Art by KiwiBlanco 🥝

I'm KiwiB an freelance artist~ 💜🧡💚
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2 months, 3 weeks ago

[𝔼𝕤𝕡] Sigo terminando comisiones grandes, pero entre medio hago chibis para no saturarme con el mismo dibujo, ya que eso me cansa un poco.
Abro los ultimos 5 slots de chibi parejitas a 10 dolares o 5000 pesos argentinos (precio en ARS solo para residentes) en la pose que gusten con fondo plano, si alguien esta interesado envieme un mensaje a @kiwiblanco24 💖

[𝔼𝕟𝕘] I open the last 5 slots for chibi couples at 10 dollars or 5000 Argentine pesos (price in ARS only for residents) in the pose you like with a flat background, if anyone is interested send me a message at @kiwiblanco24 💖 🥝

2 months, 3 weeks ago
Art by KiwiBlanco 🥝
3 months ago

[𝔼𝕤𝕡] Hola! Estoy terminando los ychs restantes, los publicaré pronto junto con otras comisiones y algunos wips~
Por ahora les aviso que estaré paseando y vendiendo llaveros y algunos pines en Miufest🌸, alla los veo 💖

[𝔼𝕟𝕘] Hi! I'm finishing up the remaining ychs, will post them soon along with other commissions and some wips~
For now I let you know that I will be walking around and selling things at Miufest🌸 🥝

4 months ago
4 months ago
Art by KiwiBlanco 🥝
4 months ago
I upload some things ***💖***.

I upload some things 💖.
Going back and forth from taking care of my sisters' cats is taking up more time than I expected, but I will soon finish more drawings and upload them! 🥝

4 months, 2 weeks ago
ıllı 🅵🅴🅻🅸🆉 ②⓪❷❹ ***🐉*** ıllı ***🎊***

ıllı 🅵🅴🅻🅸🆉 ②⓪❷❹ 🐉 ıllı 🎊

#Furry 🥝

4 months, 2 weeks ago
Art by KiwiBlanco 🥝
4 months, 2 weeks ago
Art by KiwiBlanco 🥝
4 months, 2 weeks ago
Commissions finished! ***💖***

Commissions finished! 💖

#Furry 🥝