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Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
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Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago
_Happy Friday,_
@ Mahatria :???
_No point in asking - that's how the rules are and that's how the game is. The passionate game lovers don't think the rules are foolish, but will call you a fool for questioning them. If this is with man-made games, what's there to speak about His-games? Man is tested and challenged, time and again. It is futile to question the game. Instead, learn the rules, master the game, play it well and win the game._
_There is one rule in His game that comes to man's rescue - the end is always beautiful and it is in man's favor. No parent will ever give the child a story to read, which doesn't have a happy ending. Derive strength from knowing this and play the game courageously!!! (Part - 2/2)_
_Wishing you most & more._
_*?Jai Shree Krishna ?*_
_Happy morning,_
@ Mahatria :???
_What science is able to explain today, spirituality had always explained._
_"The more gross the matter, the lesser the frequency of vibrations; subtler the matter, higher the frequency of vibrations."_
_Though the same vibrating strings constitute all matter, they resonate at different frequencies, depending on how gross or subtle the matter is. The difference between the gross physical body and the subtler mind is only in the difference in the frequency of vibrations._
_When you know how to tune into higher frequencies, you can tune into the thought flow of others. You can trade and share minds. Why meditation? Silence is basically vibrations with the highest frequency!!!(Part - 1/2)_
_Wishing you most & more._
_*?Jai Shree Krishna ?*_
_Happy Thursday,_
@ Mahatria :???
_Didn't the earthquake in some part of the world result in tsunami in so many other parts of the world? More people died elsewhere than where the source of destruction happened. Having shrunk the world into an economic global village, though the epicenter of this economic-quake is in that 'land of opportunities', the rest of the world was feeling the tremors of the failures of their economic systems._
_Man's only fallback, God, is not without a cruel sense of humor. His leela doesn't necessarily make man laugh. Sometimes, it does make man cry. But then, there is no point in asking why are the scores in tennis is 15, 30 and then 40? What's the rationale behind 'Love all'? (Part - 1/2)_
_Wishing you most & more._
_*?Jai Shree Krishna ?*_
_Happy Saturday,_
@ Mahatria :???
_Wait for a friend and you keep waiting. Go out to be a friend and you will realize that every classmate is a potential friend. Be the first one to say, "Hi." Don't fear rejection. The best of friendship are often formed outside the classroom and never inside. Don't confine your experiences at school to just the classroom. Expand the definition of your experiences at school beyond the classroom._
_Most importantly, this change will help you to develop excellent social skills and that's going to make a huge difference in your life. Exposure is everything. We will always be part of a new team and we will always have a new team to lead. Nothing grooms leadership skills like exposure!!!_
_Wishing you most & more._
_*?Jai Shree Krishna ?*_
_Happy morning,_
@ mahatria :???
_When I believe that 'I can do it', and really believe in it, then the 'how to do it' automatically unfolds. Believing something can be done sets the mind in motion to find a way to do it. My thoughts create my reality. I get what I focus on. That which I focus on, is what I attract towards myself._
_You see in any situation what you expect to see. If there is something I hate, it is because I am focusing on it. If there is love, it is because I focus on it. I should focus on 'what I am FOR' and not on 'what I am AGAINST.' The cardinal rule is, I get exactly what I focus on. Every book, every philosopher and every great thinker has eventually led me to exactly the same conclusion!!!_
_Wishing you most & more._
_*?Jai Shree Krishna ?*_
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_Happy Saturday,_
@ Mahatria :???
_We want to project to the society that our children are philanthropists by birth. When the child is forced to share, it perceives it as a transfer of ownership. The child feels, what was mine is no more mine. With every forced sharing, the child feels a sense of emotional deprivation. This emotional deprivation of the child remains as an emotional starvation and eventually manifests itself as possessiveness in a grown up adult._
_The fact of the matter is that the demands and expectations of a possessive person are always unrealistic. Putting it painfully, if you were in other person's shoes, even you will never be able to live up to your own demands and expectations!!! (Part - 2/2)_
_Wishing you most & more._
_*?Jai Shree Krishna ?*_
_Happy morning,_
@ mahatria :???
_The basis of any relationship is sympathy or apathy or empathy._
_Sympathy is “ I understand you so I agree with you”._
_By understanding & agreeing with you every time, I become emotionally weak. I get taken for granted & sometimes even exploited. To save myself from becoming weak, I then become apathetic._
_Apathy is “ if I understand you then I tend to agree with you & become weak, so I refuse to understand you”. Apathy make me indifferent. I m no more sensitive to your emotions. While sympathy weakens me, apathy weakens the relationship itself._
_The solution to healthy relationships is EMPATHY._
_Empathy is “ I understand you but I may or may not agree with you”. In empathising with you, I attempt to become you without losing the ME. Empathetic relationships are not based on agreements but by understanding. In empathy we agree to disagree. In empathy there is mutual respect. Hence it strengthens you, the relationship & me._
_Empathy is the only way to build matured relationships._
_Wishing you most & more._
_*?Jai Shree Krishna ?*_
_Happy Friday,_
@ Mahatria :???
_It all began when each of us were children. The need to possess always precedes the willingness to share. A child who has not known how to possess will never know how to share. Mummy, daddy, teddy, crayons, slipper, toys - virtually everything, the child first feels possessive of them. Only when the need to possess is completely fulfilled will the child display its willingness to share them with others._
_In fact, when the child's need to possess is fulfilled it volunteers to share with others. Unfortunately, because we adults believe that sharing is a virtue, we force our children to share everything that they have got even without allowing them to possess it enough!!! (Part - 1/2)_
_Wishing you most & more._
_*?Jai Shree Krishna ?*_
_Happy Saturday,_
@ Mahatria :???
_Man can never handle the unhappiness of his woman. The only way he knows to handle her unhappiness is to escape the situation. His best comes out only when he knows his woman is happy in life. A woman, however successful and independent she may be, needs protective love from her man. She needs parental touch from her man. Her best comes out only when she feels secure in her man's presence._
_View the differences positively, instead of accepting yourself as you are and trying to change her - change yourself and accept her as she is; do not do to her what you do not want her to do to you. Most importantly, believe in the power of your love for her. If love cannot, nothing else can!!!_
_Wishing you most & more._
_*?Jai Shree Krishna ?*_
Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
Download from Google Play Store:
Last updated 7 months, 1 week ago