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2 months, 4 weeks ago

Part 3 questions accompanied by 8.0+ model answers

2 months, 4 weeks ago
3 months, 2 weeks ago

Can you point out any of the many nice expressions used in the speech? If yes, share them below in the comments section.

5 months, 3 weeks ago

People have mixed attitudes towards a single country holding sports events on a global scale which athletes from all over the world attend, with some saying that it is beneficial for the country in charge and others arguing that this is an unwise idea due to its negative repercussions.

Those who claim that organizing such events bears fruit have valid reasons. For one, a country that agrees to host such sports games as the Olympics is set to boost the local economy; that is, foreigners (both athletes and spectators) tend to spend astronomic amounts of money on food, accommodation, and transportation, to name but a few during their stay in the host country. The benefits of accommodating so many foreigners simultaneously extend beyond improving the local economy – it helps the country to build a better image as a well-known tourist destination. Once such a lot of tourists visit the host country to get the firsthand experience of watching international sports events, they are likely to explore many parts of the country and make posts about their trips on social media later, all of which can contribute to the country’s popularity and better status worldwide.

Moreover, taking full responsibility to arrange such sports competitions is bound to raise living standards for local residents too. Once an agreement is reached about which country will host the events in a particular period, the local government embarks on improving the infrastructure of cities where the sports games are expected to take place, which means state-of-the-art urban facilities are built as part of preparation for such events. Not only this, but the inner parts of host cities also go through clean-ups to keep pollution to a minimum. In other words, the local population can enjoy using those facilities later and living in a pollution-free area.

However, it is a daunting task to host such large-scale events due to the high possibility of things going wrong if there is a minor mistake or failure. Arranging so-called sports games requires a lot of financial resources, due to which the host country may postpone funding certain unfinished projects such as the construction of a road on the outskirts of a city in favor of hosting the Olympic games or other similar events successfully. This may have a detrimental effect on the local inhabitants, making life difficult for them. Additionally, it becomes difficult to ensure so many people’s safety when they gather in one spot: the more people there are in a restricted area, the more chances of criminals committing crimes such as terrorist attacks, which is why the host country would need to strengthen security procedures to satisfy international safety standards. Finally, the facilities built in pre-event years may fall into disuse in the following post-event years after they serve their purpose – underutilization means an unwise allocation of resources.

In conclusion, I hold the view that when a country organizes such global sports events, it can benefit from doing so in many ways as long as it can still finance unfinished local projects, ensure the safety of people involved in the events and make good use of structures constructed to hold those events in the post-event years as well.


SOURCE: @invaluableinsights

5 months, 3 weeks ago

Do you guys know what "tit for tat" means and when it's used? Have you ever heard anyone saying it?

5 months, 3 weeks ago

There's a mountain between you and the life you want to live. Climbing up this mountain will equip you with skills that will benefit you in the long term. In simpler terms, one day, the mountain will be behind you, but who you become in the process of getting over it will stay with you till the last day of your life.


SOURCE: @invaluableinsights

6 months ago

He got a rush of adrenaline enough for a lifetime ?

6 months ago

The guy jumped off the platform bravely ?

8 months, 3 weeks ago

Assalom alaykum ??‍? Everest faoliyatini uzoqdan kuzatib ammo kurslarga offline qatnasha olmaydigan markazimiz ishqibozlari!

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✏️IELTS boshlashdan oldin chuqurroq grammatika ustida ishlashni xohlovchilar uchun toq kunlari kechki payt 8:00dan 10:00gacha general kurslar tashkil qilingan
✏️ Kursda qatnashib umumiy tarzda grammar, listening, vocabulary darajasini ko'tarib olish imkoniga ega bo'lasiz, buning uchun ingliz tilida pre-intermediate darajasida bo'lish talab qilinadi

✏️ General Pre-Intermediate kurs oylik narxi - 300.000 UZS

⚡️Instruktor 8.5 IELTS darajasiga va 6 yillik o'qituvchilik tajribasiga ega

⚡️Bitta sinov darsiga qatnashish uchun yoki qo'shimcha savollar bilan murojaat qilishingiz mumkin @khalid120423

8 months, 3 weeks ago
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