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hace 8 meses, 3 semanas
JUST IN - Dow Jones closes …

JUST IN - Dow Jones closes at a record high above 37,000 after the U.S. Federal Reserve signals rate cuts next year.


hace 8 meses, 3 semanas

Over the past week, we've had a massive influx in 'Blackout' comms and programming that many in the Truth Community have picked up on.

- The Obama's released a drama called 'Leave the World Behind,' which is predicated on a mass cyber attack that sends humanity back to the dark ages.

- The UK is warning of potentially-imminent Cyber attacks that could cripple communications infrastructure.

- Germany is warning that, should the 'situation' in Ukraine continue to deteriorate [for them,] emergency measures may be implemented, which seems like coding/inside baseball to me.

- Your usual 'Solar Flare' jargon is bubbling back to the surface in the various 'definitely real, not at all controlled PsyOp bullshit out of the Science Industrial Complex.'

- The Administrative State within the US is releasing reports and warnings about US power and comms infrastructure.

They're going to pull out all the stops.

Good thing National Essential Functions include infrastructure.

What's Elon up to?

hace 8 meses, 3 semanas

I'd like to thank Hunter Biden for opening that door to his being criminally charged for defying a Congressional subpoena today.

Comer publicly said several times if Hunter did not appear, he would make the criminal referral.

Therefore, unless he's a weasel, Rep. Comer will be sending a criminal referral to AG Merrick Garland very likely by the end of the week.

Recall just LAST YEAR both Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon were referred by House investigators to AG Garland for criminal prosecution for breaking federal law by defying House subpoenas to appear and give testimony and hand over evidence.

Garland AGREED that both Navarro and Bannon had committed a federal crime by defying the House subpoenas. Navarro and Bannon took it to court, insisting the subpoenas had no legal force. The DC court ruled against them, finding that defying the subpoenas was, in fact, a federal crime.

After the DC Court's very helpful finding, AG Garland assigned a federal prosecutor who then indicted both men and both were convicted after a trial in Washington DC. Both are appealing their convictions.

Now Hunter gets to play this dodge-the-subpoena-game and we all get to watch Garland squirm once Comer sends that criminal referral.

Remember, the DC court ruled just last year when this question was put to it: "Yep! Defying a congressional subpoena is a FEDERAL CRIME! Sucks to be you, Bannon & Navarro!"

Now its about to really suck to be Hunter Biden.

Ain't life grand?

hace 10 meses, 1 semana

We had some delays from YouTube not lifting the channel’s strike, but we were able to pull it off!!!



"The Art & Science of Living Foods" OFFICIAL BOOK RELEASE! with Santos Bonacci and author Micah Skye

A LIVING FOODS BIBLE EXPLORING THE GARDEN OF EDEN DIET https://livingfoodscookbook.com Chef, Restaurateur, and Founder of the Neuromuscular Release Technique, Micah Skye has been creating culinary masterpieces since the age of sixteen. In this book he combines…

We had some delays from YouTube not lifting the channel’s strike, but we were able to pull it off!!!
hace 10 meses, 1 semana

"We're tired of all this Republican Democrat nonsense because the truth is that it doesn't matter who you vote for, you get the same damn policies. We have in Washington this thing we call the Uniparty. The Uniparty is owned by various lobbies some of those are corporate some of those are foreign. Some of them are pharmaceuticals. Found a way to essentially buy up politicians. We know that. That has to go away. I think it will as a result of where we are headed financially. We've got to return to a very simple formulation. Faith, family, country. What we've seen with this government we have is a systematic attempt to destroy the family...
Stop the interventions. We want to restore the rule of law. We seemed to have lost our intestinal fortitude. Our guts. Our courage to do what is necessary to protect our society.
We've got to close our borders. We can't afford them. These things have to happen. We absolutely must halt the sexualization of our children. An appeal across party lines. There are lots of good people who can agree about these things. We need to come together and we need to go after these people in Washington. We need to force this agenda onto Washington. Get out of this terrible pit of despair that we are currently wandering in."


hace 10 meses, 1 semana
Yeah, it’s real. ***🔥***

Yeah, it’s real. 🔥

Feel free to go add your thoughts in the comments section. 😏
#dogpile #redpill


hace 11 meses, 1 semana

I consider those fallen mourners more blessed than those who have not fallen and are not mourning over themselves; because as a result of their fall, they have risen by a sure resurrection.

It is impossible for us who have fallen into the pit of iniquities ever to be drawn out of it, unless we sink into the abyss of the humility of the repentant.

–St. John Climacus

hace 11 meses, 1 semana

Where a man fears to distress God by sinning in any way that is the first degree of love. The man whose mind is undistracted has love in the second degree, which is greater than the first. A third and still higher degree of love is when a man is aware of grace in his soul. And, finally, the man who has the grace of the Holy Spirit both in soul and body is in a state of perfect love; and if he preserves this grace, the bones of his body will become sacred relics, as did the bones of the holy martyrs, the prophets, the blessed fathers and other great saints.

St. Silouan The Athonite

hace 11 meses, 1 semana

The majority of hierarchs and priests see to it that their golden altars, vestments and cassocks shine, but not their works.....Strive to walk worthily of the vocation to which you were called. Do not pay attention to the majority, but to the few and the elect. Do not walk the wide and spacious road which leads to perdition, but the narrow and sorrowful one, which few walk and which leads to life.

-Archimandrite Philotheos (Zervakos), Advice to a Priest

hace 1 año

"The only place where modern man does not like to visit.... is himself. He cannot hear the silence, he does not want to hear the voice of conscience. But without knowing yourself you can not know God. Modern man lives in a shadowy world of TV, the media, the internet, but the greatest reality in the world is the human soul. Inside we can open up the kingdom of heaven, in our heart God wants to be born!"

-Bishop Panteleimon (Shatov)

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Last updated 6 days, 16 hours ago

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