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Last updated 4 days, 14 hours ago
Dr. Michael Nehls Offizieller Kanal für YouTube-Videos, Anlagetipps, Kontoverwaltung.

Last updated 2 months ago

Freier Journalismus für den Durchblick in einer Zeit, die geprägt ist von politisch motivierter Desinformation.

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LION Media TV (Videos)

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Last updated 2 weeks ago

2 months, 3 weeks ago
Die große Demo zur [#Friedenswahl](?q=%23Friedenswahl) 2025:

Die große Demo zur #Friedenswahl 2025:

Wir fordern eine Friedenskonferenz - keine Kriegskonferenz auf dt. Boden! Macht Frieden!

Samstag 15.02.2025
14:00 Uhr Königsplatz

Lasst uns gemeinsam die Wahl zur #Friedenswahl machen. Setzen wir eine Woche vor der Bundestagswahl ein deutliches Zeichen gegen die Münchner Konferenz der Kriegstreiber. Wir wollen friedenstüchtig sein statt kriegstüchtig - Unsere Kinder geben wir nicht! Jeder der ehrlichen Herzens für den Frieden eintritt ist herzlich willkommen. Unser Einsatz für Frieden kennt keine Brandmauern. Es lebe der Frieden, die Freiheit und die Demokratie.

Fordert mit uns:

? Keine Stationierung von Mittelstreckenraketen!
? Diplomaten statt Granaten! Keine Waffenlieferungen in Krisengebiete!
? Waffenkontrollverhandlungen statt Aufrüstung!
? Friedensgebot des Grundgesetzes achten!

Teile diesen Beitrag, schließ Dich an und folge uns auf Telegram: @machtfrieden


5 months ago
***?*** After careful consideration with our …

? After careful consideration with our team, we've decided to do an action in 2 stages. We are working hard behind the scenes to organise everything.

? Intimidation of free social media platforms to bring them under governmental control is a threat to democracy.
? Despite huge protests, chat control is back on the agenda of the EU.
The governments, or certain chosen institutions, should not have the power to decide what we are allowed to think. It's up to the people, not the governments to decide for themselves what is desinformation. If what is right and wrong is chosen by a select group of people or institutions, what differs us from North Korea?

Democracy means exactly that, the people have the power to controle their gov. This is impossible if we are not allowed to freely speak our minds.

First peaceful action:
The first will be a symbolic one involving a small amount of people. A warning to our governments that we are still here and we DO care. We give them a fair chance to revoke their censorship, fulfil their democratic duty and protect free speech. This action will be executed in the coming months. Check this channel for upgrades.

The Second peaceful action: (which we hope will not be necessary!) will be much bigger and will take more time and preparation. It will involve the biggest international march Paris has ever seen, and not only that. We will continue with other peaceful actions like strikes that force the French gov to listen to the people. However they play it, we, the people, will not be ignored.

Check our channel for updates

United we stand!

5 months, 2 weeks ago

Telegram CEO reportedly arrested at French airport
*Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app, has been arrested at Le Bourget airport outside Paris Saturday evening, French media reported.

According to TF1 TV and BFM TV, Durov was taken into custody under a French arrest warrant as he got off his private jet after a flight from Azerbaijan*.

*The warrant reportedly covers "offenses related to Telegram". There was no confirmation from French officials.

The arrest was made by investigators from the National Anti-Fraud Office, part of the French Customs Department, and Durov is accused of "refusing to cooperate with authorities" and "insufficient moderation", according to the reports. The messaging app is said to allow illegal activities like drug trafficing.*

?EuropeansUnited opinion:
The defender of democracy arrested:Irony has it Pavel Durov first fled Russia to escape prosecution for a lack of censorship, but in the end it was not Putin, but a country in the "free west" that arrested him. Not so long ago, during the Arabic spring, Telegram was hailed in the west as a liberator and defender of democracy. As moderation policies are much the same since the start, what changed?

Fear as a means to put pressure on social media to moderateThis incident does not stand alone as an attack on social media that refuse to give in to our leaders' increasing demands for moderation. For years now, the main stream media has been bombarding the public with opinions on how moderation is necessary for our safety. To prevent riots, dangerous desinformation, extreme right/left wing propaganda, child abuse and so on. That people are easily fooled and will believe the earth is flat without guidance. An invisible enemy will put dangerous thoughts in our susceptible minds.

Double standards
If Telegram is responsible for drug traffic, are the energy companies responsible for growing weed? The logistic companies for distributing drugs? Facebook is used for fraude on a large scale, yet they go free. We can only guess at the reason for the double standards, as the only difference is they "moderate". And of course much of that "moderation" is based on information delivered by government and official instances.

Emancipation, not censorship
We from Europeans United, for as long as we can, will row against this current. We don't believe in "moderation" but emancipation. We believe it is UP TO THE PEOPLE to judge what they believe, not the government, not a (social) media company. Moderation has become an excuse word for ordinary censorship. Because in the end, that is what it is when opinions are denied: censorship. When did allowing other opinions become radical? And talking to people you disagree with extremism?  In China, where censorship is the norm, criminal activities are rampant, yet they don't make the news. Is this really where we want to go in the name of fact checking?

Algorithms of large social media platforms, not ideology, lie at the base of radicalisation and polarisation, and these problems cannot be solved by censorship. The cure proposed is worse than the disease. If they were serious about polarisation and extremism, they would force Facebook and others to make their profitable algorithms transparent before censoring. But for now, money and private interest rule. Censorship, and apparently even arrests, become the norm.

We cannot let this pass. We will not let this pass.  EuropeansUnited is talking with other organisers to see what actions we can undertake to protest peacefully against this outrage.

United we stand!

1 year ago

Call to Action: Munich Sat 17 Feb

Say No to NATO’s War Conference on German soil!

Come to Munich to join the protest against NATO war mongering, arms race and militarization. Stand up for peace, international co-operation, diplomacy and disarmament. Let's make peace, not war.

See you in Munich on February 17, 2024

#machtFrieden #muc1702

APO Düsseldorf, Bürgerforum Schwaben, EuropeansUnitedDeutschland, Freidenker Hessen, Frankfurt, Handwerker für den Frieden, München-steht-auf, Weiterdenken Marburg, Wir gemeinsam Bündnis, Wir wollen Reden Nürnberg

For regular updates, please subscribe to our channel

1 year, 1 month ago

?? Video des Tages
08.01.2024 in Bamberg

Dieses Video von "Stay awake Bamberg" ist für mich das Video des Tages über die #Bauernproteste in Deutschland. Hier sieht man, dass unsere Bauern tatsächlich den Rückhalt der Bevölkerung haben - von Kindesbeinen an! Jetzt weiß ich: es wird niemals gelingen, unsere Welt zu einer globalistischen Lobbykratur zu transformieren! Freunde, mir rinnen Freudentränen über die Wangen, während ich das hier tippe! ❤️

#FarmersProtest Bamberg (Germany) on January 8th, 2024: here you can see that our farmers do really have the support of the nation - starting with the youngest kids! Now I am certain that our world is never going to end up as a globalist lobbycracy! I am crying tears of joy while I am typing this! ❤️

?? Mein Kommentar auf Twitter

#FarmersProtest #b0801 #Bauerndemo #Bauerndemos

Hingerissene Grüße,
Alexander Ehrlich


#StayAwake Bamberg Infokanal

Es geht auch um die Zukunft der Kinder..... (Ort unbekannt)

1 year, 2 months ago

?? 2. Jahrestag der Riesenkundgebung in Wien
Rückblick auf den 20.11.2021
Erstellt am 20.11.2023, veröffentlicht 21.11.2023 um 00 : 48 Uhr

Am 20.11.2021 gingen bei #w2011 je nach Angaben zwischen 100.000 und 350.000 Menschen gegen Impfpflicht und Lockdowns auf die Straßen von Wien. Wie schon 1529, 1683 und 1809 wurde auch 2021 die Freiheit Europas vor den Toren Wiens verteidigt: die Pläne zur Einführung einer weltweiten #Impfpflicht scheiterten im Testland Österreich - unter anderem am heftigen Protest auf den Straßen.

Hier im Video ein Rückblick aus Sicht des Jahres 2023, von #MarkusHaintz und #AlexanderEhrlich, untermalt von teilweise unveröffentlichten Bildern der #Demonstration aus dem Dokumentationskanal von Europeans United.

?? Video zum Verbreiten auf Twitter

? Video zum Verbreiten auf YouTube (in besserer Qualität)

#Grosskundgebung #Wien #Rueckblick #Analyse #WirVergessenNicht #RichtigErinnern

Liebe Grüße,
Markus Haintz & Alexander Ehrlich

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Offizieller Kanal von Eva Herman

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Last updated 4 days, 14 hours ago
Dr. Michael Nehls Offizieller Kanal für YouTube-Videos, Anlagetipps, Kontoverwaltung.

Last updated 2 months ago

Freier Journalismus für den Durchblick in einer Zeit, die geprägt ist von politisch motivierter Desinformation.

Youtube 🎥

LION Media TV (Videos)

Kontakt 📧
[email protected]

Last updated 2 weeks ago