Mediterranean Man

I report news half the time, and my own thoughts for the other half.

Channel is a personal one, so it's just a man and his random thoughts.
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1 year, 7 months ago

⚡️???? In the auspices of the Regional conference held in Cairo, Egypt, on the initiative of the Arab Republic of Egypt to all dozen nations that border Sudan, on the topic of the internal affairs of the country, the following has been proposed.

1) a three-month long ceasefire
2) aid pathways to be opened
3) cessation of media warfare
4) meetings between tribal, civilian, and military leaders.

Egypt also refused attempts that will allude to the disarmament of the Sudanese Armed Forces, to impose a no-fly zone in Sudan that would violate the sovereignty of Sudan, and other efforts that denigrate the military institutions of Sudan.

All parties came out of the conference satisfied.


1 year, 7 months ago

I am almost done with the rant list - only two topics remain, so I will just summarize it in this post.

Why did you start the channelTo be honest, I do not know, some of the very, very OGs here know that I actually got my start with the projects of Yury Podolyaka (InfoDefense), and I admit I was very disappointed with the fact that we could not speak our minds, that we have to follow strict narratives and no deviate on it on the slightest.

That does not just apply to the Russian side, but also to the Ukrainian one, as a matter of fact, it applies to every conflict, there will always be the Pro and the Anti.

When I started the Mediterranean Man channel, I wanted to breathe fresh air into this scene in the fact that people can be critical, that people can speak on what their minds are in a critical way, the whole wolf-ish behavior of "you are either with us or against us" is very narrow-minded in most aspects, and that is why we see the proliferation of propagandists and agendas.

I have no agenda, I just speak on what is on my mind, I do not pretend to know everything, I say what happened and if I ever elaborate I say that this is of my own interpretation, if there are news - I deliver them cut and dry, because I dislike propagandists from all sides, this whole narrative thing is just disgusting to me, and that is why I started the Mediterranean Man channel, I admit I came with the name on the fly and I never thought it would become this big or respected, but alas, thanks guys!

What is your favorite movie?For foreign ones, it is Crimson Tide, there is something about the plot that attracts me, in the Arab Sphere there are "Alf Mabrouk" and "Asal Eswed.", all are old movies.

Crimson Tide, and I will not spoil it, is a movie about a US nuclear submarine and its crew that have to decide whether or not to launch nuclear weapons, Alf Mabrouk is Arab version of Groundhog day, and Asal Eswed talks about the life of an Egyptian American diaspora who comes to Egypt and gets acquainted.


1 year, 7 months ago

Open Egyptian Twitter
"Travis Scott is a Freemason."
Larp number 69 about Caliphate, MB, Liberals, 25th January, Pharohs
Close Egyptian Twitter

I have better things to do on Friday, that includes sermon and prayer, so have a good Friday, guys.

1 year, 7 months ago
Mediterranean Man
1 year, 7 months ago

⚡️?? Health reporter: Two were killed by the occupation's bullets as a result of its aggression on Nablus, and 3 were injured in stable condition

- Martyr Khairy Muhammad Sri Shaheen (34 years old)
- Martyr Hamza Moayed Muhammad Maqbool (32 years old)

1 year, 7 months ago

What is your favourite activities on Friday, guys?

For me, it's the usual routine of praying, cleaning, and meeting up with friends or family and other things like reading the Quran, what about you?

1 year, 9 months ago

(((Pride Month is upon us soon)))

1) To be Prideful is a sin and you will die off like a nigger
2) I hate faggots, everyone who is normal should hate faggots
3) protect your kids and women against niggers and faggots, always do that, but keep an extra watch because faggot month will have an increase in their media exposure

1 year, 9 months ago

⚡️???? The Taliban claims that they arrested an Iranian General due to a "border violation" - unknown if this is a shitpost or actually real news.


1 year, 9 months ago

Religion and its impact on culture, and vice versa.I am a Muslim, so I will speak from an Islamic perspective.

It is important to note that we believe that every nation had a Messenger sent to it, according to their very own scripture, Jesus PBUH was only sent to the Israelites (Matthew 15:24), the Torah makes it clear that Moses PBUH was also sent only to the people of Israel as well, and other prophets like Ezekiel, Noah, and so on, PBUT all, were also sent to their respective nations, nowhere did it say that their message was for all of Mankind, until in the Quran where it is stated explicitly in at least 4 chapters that God sent the Quran as a message to all of Mankind, not to Arabs, or to Jews, but to All of them, such as Surah Saba, 34: 28, or Surah Al-A’raf, 7:158, where the word Mankind is stated clear as day, therefore not limiting the message to any single ethnicity, language, or cultural barrier.

So, logically speaking, we have to state that not every single culture is objectively important or good in terms of its qualities, we have so-called cultures there where it is apparently normal to have a fist up your ass (Modern day 2023 Nordic Larpers), or to share your women, and so on, on declaring what culture is "good" and what culture is "bad", we as Muslims simply state one thing, your culture is not bad if it aligns with the Quran and the Sunnah.

Do you eat people? That is kinda bad, man, off the trash you go, you share your women? Very bad, you are a culture where homosexuality is normalized? extremely bad, etc.

So therefore, it is important under no circumstances that the religion changes for the culture, the culture is the one that must change for the religion, because if religion is objectively the truth, then it can objectively not have a single alternation happen to it that is against its values, and then (here is the important part) HAVE these values considered Islamic.

I admit I am not very familiar with the topic, but from what I have read, heard, and told, Pagan rituals of the Nordics and Celts were incorporated into Christianity while it was spreading, if true, then I suppose the cultural degradation we are seeing in 2023 in so-called Majority Christian countries honestly had its roots down to such events, these rituals should have been declared Anti-Christian and eliminated at first sight, but such is life.

Islam considers your culture a culture of good and normality if it does not go against the Quran and the Sunnah; honestly, that culture has to be very suspect if all of it is bad.

Regarding how Religion affects culture, well, in Islam we have many examples of us affecting and improving cultures, Pagan Arabs used to be even more heavy drinkers than Slavs of old, but now, alcoholism is not a part of general Arab culture, if Arabs gave birth to more than 1 daughter per family, they would bury the "surplus daughters" alive in the desert, that doesn't happen anymore obviously. The effect of Islam on art, architecture, and calligraphy can be seen from Spain to India, from Cordoba to Taj Mahal, and the most important part, in my opinion, is the effect on social norms and practices, I really mean it that when I as a Muslim feel and have more in common with a Muslim from Indonesia or India than my own Coptic countryman, that does not mean I treat my fellow Coptic in a bad way, on the contrary we always go very amicably, but me and the Indonesian can greet each other, and have a basic normal conversation due to our religion being the common thing that ties us, we will pray the same way, eat the same cuisine (And what food is bad if it is halal? all food is a gift from Allah, if halal, of course!), and our social norms and etiquettes will mostly be the same.

That was just a short summary, but I am sure we can elaborate on this topic further.


1 year, 9 months ago

I fucking hate France because of their shitty language I’ll probably fail my class

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