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Last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago
The same exact way no one can find any research on fulvic acid for human health before 2017. And yes, Bill Gates is tied to BOO fulvic which created that whole phase.
Let me start off this message by saying how so happy I am knowing that people are finding out the truth. ❤️ ☀️ Finding out the truth is a dirty job ? and definitely we need to be there for the people who just found out.
I always tell the mothers it’s not their fault that they trusted the medical Professionals who told them lies. It is their responsibility to get the cure out however
Now In the chat daily, we get more and more people posting videos of what WE already know. “Vaccines are bad” or “vaccines do this that and the other- yea”… we know
Which is nice for newbies, but this channel is not for newbies. I made the decision many years ago, not to keep just posting videos confirming that vaccines hurt people.
One- if you know about me, we are so beyond Just “vaccines hurt people.” And we didn’t need a TikTok to prove it we looked around and we did the math and our heads ourselves . Heck we’re even beyond trying to find Pharmaceutical stuff to fix because I have 10 things that reverse vaccines already
2- this stems from Twitter days , I don’t just repost the popular things or the random video on my main channel, because people will really only scroll three or four times up until they leave the channel. One or two of those videos is enough to make someone quickly look at my channel and think I’m like every other anti-VAX or that posted that same video today and they will leave our channel. So if wondering why I won’t repost on channel the 3” videos videos make people scroll more to get actual cures this is low hanging fruit, and hence every anti vaxer channel does it for quick reacts and views. I don’t even have an ad sign at the bottom of my page to make you scroll even less to the Cures. Also, if I had the ad for Telegram, I wouldn’t be able to share all the free books I do. Again what makes me different than the people posting the crying videos or court videos of “Vaccines being bad”
I’m very glad people are finding out and I’ve posted hundreds of articles that look like web links that already prove this years ago
More importantly, than proving that the vaccines are bad, which technically was done in 1776 I ALSO post the CURE; the way to reverse what people are crying about
The number of SID‘s cases has risen with newborn baby vaccines since the 80s. So of course it’s very important to cleanse the baby and cleanse the pregnant mother as well however most detoxes are very dangerous for pregnant people.* I wouldn’t even take Wormwood if I find out I’m pregnant. It could terminate the pregnancy. This is why I love how MMS Chlorine dioxide is the only antiparasitic or detox system that has been approved by Experts for pregnant women and nursing women. (All other detoxes are dangerous for nursing and pregnant women they could terminate pregnancy) Page 51 Humble explains which protocols are good for new and expecting moms. The good news is chlorine dioxide will begin the vaccine reversal process for babies that had to get vaxed. Especially in other countries and overseas. Heck even for mamas that regret the faces immediately which many do.
Pdf version instead of epub
The Ultimate Guide to Methylene Blue
by Mark Sloan
They won’t let the bugs leave the Earth on Men in Black. They make that very clear on the first movie
And when you realize we have a dome covering us, you realize nothing can get out of here.
Then you start to look into all the research that people have done with Elon musk, and his rockets that always hit something and then make a ripple effect . Just like if you hit a rock on water. And it skips water instead of penetrating past tension barrier.
This is why we look at myths because in the Bible it says there are heavenly waters above us. Nothing can leave this plane we are in/on going “up into space”. But you can go lower in caves/oceans/trenches.
Which is why there’s so many people who make the very clear distinction that things underground would technically be considered “extra terrestrial as well”. An ant in that definition is an ET. And I’m not talking about flat earth, because that doesn’t account for this underground.
And then you have to look at all the myths and lore of things that live underground. And you realize that the very first thing these secret societies learn is about the Testament of Solomon. Where king Solomon learns of seven demons and how they are controlled that live underground. Once you know what they are and what they do, I don’t care if you watch, dungeons and dragons campaign to understand fully- but once you know, if the demon lords, you quickly see how what you’ve been told are “aliens” or even Egyptian small g gods are nothing more than pathetic demons using the same smoke and mirrors illusion to enslave humans.
I always try to tell people that X-Files was not about aliens, it was about the government using government technology to steal your kids. Even X-Files tells people this. Even X-Files, the number one alien show on disclosure explained to its alien loving audience that it was never aliens abducting these children, except it was your government using its own technology.
This is why we cover CPS and how many children go missing through school and child protective services. This is why people from history channel are watching these conferences like a hawk. If you realize that your tax dollars are paying to take kids out it will show the truth. They want you thinking one very pushed story. If it’s been on history channel it’s not a full truth.
Great newbie hour recap of my process
Taking it one step at a Time, slow and steady is the way to win the race with detox
Ep. 07 Divine Lunch Hour | RID YOUR BODY OF PARASITES
RID YOUR BODY OF PARASITES w/ Lexi. Episode 07Join me this Friday, August 25th on Divine Lunch Hour! We will discuss what you can do TODAY to join us on this...
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