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Research on Asexuality
This morning while I was stuck in queue waiting to talk to my GP, I came across a rather bigoted person from r/Trueoffmychest who conflated Asexuality to a product of to quote:
So that was fun to read. Anyways, I went a bit overboard with the response but I did find some great research article for reference as a result so some good did come out of this.
The last article I found has a quote that sums up Asexuality quite well I think:
“Asexuality isn’t a complex. It’s not a sickness. It’s not an automatic sign of trauma. It’s not a behavior. It’s not the result of a decision.
It’s not a chastity vow or an expression that we are ‘saving ourselves’. We aren’t by definition religious. We aren’t calling ourselves asexual as a statement of purity or moral superiority.
We’re not amoebas or plants. We aren’t automatically gender confused, anti-gay, anti-straight, anti-any-sexual orientation, anti-woman, anti-man, anti-any-gender or anti sex.
We aren’t automatically going through a phase, following a trend, or tying to rebel. We aren’t defined by prudishness. We aren’t calling ourselves asexual because we failed to find a suitable partner.
We aren’t necessarily afraid of intimacy. And we aren’t asking for anyone to ‘fix’ us.”
(Decker, 2015, p. 3)
Just thought I’d share those articles on here for anyone else interested in reading up.
Scherrer KS. Coming to an Asexual Identity: Negotiating Identity, Negotiating Desire. Sexualities. 2008 Oct 1;11(5):621-641. doi: 10.1177/1363460708094269. PMID: 20593009; PMCID: PMC2893352.
Asexuality: What It Is and Why It Matters May 2015 The Journal of Sex Research 52(4):362-379 DOI:10.1080/00224499.2015.1015713 SourcePubMed Authors:Anthony F Bogaert, Brock University
Asexuality Luke Brunning, Natasha McKeever
First published: 13 October 2020
Asexual Pride
Just friends
I’m just so sick and tired of my family and friends whenever I bring up a boy they are like oooo you got a boyfriend now? (I’m a girl) Then my mum is telling me to be careful and if I invite him over she has to be there to make sure we don’t do anything. I just feel like screaming out that I’m a sex repulsed asexual who doesn’t want sex and that we are just friends. A GUY AND A GIRL CAN BE FRIENDS. Can’t they? Please I’m so tired of defending my friendships with guys why can’t we just be friends
r/asexuality on Reddit: Just friends
Posted by u/Ace\_Christian094 - No votes and no comments
Me sharing what i thought was an innocent funny video to my brother…
Sex is a hoax developed by sex companies to sell more sex
Anyone else really don't like being touched?
I don't really like being touched by anyone apart from my closest family members and I never really thought about it until I met another ace who also doesn't like being touched. I tried to find stuff online but all the articles and papers I could find talked about parenting styles and insecure attachment. I'd like to know if this is a thing in asexuality or if I'm just weird and happened to run into another weird person.
r/asexuality on Reddit: Anyone else really don't like being touched?
Posted by u/Filandia1196 - 36 votes and 10 comments
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