email protected]PLEASE follow the directions in the training video to create your account.  DO NOT email to ask us how to get started.

3 months, 3 weeks ago

Pray against Dana Nessel. She is evil and it’s just a matter of time until her actions catch up with her.

3 months, 3 weeks ago
7 months ago

I’m curious to hear everyone’s thoughts…

Some people in our movement seem to think we let them cheat 2020 and 2022 and saved the receipts so we could red pill America and avoid a civil war.

The same people believe it will not happen in 2024 and the white hats will enforce the election this time.

What do you guys think?

7 months ago

Happening this Friday… PRAY!!!



7 months, 2 weeks ago

Great response to scripture! Thanks for leading us to the true source of victory!
I’ve be thinking how much scripture that Jesus Himself said applies to our situation. In Matthew 28:18-20 we have Jesus’s declarations that All power in heaven and on earth has been given unto Him, then commands us to go teach all nations what he’s commanded us, then He promises to be with us to the end. It’s inescapable to me that we aren’t really taking this as seriously as Jesus intended and obviously we’re not get the results either. Romans 13 is often used to muzzle Christians for speaking against government but Paul said government isn’t a terror to good but evil. So I conclude we’re not dealing with government per se but as Galatians 6 say’s we’re in battle against principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. So it throws us back to fervent prayers and total dependence upon God!

7 months, 3 weeks ago

Could be worth paying attention to…

Chiefs win.

Bobulinski back in the limelight.

Looks like another scamdemic could be on the way…




Chiefs Win! It’s A DO-OVER YEAR!!—NINEVEH ECLIPSE (APRIL 8th) X-Marks the Spot!!

In this live prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z informs us that there’s a do-over for the nations, for the apostolic chiefs to rise, and for light to shine in darkness. He reveals that the spirit of the Lord is urging us to rise to raise a million to reach a billion;…

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