iToo Licenses

Licenses for latest iToo ForestPack or RailClone

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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago

1 month, 1 week ago
1 month, 1 week ago

Forest Pack 9.1.8 / RailClone 6.3.9

- Fixed freeze issue using contextual menus in Library Browser and Style Editor.
This problem was detected in latest Windows 10/11 versions (22H2 and above).

*⚠️ Older versions are available for download from the link in the first pinned post.*

1 month, 4 weeks ago

RailClone 6.3.8

- Fixed rare freeze issue applying slice operations.
- Fixed: Slice operation adds additional vertices to corner meshes.

*⚠️ Older versions are available for download from the link in the first pinned post.*

3 months, 3 weeks ago

Forest Pack 9.1.5

- Fixed: V-Ray proxies are rendered in V-Ray GPU/Vantage using preview mesh.

*⚠️ Older versions are available for download from the link in the first pinned post.*

3 months, 3 weeks ago

Forest Pack 9.1.4

- Added support for V-Ray 7.
- Fixed: items are rendered as proxies when using Forest Areas in IPR mode.
- Fixed crash creating Forest object when IPR is running.
* Although crash is fixed, we encourage to not create FP objects while rendering with IPR. It may cause unexpected behaviours.

*⚠️ Older versions are available for download from the link in the first pinned post.*

3 months, 3 weeks ago

RailClone 6.3.3

- Added support for V-Ray 7.
- Fixed: Macro->Numeric node is missing default and limit values for integer type.

*⚠️ Older versions are available for download from the link in the first pinned post.*

12 months ago

RailClone 6.1.7

- RC Spline->Banking is fully rewritten using a new algorithm, to avoid abrupt rotation changes on vertical paths.
* Banking on existing scenes may change significatively. You may need to adjust or add banking points again, to get a correct result.
* If you get abrupt rotation changes even with this update, just add additional banking points near of the problematic position.
That is the same procedure used before for this issue, but it was not working well. Now you should get better results.
- Several improvements to the process of loading and resizing thumbnails in the Library Browser.
- Generator->'Flatten Stepped' is disabled by default.
- Fixed rare crash in Style Editor/Library Browser because a bug in RC 6.1.6.
- Fixed: 'RailClone Library' toolbar action is displayed as 'RailClone Lister'.
- Library updates (you need to run Update Manager while the installation to get them):
* Escalators. Fixed an issue where they were stuck in walkway mode. Now they default to stairs mode with the option to switch to walkway restored.
* Floors. Fixed several floor styles that had issues in recent versions of RailClone.
* Fixes and improvements to macros.

⚠️ Older versions are available for download from the link in the first pinned post.

1 year, 1 month ago

Forest Pack 8.2.6

- Fixed crash using Forest object in Custom Edit mode as exclude area.
- Several improvements to the process of loading and resizing thumbnails in the Library Browser.

*⚠️ Older versions are available for download from the link in the first pinned post.*

1 year, 1 month ago

RailClone 6.1.6

- Fixed error rendering with Redshift (it would affect to other render engines as well).
- Fixed: in some cases nested RailClone don't generate any geometry.
- Fixed: changes on scene objects (as modifying pivot) which are assigned to multiple segments, are reflected only in one of them.
- Fixed: Modifying the Pivot Point of a RCSlice doesn't affect all slices.
* On existing scenes, it may be required to reassign the RCSlice object to each Segment.
- Fixed: Selector Operator doesn't select the corresponding Segment based on the Y Spline Marker ID value.
- Improved performance of Library Browser, when loading multiple items using same material library.
- Several improvements to the process of loading and resizing thumbnails in the Library Browser.

*⚠️ Older versions are available for download from the link in the first pinned post.*

1 year, 2 months ago

RailClone 6.1.5

- Fixed: Limits->Material ID not working in the Extend X/Y Size to Area mode.
- Splines are trimmed by 'Base Objects'->'Full Length' only if Start/End parameters have an applicable range.
* This fixes an issue where closed splines are considered as opened, when 'Full Length' is unchecked but Start/End parameters have default values.
- Fixed: Generator->'Flatten Stepped' has not any effect.
* Also added performance improvement when applied on flat splines.
- Fixed: Mirror Operator breaks Segment UV mapping on nested generators.

*⚠️ Older versions are available for download from the link in the first pinned post.*

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Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

12,975,749 @developer

Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.

Contact: @borz

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago