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Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
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Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Elementary Pārsīg (Middle Persian/ Pahlavi) Course - Spring 2022
"This course, pārsīg ī āsān / "Easy Pārsīg" consists of 80 hours (60 hours of lesson teaching + 20 hours of writing and speaking workshop) is conducted in three sections of 20 hours, with online and recorded sessions, and will be conducted for a Persian-speaking (or familiar with Persian) audience, starting from this spring with the first sessions taking place on April 18th / Farvardin 29th."
For more information and enrollment:
Frazānagān Handarz - Counsel of the Wise
Elementary Pārsīg (Middle Persian/ Pahlavi) Course – Spring 2022
Phrases and words from the ancient Aryans (ērān).
Extracts from the article:
xrad andar kār, ud xēm andar pādixšāyīh, ud dōst<īh> andar vidang pēdāg.-24
Wisdom manifests in action, character during sovereignty, and friendship during hardship.
may xvārišnīh ēd ka abar āštīh ēsted.-108
To drink wine is this: they stand by peace.
harv kē xvāhed, vinded.-137
Whoever seeks, finds.
hān kē nēst, agar dāned kū: “ne hēm”, hēh.-184
That which is in-existent, if it knows thus: “I shan’t exist”, then it would exist.
hazār mard ō mard-ē ped gōbišn ēdōn nē šāyend vurravēnīdan cōn mard-ē ō hazār mard ped kunišn.-E15
A thousand men cannot make one man believe by their words in such manner that a single man can make one thousand men (believe) by action.
"ولکنا وان کنا اهل فناء، فان علینا ان نعمل للبقاء ونحتال له الی امد الفناء."Though we are people doomed to perdition, we must strive for survival and find ways to deceive destruction until its proper time arrives.
—Letter of Tōsar (Priest of Ardašēr Pābagān) to Gušnasp (King of Tabaristān), Al-Tanbīh wa-l-išrāf, A. Mas'udī, ed. A. Ṣāwī, Baqdad (1967), pp.86.
"Rückblickend fragen wir uns: Welches war nun die besondere, bleibende Leistung dieses Großen der Geshichte? Wir stellen fest: Kyrus hat als erster ein Weltreich begründet. Vor ihm gab es wohl Großreiche wie das der Assyrer, aber kein Weltreich wie das der Perser unter seiner Führung."—Walther Hinz, Darius und die Perser (1976), Baden-Baden, pp. 120.
Looking back, we ask ourselves: What was the great, long-lasting achievement of this great historical figure? We deduce: Cyrus was the first to found a world-empire. There had been great empires like that of Assyrians before him, but none were a world-empire, like that of Persians lead by Cyrus.
Happy Cyrus the Great day!
Community chat:
Last updated 4 days, 21 hours ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago