Action Zealandia

New Zealand European Nationalist Group.
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1 year, 4 months ago

Hiking into the Shire brb

1 year, 4 months ago

Our shitty government rushed through legislation to give unrepresentative power to Maori elites and other private entities over our water services. (Mandated Maori representation and veto power). There was outcry from the public over this, so they pretended to change the Bill and essentially reproduced it. The Oppositions comment:

"This bill was introduced shortly after the Government announced their three waters back down and is now quickly being rushed through the House before the end of this Parliament. For almost three years, the Labour Government presented their four-entity model as the only viable option to fix the universally recognised deficiencies with the status quo of water services delivery. According to them, only that model would present a solution, and all others should be disregarded. Ironically, this insistence was immediately abandoned once the tide of public opinion became evident, and this bill was introduced, fundamentally reshaping many of the aspects of the reform that the Government had previously considered “bottom lines”. Unfortunately, the core of the reform agenda remains and is still opposed by Kiwis, and because of this, National will not support it."

Yet here we are, and there's not a word in the mainstream media about these resources essentially being given to Maori and private entities (through veto power) at the expense of New Zealand's tax and ratepayers.

1 year, 4 months ago

NSC 131 Activists demonstrated in Augusta, Maine outside of the Governors home and around the State Capitol building to protest Governor Janet Mills’ decision to import 75,000 Africans into Maine by 2029.

They were met with overwhelming support and raised awareness to the recent legislation. Every attempt at White Replacement in New England will be addressed for as long as NSC 131 exists. Expect us!



1 year, 4 months ago

Battling with the winds for this one.

1 year, 4 months ago

Nostalgia montage

1 year, 5 months ago

What New Zealand should do is take a Realist approach and leverage its positions with each major country for its own benefit. We should maintain what is referred to in the literature as an Alliance Shelter with as many small Pacific states as possible, and leverage our position like India did with the USA and the USSR during the Cold War with its nonalignment strategy. (Essentially to use our position and inordinately sized EEC to leverage jewish-America and China). This doesn’t mean giving up any relationships per se, it means using what limited power we do have in the best way possible. (Just like the USA dropped us in 1984 after Lange declared us anti-nuclear, it can happen again). With that, our efforts in economic resilience should be reflected in our choice to reshore manufacturing in New Zealand so we’re less dependent on other states when the US and China inevitably come to blows in the South China Sea. And obviously, we shouldn’t be importing any foreigners en masse, especially those that are actively seeking to replace us for geostrategic reasons.

1 year, 5 months ago
White people are the group that …

White people are the group that face the most discrimination and are regularly treated as second class citizens or worse!

On August 9th we are asking white people all over the world to stand up and make their voices heard by carrying out a piece of activism. You can do this alone, with friends or with a political group. All you need to do is display a banner, poster, placard – or something more creative – with a pro-white slogan!

You also don’t have to do your activism on the day itself, you can do it any time before the date or up to and including the weekend ending the 13.08.2023.

Photograph your activism and send it us at: [email protected]

We will publish all submissions and do a stream featuring the best footage and interviews with activists who took part.

This is your chance to be part of a global fightback against the anti-White agenda.

1 year, 6 months ago

This thread features one of the horrific events unfolding in France at the moment. Africans share a video of a man whose hands they have just cut off in the street.

The removal and deportation of all racial aliens is the only option. The brazilification and South African style collapse is the only outcome of the present policies of mass importation of cheap workers and consumers. All other issues pale in comparison with the endless danger of the racial aliens who are imported by the Jews and their white lackeys.

1 year, 6 months ago

For anyone interested in London and its history this guy has a really cool channel where he gives virtual tours with tidbits of information and historical facts.


Full English

Independent journalist, historian, tour guide, traditionalist, musician South London Eat healthy, workout, ignore the MSM Reject modernity, embrace tradition Love European Heritage

For anyone interested in London and its history this guy has a really cool channel where he gives virtual tours …
We recommend to visit

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