Ruck Of Suck #ruckofsuck

The Midwest is hosting rucks that can be done remotely anywhere in the world with any skill level.
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Last updated 1 Woche, 4 Tage her

The official Yescoin™
Probably something.

Play🕹️: @realyescoinbot
Player support: @yescoincare
Business: @advertize_support

Last updated 1 Monat, 2 Wochen her


Last updated 2 Wochen her

6 Monate, 1 Woche her

Saturday July 20th.
4 miles.
1 hour.

Pitter patter.
See you guys out there.

6 Monate, 2 Wochen her

Hey lad and lasses, hope you guys are doing well and training.

Here is a reminder of what it is we are doing. Our mission is to give people challenges on a monthly basis for overall fitness and preparedness.

There is a posted date and monthly challenge. It can be done anywhere on planet earth. Can't do the full distance? Do what you are able to do and work your way up to new goals.

Our goal is to get people training and on the trails and gearing up everywhere.

Rucking doesn't just have to be a heavy backpack. You can run whatever patrol, recce, chest rigs, plate carriers whatever you like. And if you don't have those things or feel comfortable running kit, just take a backpack. That's okay.

Can't do the full weight? Go lighter! You will work up to the weights if you train and set goals.

Suggested weight carried is 25lb+ minimum for folks 130lbs or more. ~20lbs is suggested for anyone under weight.

Find some people local and get some friends together. Hit the trails and enjoy nature. If you want a shout out, get some pics and I'll gas you and the boiz/gurlz up.

This effort is to normalize training with kit and in groups. There is nothing illegal (yet) about hiking with friends. Spread the word. We don't ask for money or anything like that. Support can be done through buying merch if you so choose to.

We do have stickers too

See you guys out there.

6 Monate, 3 Wochen her

It's Summer and those of us in the hotter regions have to be aware how important hydrating is.

Losing salt through training in the heat is something to be aware of. This article outlines a lot of the subject.

Water + salt are two very important things to keep in mind when training. Plan ahead of time, make space and weight for having plenty of both. Hot seasons lead up to 3x the water you may need normally.


How to estimate how much sodium you lose in your sweat

To nail hydration, you need to understand 2 things: 1. how much you’re sweating & 2. how much salt you’re losing in that sweat. This blog will help you with that last one!

It's Summer and those of us in the hotter regions have to be aware how important hydrating is.
6 Monate, 3 Wochen her
July 20th ruck challenge is going …

July 20th ruck challenge is going to be different.

Instead of a strict distance/weight/terrain goal I'm proposing a shorter challenge.

We have beat around the idea of a 4 mile, 1 hour challenge. This time I'd like to try it out and see the results from people.

If you would like to try this out with some kit and make it more difficult props to you.

Need an app to log it and track progress? I've used Gaia for free and it works great. Track your time, distance, elevation, and your maps all in one place.

We have a while before the July training event but June/July is a great time to really train and hit it. Because August is the event and it's a doozie.

90+ degree temps in midwest, 15+ miles, and weighted kit.

If you want to get going now is the time. Otherwise if you jump into something like the events without planning and warming up to it you will regret it.

See you guys out there.

6 Monate, 4 Wochen her
As the thumb guy says, if …

As the thumb guy says, if you aren't fit you're NGMI.


6 Monate, 4 Wochen her

Homies out in the world reppin'!

8 Monate, 2 Wochen her
One week until the event, April …

One week until the event, April 27th.

This is the one event we co-host and do around Varustelekas remote ruck. In solidarity we will all be rucking all over the world together.

It makes me happy to see people getting out and exploring. Half of the fun is just the adventure itself.

Get out and get moving. No one is coming to save you. Train like your life depends on it. Because it does.

See you guys out there.

8 Monate, 2 Wochen her
Merch is now available. Ruck Of …

Merch is now available. Ruck Of Suck shirts have been put up on the merchboiz site.

Use promo code AR15 for 10% off.

Or add their IG at merchboizofficial

8 Monate, 3 Wochen her
8 Monate, 3 Wochen her

The whole purpose behind ROS was to get people together and active.

If you want to host or start your own ruck In your areas, all you need to do is to shoot over very basic information.

A generalized operating area, and a squad name if you prefer. And if you would like pictures to be posted here we can do that per request also.

Get your buddies and friends on the right track. Let's hit the trails together.

All training and events can be done remotely anywhere.

Contact @birdmang69 for more info.

We recommend to visit

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😉 We keep an eye on the price; you can just watch us do it.

Buy Ads: @JamesCookTg

Last updated 1 Woche, 4 Tage her

The official Yescoin™
Probably something.

Play🕹️: @realyescoinbot
Player support: @yescoincare
Business: @advertize_support

Last updated 1 Monat, 2 Wochen her


Last updated 2 Wochen her