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يقول عباس (مجاهد في المقاومة الإسلامية): "للزهراء عليها السلام حرارة في قلوب شيعتها، وخاصة المجاهدين.. وكيف لا أكون فداءً لها وهي التي كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم يقبّل كفّيها". ويضيف عباس: "إنّ نداء "يا زهراء" الذي نستعين به في معاركنا يشدّ عزيمتنا ويقوّي إرادتنا لخوض المعركة حتّى النصر أو الشهادة، وبه تنجلي قلوبنا؛ لأنّنا نشعر أنّنا بنداء "يا زهراء" ننادي المعصومين الأربعة عشر دفعة واحدة، ونستغيث بهم، كي يكونوا عوناً لنا وسنداً في مواجهة أعدائهم وأعداء الله والدين".
السلام عليك يا فاطمة الزهراء يا ام الشهداء 🌷
Abbas (a Mujahid in the Islamic Resistance) says: "Al-Zahra, peace be upon her, has a warmth in the hearts of her Shiites, especially the Mujahideen... How can I not be a sacrifice for her when the Messenger of God (pbuh) used to kiss her hands?" Abbas adds:
"The call of 'Ya Zahra', which we use for help in our battles, strengthens our resolve and strengthens our will to fight the battle until victory or martyrdom, and with it our hearts are purified, because we feel that with the call of 'Ya Zahra' we are calling upon the fourteen infallibles all at once, and seeking their help, so that they may be a help and support for us in confronting their enemies and the enemies of God and Islam."
A martyr who took his martyrdom from Ayatollah Behjat(r):
Ayatollah Behjat put his hand on his knee and asked: "Young man, what is your job?" He said: "I am a Talabeh(Seminary student)."
Ayatollah Behjat said: You must join the sipaah/army and wear the holy green uniform of the army.
Then Ayatollah Behjat asked again: "What is your name? "
He said: Farhaad
Ayt. Behjat said: "You must change your name. Change your name to either Abdul Saleh or Abdul Mahdi. You will be martyred on the night of Imamate of Imam Zaman (atfs). You are one of the soldiers of Imam al-Zaman (Aj) and you will join him when Imam al-Zaman (Aj)will reappear.
Martyr Abdul Mahdi Kazemi; A martyr who,as per the prediction of Ayatollah Behjat, was martyred in Syria on the night of the imammate of Imam Zaman(atfs), on December 20,2015.
A Salawaat for the pure soul of this soldier of Saheb Al Zaman(atfs) .
أين الرجبيون؟!
`He loved the month of Rajab very much and used to say: Everything that comes to us in the month of Ramadan is due to the blessings of the month of Rajab.From the past few years he was at the front in the month of Rajab, I used to wait for his call on the first night of Rajab, I knew that somehow he would find a phone and call home and say:
أين الرجبيون؟
Finally, he was martyred in the month of Rajab!`
Martyr Majeed Pazooki 🌷
فارسي :
ماه رجب را خیلی دوست داشت میگفت:
هرچه درماه رمضان گیرمان میآید به برکت ماهرجب است... سالها بود ماه رجب راتوی منطقه بود همیشه شباول رجب منتظرش بودم میدانستم هرطور شدهتلفن پیدا میکندزنگ میزند به خانه و میگوید: اینالرجبیون؟آخرش هم توی همینماه شهید شد!
Martyr defender of the Holy Shrine, Naveed Safari writes in his will: "Whoever recites Ziyarat Ashuraa and expresses his devotion to Seyyed al-Shuhadaa,Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) on my behalf, either I will take care of his needs in this world or I will compensate him in the hereafter.
🔸 This honorable martyr, like Shaheed Mohsin Hojaji, was captured by ISIS and his head was cut off from his body, but there was not much media coverage.
Salawaat for the pure soul of Shaheed.🌷
شهید مدافع حرم نوید_صفری در وصیتنامهش گفته: هر کسی زیارت عاشورا بخونه و از طرف من به سیدالشهدا علیه السلام ابراز ارادت کنه، یا حاجتشو میگیرم یا اون دنیا براش جبران میکنم.
🔸 این شهید بزرگوار همچو شهید حججی، توسط وحوش داعشی اسیر میشود و سر از بدنش جدا میکنند ولی خیلی رسانهای نشد.
Let's be sure that in whatever area of expertise we are, if there is an iota of lack of purity in us, if we don't fall today, we will fall tomorrow, if not tomorrow, we will fall the day after tomorrow, because the revolution makes a wave in every era and throws out a handful of garbage.
Martyr Abdul Hameed Diyalmeh
"The 'Husain' of today is in need of someone who support him and woe be to someone who listens to the voice of 'Hal min naser yansurna' of the Imam of his time and does not respond to him. These are like the Kufis who are trapped in the sinkhole of corruption and destruction and the light of this world has made them blind and deaf."
Martyr Abdullah Qorbani🕊️
Martyrdom anniversary of Shaheed Beheshti
"Assuming you were the deep- seated enemy of Martyr Beheshti who was oppressed most of his life and died oppressed and was a thorn in the eyes of the enemies of Islam, what hatred did you have against other innocent people, most of whom had been the best servants of the people and among the most staunch fighters of the enemies of the nation? Disguised as "crusaders of the masses," you actually are the enemies of the masses and are tools paving the way for the exploiters of the West and East."
Ruhullah al-Musavi al-Khomeini
June 30, 19
Statement about the recent film ‘Lady of Heaven’ which is fuelling tensions in the Muslim community
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Last updated 6 months ago
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Last updated 4 weeks, 1 day ago