Crusading in the Age of Aquarius

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Last updated 5 months, 4 weeks ago

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Last updated 2 months ago

2 months, 3 weeks ago
***??*** - Satanic Temple Christmas display …

?? - Satanic Temple Christmas display at New Hampshire State House got vandalized.

Follow: @ThermopylaeNews

2 months, 4 weeks ago
Crusading in the Age of Aquarius
3 months ago

Pray for Syria

3 months ago

I was discussing Aryanity, or however it’s spelt, with a member and he showed me a post they made about the “Gnostic vs Jewish Christ”. While the post itself is Gnostic cope, it did mention a difference, that difference being Christ as a Solar Deity or a Serpent Deity, but in reality, Christ in the Scriptures and according to the Church Fathers is both. The Scripture itself describes Jehovah as a Solar Deity, and St Constantine also equated Christ with Sol Invictus as a completion of the archetype. Orthodox prayers call Christ the Triple Sun. At the same time there is Serpent symbolism with Christ aswell. The Brazen Seraph of Moses, which was a prototype of the Crucifixion, was a serpent on a cross, Old Believer iconography sometimes depicts Christ as the “Crucified Seraphim” and St Francis of Assisi was given the Stigmata by Christ in the from of a crucified seraph. And since according to St Dionysus based in Scripture, the Seraph are Burning Ones we can then take the Orphic nature of Christ into account. Christianity is a Orphic Religion, be it is the ultimate Orphic Religion because Christ not only Rose form the Dead, but he Destroyed Death through His Death. And so the Orphic Cosmic Egg, a snake coiled round and egg, can be seen as an esoteric symbol for Christ creating the Cosmos. For existence is within Jehovah, He is the Absolute, so Jehovah coiled round the Universe is an inherently Christian idea. So a more accurate description of the Cosmic Egg is a Seraph coiled round the Egg.

3 months ago

Check out his work here

3 months, 1 week ago

Today Captain Codreanu was Martyred by a godless regime because of his Faith in Christ our God.

3 months, 2 weeks ago

The knife presented to Donald Trump is magical. A rare modern example of an artifact forged in mankind’s Mythos.

3 months, 3 weeks ago

“Aliens” are just demons

6 months, 1 week ago

It’s time to finally say it. Patriot Front is at best a lame duck of an Organization, or at worst a Federal program to keep Nationalists from actually doing anything. There is no substance, no plan, and they wear Patriotism at surface level. They seem to be nothing more than a way for Nationalists to get their anger out without actually disrupting the Status Quo,
with their Leadership active stifling real Action. There is evidence for the Feds creating Patriot Front, but it is much more clear that they were bought out, not infiltrated, and people like Russo are tasked with spreading the Stagnation. Look at how many new “Active Clubs” are really just Patriot Front fronts. They are CoIntelPro in a new from.

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