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Last updated 3 недели, 1 день назад
a quiz night?
it's my fourth game, but every time it's so much fun!
if you need to unwind развеяться, go for it
but don't even try to win unless you have a big team of nerds?
dear friends, мне нужна ваша помощь?
я не совсем понимаю, что дальше делать с этим каналом
отсутствие комментариев и реакций сбивает весь настрой создавать хоть какой-либо контент
а становиться человеком, который выпрашивает реакции и задает вопросы в каждом посте я уж точно не хочу
я понимаю, что в принципе много silent viewers, но все же
take a minute and help me,please
чтобы вы хотели видеть тут?
recently i found my wishboard which i created back in the day в свое время and i was so amazed by the fact that I managed to achieve most of my goals, though it took me more than 2 years, I did it
and there are some others which i hope will be accomplished by the end of the year
I've recently learned about myself that I'm a snail, but an ambitious one? sooner or later I get what I want even if it takes a while
that is why i try not to compare myself to others (especially my peers ровесники),
if it lights a fire under someone мотивировать, in my case it's really demotivating
so i'm "snailing away" to work for my dreams?
all the movies/shows i watched recently
1️⃣Sleeping with the enemy
young and gorgeous Julia Roberts, but horribly predictable and unconvincing story
*2️⃣*Why women kill seasonwewatched this show with my students, amazing cast and plot
both seasons are lit, though the second one is way better, and vocabulary is so good
*3️⃣*This is going to hurtI'm watching this show with my student who is a doctor. So we pick up some medicine vocabulary, though it can be hard to understand. Ohh, and it's British english
*4️⃣*Persian lessonsInteresting story, but it didn't live up to expectations
*5️⃣*LootLight, stupid, informal English
*6️⃣*Inside Out 2Sotouching and insightful, I was sobbing while watching
?What have you watched recently?
Morning?here is some revision for you
?Catch strays- попасть под перекрестный огонь/ а я тут причем
?Hit the books- зубрить/засесть за книги
?Scorching hot-ужасно жарко
?Cakewalk- легкотня
?In the nick of time- точно во время
?Gorge myself on- наесться
?Bear with me- потерпите меня
?Have a trip down memory lane- путешествие в прошлое
?Packed- заполнен
?I reckon - я полагаю
?Right off the bat - с самого начала
?A far cry from- очень отличается
?Tidbits- интересные факты
?In a nutshell - в кратце
?Impudent- нахальный
?Off the top of my head- cходу,навскидку
?Delulu - застрявший в своих мечтах/иллюзиях
?Cast my mind back - вспомнить, мысленно возвращаться
?Take it on the chin - терпеливо вынести что-то/ достойно принять поражение
?Lentil - чечевица
?Walnut - грецкий орех
?Tackle a task- решить задачу
?Stomping ground - излюбленное место
and some practice
Hey there?Today I wanna give you some pronunciation tips. There are some words in English which can be either nouns or verbs/adjectives, and it all depends on the stress (ударение)
insUlt /ɪnˈsʌlt/ оскорблять
Insult /ˈɪnsʌlt/ осокрбление
suspEct/səˈspekt/ подозревать
sUspect /ˈsʌspekt/ подозреваемый
updAte /ʌpˈdeɪt/ дополнять новыми данными
Update /ˈʌpdeɪt/ последние данные
rEbel /ˈrebəl/ повстанец, бунтарь
rebEl /rɪˈbel/ восставать
sEparate /ˈsepərət/ отдельный
sEparate /ˈsepəreɪt/ разделять - НО тут окончание ЭЙТ
you can find more words here
Morning?I have #wordmeup for you
A wardrobe staple is a versatile, classic piece in your closet that doesn't go out of style?
Wardrobe staples/wardrobe essentials
and some interesting articles and a video:
while I'm trying to tackle решить a mountain of friday tasks, here is some interesting vocabulary from my second channel??
I love over-easy and soft-boiled eggs!
Whenever i need inspiration, Pinterest never lets me down!
So, if you already know things like spoons, forks, plates etc., here are some interesting words for you
*1️⃣*Placemats/table mats - mats that are put on a table before a meal for people to put their plates or bowls on
*2️⃣*Egg cup - a small cup for holding a boiled egg upright while it is being eaten
*3️⃣*Tablecloth - a cloth spread over a table, especially during meals.
*4️⃣ *Butter dish - a small dish designed to hold butter.
*5️⃣ *Table runner - a strip of material that is put along the length of a table, for decoration
*6️⃣*Coaster- a small piece of wood, plastic, or other material that you put a glass or cup on to protect a surface from heat or liquid
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Community chat:
Last updated 2 месяца, 2 недели назад
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market
Last updated 2 месяца, 1 неделя назад
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 3 недели, 1 день назад