🍄Earthsongs Awakening

This channel is for the spiritual warriors. All who are willing to look within to their own shadows,and to that of humanity.
It’s for those who see things differently, the change makers, the rebels and the misfits.
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6 Tage, 13 Stunden her
  1. You will always have problems. Learn to enjoy life while you solve them.

  2. People do not decide their futures; they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.

  3. In life you can only control two things: your effort and your attitude.

  4. Don't ask how to start. Begin, then ask how to improve.

  5. Happiness has less to do with pleasure and more to do with purpose.

  6. Life is harder when you expect much from the world and little from yourself.

  7. Life is easier when you expect much from yourself and little from the world. High Standards, Low Expectations

  8. Half your problems are just your mind making smaller things seem bigger things.

  9. Don't look for secrets when all you need are repetitions.

  10. Don't let yourself be controlled by three things: people, money or past experiences.

  11. In every challenge or even tragedy, there is opportunity. And if you train yourself to look for opportunity, you can take control of the situation and even turn it into something positive or, if it can't turn into something good, at least something good could come out of it.

  12. Give thanks every day, because even if you think you have no reasons to give thanks, your "normal" day is someone else's dream....

1 Woche, 6 Tage her
5 Monate, 2 Wochen her

This approach to patient-centered care of muscle pain syndromes encourages patients to contribute to their own rehabilitation rather than be party to passive therapy alone that encourages patients to be dependent on others for their recovery.
Ischemic compression is a mechanical treatment of myofascial trigger points that consists of application of sustained pressure for a long enough time to inactivate the trigger points

5 Monate, 2 Wochen her

Fascia is a messenger system, a key organ of sensory perception. It is integral for trauma wound healing, inflammation control and pain relief.

We live in a death culture that largely ignores the accumulation of traumatic emotional wounds. These normal humans responses become stored within our body and need ways to be moved out.
These times of trauma and chronic stress become stored in the fascial network, and if left unchanged patterns of restrictions move in and create rigid and blocked areas.
Fascia is filmy plastic wrap looking connective tissue. It stores and moves water throughout the body. It functions as the fiber optic network, carries voltage and oscillating frequency throughout the bio-neurological system via its semi conductive properties.

“Fascia is crystalline in nature.”

By understanding the piezoelectric effects of the fascial network, life force energy can be moved through blockages in the meridian system and further support biological ionization.
The biological ionization process is what builds and strengthens the lightbody, preparing the inner dwelling of our consciousness bodies to receive and embody liquid plasmic light.

By applying pressure to one focused area, it is changing the electrical dynamics that exist within the entire structure of the layers of the bodily.
These points are called myofascial trigger points and accupressure points. They are oftentimes in the same areas although quite different in nature. By palpating around your body you will find many, especially around boney areas such as hips, shoulders, neck,sternum and ankles.
Start with the areas where you have the most discomfort, if you can’t reach have someone else press down for you. Otherwise find a hard rubber ball and place it against a wall or put it on the floor.
Press into all the points you can find until you have relief. Check around the same areas as there is usually a little family of them close together. Pressure is held for 20 -60 seconds and gradually increased as the trigger point releases. It will feel like it is “melting”away. Drink lots of water afterwards, you may be energized or extremely tired, trust this and honour what your body needs.

Fascial tools can also be used to help break up stagnant patterns or trauma that are recorded in the fascia and energetic body. Warm the area before using these tools and use a good non toxic oil. I use coconut as it warms up the fastest.
This technique will also help detoxify anything stored in the fat tissues, muscles and depending on area, the lymphatic system. Drink water afterwards or you might get a headache or be sore in area worked.
I like to use fascia blasters on myself and clients and they work excellently along with trigger point release. You can find these tools online.

These are all things you can do yourself, at home without necessarily having to see a professional. This teaches you how to listen to your own body and its inherent needs. This is actually part of being embodied and present with yourself, by moving, stretching and pushing into tender areas.
Your body doesn’t want to hold onto anything.
It wants to be light so your life force can be strong and move accordingly.
It wants to get rid of the restrictions so you can be more of a receiver.
It doesn’t want big rocks blocking the way.

Fascia - Ascension Glossary

5 Monate, 2 Wochen her
5 Monate, 2 Wochen her

The darker the times get, the more acts of goodness radiate like beacons of light. We need these reminders; otherwise, it’s easy to become cynical, cruel, and nihilistic as our souls become tainted by the darkness. We are then at risk to act and think as if darkness is all there is. We can easily become corrupted by the darkness as it multiplies through our own unconsciousness.

Yet, this is why acts of goodness shine so bright, especially in dark times. Even the smallest act of goodness can give someone the love they need to remember their goodness too and change the trajectory of their life, as it is this light which reminds souls of the eternal presence of God. We must not forget that no matter how dark the times, this presence and light is always available to us.

Those human beings who remember to turn the lights back on in periods of darkness act as representatives for the divine during the most difficult turning points in humanity's journey and will often have a significant influence on shaping the course of history. You can easily become one of those human beings too by remembering to take care of your heart so that you can spread beauty, goodness and light to the world, especially when the world most needs it.

Laura Matsue


5 Monate, 2 Wochen her

The autumn equinox for 2024 falls on September 22nd, however the energy of it lasts for several days on either side.
The equinoxes occur twice a year, in March and September, this is the moment in time when the sun’s path is directly in line with the celestial equator. This causes the hours of daylight and darkness to be (almost) equal, across the world.

The autumn equinox coming up in the Northern Hemisphere asks us to balance the efforts we’ve made against the rewards we’ve reaped. This is the harvest season, both literally and figuratively.
In autumn, deciduous trees shed their leaves. In a process called senescing, they gradually cut off the sugars the leaves need to survive, shedding them in a form of self-sacrifice so that they can sustain themselves through the winter.
“We can do this too”.

The equinox is a fantastic time to cut ties with anything that no longer serve. Focus on the essentials, things and people which warm your hearts, that which can be your light during the darker days ahead.
This is an important time for facing up to the coming darkness, by acknowledging the darkness within ourselves and within the world.
Fall and Winter are the perfect time for self-reflection and for shadow work. Only by working through our own dark can we emerge in March into the spring refreshed and renewed.

For those In the Southern Hemisphere it will be the spring equinox, as the lightness of days begins to return. This is traditionally a time of birth and rebirth. It’s time to balance the rest and recuperation you may have had over the winter. It’s a time to be bold and brave, just as the flowers and plants are bravely emerging from the soil.

The controllers of the world always work their magic around these times. They understand the power that can be created due to the natural laws of the Earths cycles.
People who practice land based ways of living understand the power behind working with the natural rhythms and cycles of the earth.
It isn’t a bad thing although sadly, many are indoctrinated to believe it is.
In actual fact it’s the natural organic way of being.
This natural flow state with Earth allows deeper connection.
Pay attention to how you feel as the seasons move through their cycles, become aware of the trees changing colour and shedding, feel the chill coming in the air, listen to the birds singing or insect sounds.
Be aware the darkness rolling in and staying longer.
Notice yourself shift as the seasons shift, by simply paying attention to the animated world all around.
They are all practices which enhance and tune up natural intuitive abilities.
Look up from your phone and connect with the natural world.
Otherwise the non-organic fake world, aka the Matrix will pull you in.
I will say that again.
Look up from your phone and connect with the natural world or the matrix will pull you in.
“If only I were joking”.

The non-human beings who control Earth understand magic, they understand the power behind it.
They also use equinoxes and solstices for their work to gain strength.
Their magic is dark, satanic, and a reversal of the natural ways of the world. They are upsetting the equilibrium and things will change rapidly if this continues
They have known the teachings of the ancient mystery schools for millennia, and are very wise in the traditional art of Black Magic. Many people, even today, still question if magic is a thing. And it is, very much so, magic is real and if done properly with intention, setting, ceremony and timing it can be very powerful.
These teaching have been lost, taken and destroyed through the ages. Many of our ancestors knew how to create magic for good crop yields, finding water, bringing forth rain, added protection, healing and so forth.
When magic and ritual are used with blood it gains strength. Many indigenous and pagan peoples will offer a drop of their own blood as a sacrifice or for gratitude to the earth. This is very powerful and can bring forth great healing to individuals and communities.

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