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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

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Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago

8 months, 3 weeks ago


ToRe just got hit with, get over $5,000 Chargeback!!!

These people attacking her are relentless!

I don't know details yet, but suffice to say, it's really hurting her now, but with all of our help, you have softened the blow.

The Tore Says Rapid Fund has cut into the over 20K she was hit with all at the same time as well as bills that have come in from our attorney representing our many cases. The Carla Weise case being one that required immediate funding to continue. Us winning this case and cases like it will ensure that the government can't mandate masks or vaccines and force us out of our livelihoods because we will not comply.

I was 'lucky', my company embraced faith based exemptions, or many more of us would have lost our jobs (which is what I think was the intent of those who have infiltrated our Government, who wish to destroy it so they can implement a more 'Chinese Based' Social Credit Score governance system.)

We all must fight at every level to save our Freedom (the last thing holding that together is some ink and parchment).

The men who signed the Declaration of Independence were lawyers, jurists, merchants, farmers, large plantation owners; men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well what they were putting at risk. They were British subjects at the time, and knew that the penalty for treason was death by hanging.

They were not wild-eyed, rabble-rousers, but mostly soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, but valued liberty more. Each one surely had more to lose from revolution than he had to gain by it. But they stood tall, and unwavering and pledged:

“For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”

We should all be willing to pledge the same to fight the tyranny that has infected our system and has become most evident today.

ToRe Maras has stood up where people of much greater means have shrunk away or complied.

She is still our 'Tip of the Spear' in this fight against tyranny with it's many facets and we owe it to her and mostly to ourselves and our progeny to support anyone willing to stand up and fight for our freedom.

She has done more to fight for freedom and has accomplished much as it is shown by the entrenched establishment's fear and ongoing retaliation towards her.

See the Aesop's Fable "The Old Farmer and His Sons" for context.

Old Glory Bank has upped our Tore Says Rapid Refund Campaign so those who were blocked by the previous cap that happened before the bank holiday can now donate again.

Thank you again to all who have donated and continue to fund this operation.

I am doing my part to help keep the wheels spinning as I am a believer in the adage "Many hands makes light work".

We all do what we can when we can. If you can't afford to donate, please don't.

There are things you can do to help. If you ever go somewhere they need you to sign a receipt, write TORESAYS.COM and TORESAID.COM on them. This will bring more awareness than you know and will get others of means to assist us to fight the financial battles we incur in this fight. Spread the word. Our army of Patriots who fight with our pens is growing.

The Fund Link is:

Thanks for your help. Our glory will be our successful elimination of tyranny.


11 months, 1 week ago

X cut the space when the red effers were mentioned! Come and join the new one live now

X (formerly Twitter)

Chaos Coordinator (@idontexistTore) on X

11 months, 1 week ago

X (formerly Twitter)

Chaos Coordinator (@idontexistTore) on X

11 months, 1 week ago
1 year, 1 month ago

@ToreSays ???

X (formerly Twitter)

Raiden 🇺🇲🦅 (@Raiden8pt0) on X

Set a reminder for the upcoming Space. Date: 2-7-24 Time 7:00pm CST Re: Praying before the Hearing of SCOTUS AMICUS BRIEF ON 2-8-24. We will also be praying the morning of & during the Hearing on 2-8-24. Space to follow.

1 year, 4 months ago

I am live!!


30 OCTOBER 2023


1 year, 4 months ago

This show was about AI and the creation of a 'Shadow Copy' of each and every one of us...a 'digital profile' of our every desire, idea, motivation, name it. The computers have been digitally profiling us all.

The 'RELAY' referred to is the connection to that digital profile and the predictive analytics of what you are going to do, say, purchase etc...We RELAY our information to the AI in many ways...I'm doing it right now by writing this.

There are so many ways they capture data on us and each of us has LOADS of data. There are ways to use frequency to manipulate the very DNA we have from afar to make changes to what we even think and based on the 'predictive analytics', I can see that it would be beneficial for the AI to place things around you that would give you 'direction' so that you stay on the pre-predicted path....BUUUUUUT....

We are HUMAN...We have FREE WILL....and a SOUL...The AI can't function on that and it doesn't understand Love, Compassion and Moral Ethics. When you change any of those, add or subtract any of them, the algorithm that governs the analysis of what you will do next goes bonkers and starts erroring.

If for instance, you always watch CSPAN on your computer and then start watching CAT VIDEOS and the KARDASHIANS, the algorithm would either assume that YOU were not watching them or it would have to change the predictive analytics to compensate. It uses PAST BEHAVIOR to predict FUTURE EVENTS.


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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Collaboration - @taping_Guru

Last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago