@PonchKick_bot ?
Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 6 months, 3 weeks ago
From Brother Lee Mudway. I write this is absolute recognition of the perfection in the moment of what each is doing, and has done, this is more of a re iteration, and possibly a first time for some who may read this, of some of the current and ongoing Divine Roles being played out by many.
In so many ways, there are Divine Ones, "out there", on their own personal missions, facing their own "circumstances" whilst also playing their divine parts, obliviously or consciously, it matters not, the job is getting done.
Many of these "roles", teams and groups are unknown to each other, and to many .. yet, they do what they do regardless, mostly with a release of the self identity, and at some significant "cost" to their old lives, be this being apart from it, not having "funds", not having housing, nomadic etc, all a form of self sacrifice for the greater good, but truly, a deep trust of their own selves, a garnering of their true divine identities, under the umbrella of the Divine Mission - an upscaling, a rise, a re membering.
This post, is more for a reference at this current juncture, that there are ones who may not be "well known", who are asking for assistance but are not "seen" or known and dismissed, yet they are true, divine, and had simply been "hidden" in their roles .. and it is with this cognizance, that this post is given ..
Share if it resonates, whatever you wish, be it energy, guidance, or, and as much as it disgusts I to write this, funding .. which is most sincerely required for many to continue on their missions -
I would also wish to re iterate, that this "missive", takes into account cause and effect, in the way that it is not written as a plea, but as a precursor to what will be ??
Lee M
I am beginning an audio chat here shortly. ??
More about doing the inner work.
In my recent post, about 15 hours ago, of beginning the inner work, this is to be added.
As You individually reprogram Your outward behaviour and reactions to Others behaviours as You interact with another, it is important to focus on one negative behaviour first to reprogram, let us say the negative fear based act of impatience, it needs to be reprogrammed to patience.
So, You begin to see circumstances that You will be subjugated with the choices of how to act and react, with patience or not, and to observe the outcome of each choice. Watch how being impatient will begin to produce more negative things escalating through Your daily experience, and then the next time, be patient and watch the effects and outcome. It is through this technique with Your processes that You will prove and confirm that it is True what I say, and that it Truly works.
One CANNOT just read things, there is the actual work that is of utmost importance so that the knowledge and reprogramming gets embodied, without doing the actual inner work, One will preside in a place of Spiritual bypass thinking they know it all, and not acting from the place of embodiment, however rather, from a place of Spiritual Ego.
Love and Light
Rick Jewers???
The first step in One beginning to do Their inner work, after being Aware of the Divine Necessity, is to begin to observe and evaluate Your demeanor, Your actions, reactions, and thoughts. Write down all negative and fear based actions and thoughts that You observe Yourself doing, then write down the opposite virtue and positive action and thought beside the negative fear based actions, then begin to apply the most positive virtuous actions and thoughts at Your next opportunity to do so. With this technique, You will reprogram Your Self from the lower density vibration, into higher vibration, which raises the consciousness and opens more of Your Divine Knowledge. This also inturn strengthens Your manifesting abilities as well as Your multidimensional ability that allows You to reside in higher and better realities and experiences, as You progress forward with The Ascension as a whole.
Love and Light
Rick Jewers???
The current root cause of disharmony is the negative control of money perpetrated upon another, this is the main problem, the Awakening Ones are the SOLUTION to change this. Gpms.world is the full solution to endorse to change this world, add Your consent today, it is free of monetary charge, as We freely liberate Earth and accelerate the Ascension.
Love, Light, and Gratitude to All
Rick Jewers ???
A very intense compression of the 4D space has occurred due to the increasing Light effects on the ground on Earth,which is causing many breaches in the Matrix networking, and simultaneously, opening may cracks in the space/time continuum between the 4th and 5th dimension and dimensional state of Being.
Temporal distortions in the space/time continuum being experienced by some, where dimensional pockets are entered, are part of the process of expanding and populating the 5th Dimensional Reality. As the old implodes, cracks form in that lower dimension reality of 4th density, allowing for more of an influx of 5th dimensional energetics, and higher, to enter the 4th dimensional scope of consciousness, and advance that consciousness forward through the production of irrefutable confirmations in the form of experience, thoughts, and the ability to access more of the inner knowing on the individual level.
Flashes of White Light are occurring and have been for several linear days, both in the daytime as well as at night, as a synaptic effect occurs between the two frequencies of reality, the 4th and 5th dimensional frequencies, and as the 4th dimensional reality is overtaken by the higher 5th dimensional frequency that assimilates the old and transforms it to a higher quality frequential reality, hence, entering the Heaven on Earth scenario.
All individually and collectively are currently transmuting and transforming the dense 4th dimensional frequencies being released by the Mass Collective of Human Souls that are in various stages of Their transitioning and acclimatization to the higher frequency reality that already exists, has been created, and is being populated at this time. Much supporting Light Frequency is being delivered constantly to the surface through Solar Activity with an important M1 Flare less than 48 hours ago signalling a reset of reality with the Divine Stamp of occurring at 0000.
Every thing is fine and All are to transmute and reconcile the prevailing energies to the higher Light Quotient, lots of clean water and rest are encouraged for Those that feel They need it. The dense energetics are not Yours, however, they are Yours temporarily to transmute, recondition and reprogram to the highest, as You do this work individually, Your ripple effects assists Many.
You were informed of the Sacral Release Process prior to it beginning, and as it comes to a close around August 24th of linear time, these are the remnants of the individual fears and limited beliefs that have surfaced to have the highest Divine Remedy applied that eradicates most of this forever at this time, the rest will be incrementally cleared and processed as We proceed with this Planetary Ascension.
Love and Light
Rick Jewers ???
Sister Beatrice which is from the Romania region gives Her worldwide Public Presentation of gpms.world.
Love and Light
Rick Jewers
@PonchKick_bot ?
Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago
XPLUS Mini App? https://t.me/xplusio_bot
XPLUS Group: https://t.me/xplusio
⚡️LFG Learn, Fun, Grow across Web2 & Web3 | ?️All-in-One Trading Entertainment Hub | ?Powered by #AI Monster #XPLUSMON |
Last updated 5 months ago
Building GameGPT by Prism for the next evolution of game development. Build Games in days, not weeks.
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Last updated 6 months, 3 weeks ago