Sodiq Volunteering

✅By volunteering with an ongoing programs, volunteers see growth and change.
✅Provides job prospects
✅an excellent way to build up a resume and gain a wide range of experience that can help when it comes time to apply to universities
✅ @sodiq_school
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Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

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Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

This channel is managed by the Telegram team to inform users about updates related to auctions for usernames and other items on the Telegram platform.

Last updated 1 year, 12 months ago

3 months ago
This July, we have an incredible …

This July, we have an incredible opportunity to make a difference: **Pitch for the Future!

Pitch for the Future** is a global competition calling all high school, gap year, and college freshmen/sophomores to tackle real-world issues in their communities.

• Assemble your Dream Team: Grab your most passionate 2-3 friends, or head over to the Pitch for the Future Discord to find like-minded teammates.
• Craft a Compelling Video: Create a 2-3 minute documentary-style video showcasing the social issue with UN's Sustainable Development Goals and your innovative solution.
• Registration: Sign up by July 28th (23:59 GMT+0) The registration fee is just $7.50 with code AMB290. This covers access to exclusive bootcamps and certificates.

Head over to this link for more details and registration.

5 months, 1 week ago


Spot of attention:

The Special Tournament orgonized among 6 countries where each participant motivates the other to win!

Open call for VOLUNTEERS on the Paris - 2024 Table Tennis Qualification Tournament ☀️??‍♀️??

It's a good time to plan the end of the week ?

Dates and times of volunteer involvement?

May 17 to 19, 2024

Shift 1: 8:00AM to 12:00 PM
Shift 2: from 14:00 to 19:00
*If a volunteer wants he can participate in two shifts

Volunteer selection criteria?


☑️ Must know Russian and English;

☑️ Mandatory confirmation of the ability to be at the specified place at the specified time;

☑️ Accuracy, responsible and stress resistance;


☑️ good level of communication skills;

☑️ Adaptability and MOSTLY positivity;

Volunteers will be provided with:

☑️ Equipment;

☑️ Meal;

☑️ Travel expenses (cash);

☑️ And of course, super experience and energized ?

⚠️ Places are limited⚠️

➡️ to register answer to the questions below to our coordinator @zkhdiary in a private message:

  1. Full Name;
  2. Place of study/work;
  3. Do you confirm that you will definitely be at the site on the 17th-18th-19th of May?
  4. Why should the organizers choose you?


The latest news for volunteers of the country *⬇️***

Telegram |Instagram |Facebook |Web

5 months, 1 week ago


AJP Uzbekistan endi Toshkent shahrida?‍♂

Sportga qiziqadigan volontyorlar uchun qabul??

Toshkent, "Jar" Sport Kompleksi

18-19-may kunlari soat 08:00 dan 19:00 gacha

❗️Qatnashish shartlari❗️

✔️ o'zbek va rus tillarida erkin muloqot qila olish;
✔️ mas'uliyatlilik;
✔️ punktual bo'lish.

Agar sizda shunday xususiyatlar bor bo'lsa,marhamat,safimizga qo'shiling.

?Organizatorlar tomonidan quyidagilar taqdim etiladi:

✔️ xayrli ishda qatnashganingizni tasdiqlovchi sertifikat

❗️Joylar chegaralangan❗️

? registratsiya uchun koordinator lichkasiga yozing:
@cheLOVEchik_s_dushoy -Sabina

Quyidagi savollarga javob:
1.To'liq FIO;
2. O'qish yoki ishlash joyingiz;
3.18-19-may kunlari aytilgan vaqtda qatnasha olishingiz tasdig'i;
4.Agar bo'lsa,volontyorlik tajribangizni ham yozib qoldiring;
5. Nima uchun tashkilotchilar aynan sizni tanlashi kerak?

Tanlab olingan a'zolarni biz maxsus guruhga qo'shamiz


Volontyorlar uchun saralangan yangiliklar⬇️****

Telegram| Instagram| Facebook

5 months, 1 week ago
5 months, 2 weeks ago

‼️ Call for volunteers
Подготовка к IT Eco Fest? 3 мая
?Жемчуг, Буюк Турон, 77, оттуда выезжаем в Академию Аструм

?На мероприятие нужно 10 волонтеров

?Волонтёры должны написать ФИО и номер телефона

??‍♂️ Оформление инсталляций, подготовка пространства к мероприятию 4 числа (IT EcoFest)

инстаграм фестиваля:

оплачиваем дорожные расходы, обед

? Для регистрации, пожалуйста, напишите

6 months ago
6 months, 1 week ago
6 months, 2 weeks ago
6 months, 2 weeks ago
8 months, 2 weeks ago

?? Волонтерский проект и стипендия на обучение в Турции

1️⃣ Türkiye Scholarships

⭐️ Предназначены для иностранных студентов, желающих обучаться по программам бакалавриата, магистратуры и PhD в лучших университетах Турции.

? Преимущества: освобождение от платы за обучение, проживание, курс турецкого языка, разовый авиабилет, медицинская страховка, ежемесячная стипендия в размере 3500/5000/6500 турецких лир
? Язык: английский
⚠️ Дедлайн: 20 февраля

2️⃣ Niğde Volunteers-8

⭐️ Волонтеры займутся организацией англоговорящего клуба, созданием контента в социальных сетях для аккаунта AGESDER в Instagram, подготовкой собственных мероприятий в любой области, которая им интересна (искусство и культура, устойчивое развитие, книжный клуб / киноклуб), а также деятельностью по социальной ответственности.

? Преимущества: проживание, питание и транспорт будут покрыты проектом
? Язык: английский
? с 11 марта по 8 мая 2024 года
⚠️ Дедлайн: 15 февраля

Türkiye Bursları - Why Türkiye Scholarships?

Türkiye Scholarships is an official and competitive scholarship program that considers everything that international students will need while taking time for their academic studies, exploring Turkey and acquiring new skills.

We recommend to visit

Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel

Download from Google Play Store:


Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

This channel is managed by the Telegram team to inform users about updates related to auctions for usernames and other items on the Telegram platform.

Last updated 1 year, 12 months ago