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Last updated 1 year, 10 months ago
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??This Channel Has Been Established With The Aim Of Providing Proper Guidance To Youths Preparing For All Govt Exam
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago
Advanced vocabulary related to personality traits
Greedy (ɡriː.di) - ochko’z
Arrogant (‘erəɡnt) - kibrli, kekkaygan
Envious (ˈenviəs) - hasadgo’y
Jealous (ˈjels) - rashkchi
Touchy (tachi) - tez xafa bo’ladigan
Stubborn (ˈstʌbrn) - qaysar, o’jar
Obedient (oʊˈbiː.di.ənt) - gapga kiradigan
Caring (keyring) - g’amxo’r, mehribon
Humble (hambl) - kamtar
High value man - qadri baland kishi
**More and more parents are allowing their children to play on computers and tablets as they think that children should learn technology skills.
Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?*
It is becoming increasingly common to see parents normalizing their children playing on their computers or tablets with the idea that it helps their children develop skills related to technology. While this trend does have some merits, I believe its drawbacks, especially in terms of children’s overall well-being, are more consequential.
Children, indeed, develop technology-related skills by playing on their electronic gadgets. Playing on computers and tablets can help them learn keyboard navigation for quick typing, online browsing, and app usage. These skills, in turn, can enhance their job prospects as most workplaces have become digitalized, requiring technology literacy. Besides, smart gadgets can be a much-needed parental aid for parents today. They can serve as a useful diversion for children whose parents are often busy working. Allowing the child a 30-minute gaming session gives their parents some downtime for self-care and recreation, which is essential for modern-day parents to balance their personal lives with work.
Advantageous as they may be, electronic devices have considerable negative implications for children. First, they are detrimental to their physical well-being since prolonged screen time has been found to cause eye strain, poor posture, headaches, and obesity from reduced activity. Excessive computer use among children has some social ramifications as well. Children who spend their time mostly on their gadgets run the risk of being less socially active as they have less real-world interaction, as a result of which they grow up to be socially awkward and poorly adjusted. This, in turn, diminishes their future prospects – both professional and personal – as strong social skills are essential in almost every aspect of life. Moreover, some digital games promote violence and hostility, which can lead children to exhibit aggression toward others and be in a constant state of anger and frustration.
In conclusion, allowing children to play on their computers and tablets under the pretext of developing technology skills does seem sensible in some regards, but I would caution parents about the dangers of this decision in terms of their children’s overall well-being.*
Important phrases
Make sure (B2)- ishonch hosil qilmoq
Make it happen (B2) - amalga oshirmoq
Make a living (B2) - tirikchilik qilmoq
Make it (B1) - yetib kelmoq, bormoq
Make the most of (C1) - dan maksimal foyda olmoq
Make up (A2) - o’ylab topmoq, to’qimoq
Make sense (B2) - manoli bo’lmoq, mantiqli bo’lmoq
Make a difference (C1) - ijobiy o’zgarish qilmoq
**Courses and general online study have recently become very popular. However, some people still prefer to attend classes in person.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.*
Online learning is growing in popularity, attracting more and more students. Despite this, there are still some people who prefer the traditional mode of learning over online classes. I personally lean towards in-person classes, even though I acknowledge online learning does have some merits.
On the one hand, online learning entails a number of benefits, drawing in many learners. The primary advantage of this form of education lies in its convenience. Online classes are generally more convenient due to their accessibility in terms of cost and location, allowing a great number of people to receive high-quality education with ease. What makes these classes even more convenient is the fact that no time and effort is expended on commuting, thus enabling online learners to become involved in more activities outside their studies such as acquiring a new skill or tending to household duties. Online learning is also socially liberating: students do not have to worry about their outfits and how to fit in with other people. This eliminates the potential side-effects of social engagement, redirecting more focus on one’s studies.
I am, however, one of the advocates of face-to-face learning as I believe this mode of learning yields better results. Firstly, the physical presence of a teacher commands attention and reinforces discipline, both of which are essential to student acquisition. In fact, in-person learners have been found to do significantly better on their exams than online learners, who tend to be easily distracted by their electronic devices or non-academic responsibilities and take their assignments lightly. Furthermore, traditional classes offer genuine social engagement, which online classes lack inherently. Social interactions in the real world, in turn, fend off mental setbacks from studying such as depression, anxiety, and stress, enabling students to stay motivated and more likely to complete their courses.
In conclusion, online learning, indeed, confers several benefits to the learner, adding to its popularity. Regardless, I am more drawn to the practical upsides of the traditional mode of learning like better academic results and real-world interactions.*
Essential 1 kitobidan testlar
Self-study qiluvchilar uchun daily routine ?7.00-9.00 2 ta essay analysis+writing one of them ?13.00-15.00 1 ta full listening mock+ analysis+ eng kam topgan part/section ni tapecriptini yozish+ listening davomida qanday sinonimlar yoki antonimlar chiqqan…
Self-study qiluvchilar uchun daily routine
2 ta essay analysis+writing one of them
1 ta full listening mock+ analysis+ eng kam topgan part/section ni tapecriptini yozish+ listening davomida qanday sinonimlar yoki antonimlar chiqqan bolsa write down qilib oʻrganib chiqish
?16.00-17.00 speaking (1-kun 1 ta mavzu yuzasidan kamida 25 ta topic vocabularies toʻplab, 2-kun oʻsha mavzusidan savollar toʻplab (google yordamida) ularga javob berish
P.s: bunday vaziyatda speaking qilishga partner topolmadm degan bohona ketmaydi, chunki bu uchun partner kerak emas
Bitta task 1 yozish
1 ta full reading yechish+analysis+foydalanilgan sinonim&antonimlarni oʻrganib chiqish
Bu paytda effectiveness tushib ketadi, yangi narsa oʻrganish qiyin, shu sababdan 1 ta movie with subtitles koʻrish yoki
1 ta song analysis qilish tavsiya etiladi
As adjective asI am not as professional as he is.
Your girlfriend is not as beautiful as mine
As adverb asPlease come home as quickly as you can
I usually teach English as effectively as I can.
As adverb as possible
Please come home as quickly as possibleI usually teach English as effectively as possible
Official Telegram Channel by Sarkari Result SarkariResult.Com
Welcome to this official Channel of Sarkari Result SarkariResult.Com - On this page you will get all the updated information on Sarkari Result website from time to time.
Last updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago
?Only Current Affairs English & Hindi Medium.
Contact @GKGSAdminBot
Channel Link-
By Chandan Kr Sah
Email- [email protected]
Must Subscribe Us On YouTube -
Last updated 1 year, 10 months ago
✆ Contact ? @Aarav723
#UPSC, #SSC , #CGL #BPSC #STATE #PET #Banking, #Railway, #Mppsc, #RRB, #IBPS, #Defence, #Police, #RBI etc.
??This Channel Has Been Established With The Aim Of Providing Proper Guidance To Youths Preparing For All Govt Exam
Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago