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We wish a very heartfelt farewell to Theodore John Kaczynski, a proponent of a standard of living respectful to Nature and all its principles.
His mindset developed as a result of experience and relation to mathematics—of which he was a young prodigy—developed in his manifesto, The Industrial Society and Its Future, a thirty-five-thousand-word critique of the progress of human development, the advancement of transhumanist philosophy, and the intent of leftists in a Communist and post-Communist world. Almost all of his critiques have since been proven correct in the years following his arrest in 1996.
As a child and young man, Ted was a gifted, civic-minded, and incredibly intelligent soul with an IQ score of at least 167. He came from a Polish-American family in the suburbs of Chicago. He was accepted to Harvard at fifteen where he pursued mathematics.
While at Harvard, and still only seventeen, Ted was convinced to participate in a series of experiments, later described as “purposely brutalizing”, by Harvard psychologist Henry Murray. The experiments were a form of pseudoscience where the participant would write out detailed reports of their personality, hopes, and aspirations, and then these would be viciously rebuked, belittled, and insulted to their participant’s face and in recordings of the participant played back to them to measure their psychological distress. Ted, without parental guidance or a mentor, would undergo these experiments and psychological torture for two hundred hours over the course of three years.
Henry Murray, the experiment’s lead, was most notable for working with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the precursor to the Central Intelligence Agency, during World War II. Most notably, Murray helped author the Analysis of the Personality of Adolph Hitler, a spurious report based on fragments from disaffected former members of the Fuhrer’s political circles then in the employ of Anglo-American and Soviet spies. The report claimed, among other things, that the Fuhrer was a homosexual and an effete. During the 1960s, Murray would go on to work on clinical psychological trials of the use of psychedelic drugs at Harvard, which some critics have linked to the CIA-backed MKUltra experiments on mental distress, mind-control, and mass affective psychology.
Ted would go on to pursue graduate and doctoral degrees from the University of Michigan, where he was deeply praised by his professors and peers as a mathematical genius. His time in the psychological experiments of Harvard dogged him, causing him psycho-sexual disorders which he worked to overcome through great mental anguish. His career in mathematics eventually led him to the conclusion that he needed to escape developed society, to escape into nature to lead a simple, self-sufficient life. He moved to his now-infamous one-room cabin in Lincoln, Montana in 1971.
In Montana, Ted sustained himself with odd jobs and support from his family, bicycling into town where he purchased or rented dozens of books in multiple languages, which he cherished tremendously. During the 1970s, Ted read the works of Christian-anarchist Jacques Ellul and began vandalizing and committing arson against developers and logging companies in the area. Ted was deeply disturbed during the early 1980s when the pace of development increased even his remote corner, especially by the increase of logging and the paving of roads across formerly empty wilderness forest in the Rockies.
The remarkable prevalence of haplogroup I1 amongst the Nordic Bronze Age people of Scandinavia, particularly the elite, is an important archeogenetic question. However, going back further more questions are raised in regards to the potential "original" Western Hunter-Gatherer carrying haplogroup I1, where this individual was located and his interaction with the Anatolian Neolithic Farmers, followed by his offspring's probable interaction with the "Western Steppe Herders" of the Corded Ware culture.
It is an important question because the EEF, like the WSH, were patrilineal (Rivollat 2020). Therefore, we understand that there was some degree cultural exchange between the two populations (and indeed there was), aside from the violence. Thus, we can infer that there was an exchange of culture and ideas even if to a limited degree.
As we know, the Corded Ware culture adopted some form of farming from the EEF and vice versa, and in the case of the Bell Beaker culture (descendant of the Corded Ware culture), all kinds of interesting burials occurred within their archaeological territory and EEF pottery continued to be made in Britain (Davis 2023).
Therefore, we can presume that in the case of haplogroup I1, wherever it came from, that either a) The EEF progenitor of I1 (ie. The descendant of the original WHG carrying I1 and their ANF partner, or the great grandson of the aforementioned couple living within a specific EEF cultural context) killed invading Corded Ware WSH and took a WSH wife, but within a generation or two had assimilated into the CWC (already with an understanding of patrilinealism that would not have been abnormal to them), or b) Exchanged culture peacefully with the CWC to a degree and through one way or another, be it a tribal alliance etc., obtained a WSH wife and within a generation his son or grandson grew up in the synthesis of his family's EEF-CWC lifestyle, gradually assimilating into the CWC over several generations.
This speculation is based on the current evidence and the two theories presented represent an "assimilation" hypothesis in regards to haplogroup I1 which suggests that there was some degree of EEF culture adopted by the CWC within the cultural context of the proposed EEF progenitor belonging to the I1 lineage, and that the offspring of this individual would have encountered the CWC. His offspring, through one way or another had "assimilated" into the CWC.
However, ancient European societies passed down important information such as genealogy to the next generation orally - in Anglo-Saxon times the famous King Penda could recite his ancestry back twelve generations, including himself (nine discounting Penda, his father and grandfather), which is as follows:
Twelve generations is approximately 350 years assuming that the average span from one generation to the next in Penda's time was around 20-30 years. This means that Penda (as well as most other Germanic people during his time) could recite the names of their ancestors from memory over a span of 350 years.
Thus, considering that the EEF and WSH cultures were patrilineal and its members transmuted their ancestral knowledge orally, we can infer that a few generations after haplogroup I1 supposedly assimilated into the CWC the carrier(s) of this lineage still understood that their ancestral lineage came from a different cultural context than the WSH. In turn, the ancient I1 carrier(s) possibly had a unique clan identity different to that of other CWC clans - one that ultimately understood its descent from an ancient Hunter-Gatherer.
This chart from "The Beaker phenomenon and the genomic transformation of northwest Europe" by Olalde et al 2018 has to be one of the starkest, most impactful images covering the European bronze age.
It tells a shocking story of population replacement.
Blue = British Neolithic farmer ancestry Red = European Bell Beaker ancestry
Each bar represents genomewide
mixture proportions for one individual from Britain.
(Dots indicate the Y-chromosome haplogroup for male individuals (blue I2a, red R1b)).
It wasn't just the male population that was largely replaced, however, as Bell Beaker-associated mtDNA haplogroups also appeared.
You can see in the early period you have some people with entirely Bell Beaker DNA and some with quite a lot of Neolithic farmer ancestry. But then over the centuries it kind of homogenises at around 10% Neolithic farmer.
How did this happen? Was there a terrible plague? Were there widespread massacres? There's no evidence of that archeologically.
Quite strange, isn't it.
It may be a bit detailed for many of you, but in all honesty, if this were implemented into law, it would solve roughly 90% of the issues faced in Western states today.
It's important as a general note to psuh these kinds of proposals into the common discourse to shift the accepted Overton Window towards sane, rationality.
In the American context, this is almost a copy-paste of the original citizenship criteria of the first US government, prior to the Andrew Jackson administration and the begining of Demos-Republican-Populism that eventually tore apart the system the Founders built. Only the Bill of Rights really kept America on a similar road to what was intended, and the majority of those rights were trampled at different times to make way for problem political and minority groups incompatible with homogenous Anglo-Saxon, Teutonic republican government. We have the so-called Constitutionalist interpreters of legal theory over the last forty years to thank for the cultural shift back to the origins, however, there is still a very long way to go to achieving the ends that must be realized.
A rough map detailing the range of Teutonic peoples and the Roman Empire circa 375 CE. Detailed are the proposed reaches of the Teutonic language's original dialects which would evolve into the different tongues we know today.
Courtesy of Germania Magna
This was entertaining. Charles III, from his time as the Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall to today, has been an ever-more left-wing, yet elitist, person. He is consumed by cosmopolitanism and the legacy of Anglo-Boomer culture, accolades form the media…
This was entertaining.
Charles III, from his time as the Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall to today, has been an ever-more left-wing, yet elitist, person. He is consumed by cosmopolitanism and the legacy of Anglo-Boomer culture, accolades form the media and leading personalities. You can see this in his evolution from gardener and agriculturalist, to proponent of the religion of climate apocalypse, and from being in favor of traditional architecture, order, design, art, and urban planning into a typical urban grasper, seeking the praise of the ever-more-brown population of London, Manchester, and Birmingham. His erasure of the nobility from the coronation in favor of commoners and media celebrities shows who he is trying to earn the loyalty of very clearly, as do his constant outreaching efforts to Black groups at every event he touches (Black American preacher and choir at Meghan's wedding, Black soul choir at the coronation, Black author lending him the scepter at the coronation, his displays at the last five Commonwealth gatherings, his outreach to the legacy of slavery within the royal family and Britain despite its context of more than a century of the armed resistance to the slave trade and abolishing the practice everywhere the UK colonized, etc.).
His multi-racializing of the coronation was the most absolute statement he could have made on where he feels his oath of allegiance lies. Not with the English, Welsh, Scottish, and Irish native peoples, who've inhabited this land as indigenes for between 1,600 and 2,500 years respectively; but rather with the hordes of invading peoples invited and sponsored by governments who have successfully impoverished the British citizenry for decades to make way for the ethnic replacement of the natives. Including the myriad faiths of the horde in his service from Islam, to Sikhism, Jainism, Judaism, and more, was just an extra touch to the whole display. Despite Druids, Animists, and followers of the Teutonic gods all calling these isles home to the tune of tens or even hundreds of thousands, Charles included exactly none as representatives of his multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-religious kingdom on Earth. Why? Because their White, native presence would have confused his messaging and eroded the attempt at erasure that he supports as the next greatest cosmopolitan fad that he can earn a crumb of respect from.
Personally, I don't hold out much hope that William will be any better in five to fifteen years' time. He strikes me as weak and chasing the same philanthropic fads that cheapened his father and gave media celebrity to his unhinged mother. Catherine may have a more firm idea of the kingdom William V and George VII ought to lead, but any form of a traditionalist message in the open as a display of sacral kingship would have to be predicated by years of cultural transformation in Britain. A transformation that seems ever more unlikely to be given air to breathe under the reign of Charles III, the Woke, and his allies come enemies in the media-government hierarchy. Not to mention the fact that while an English monarch draws legitimacy from Israel and the Judean carpenter, instead of from his own ancestors, gods, spirits, and nature for divine right, we will perennially have disruptions and national weakness to the slave ideology perpetuated by the legacy of Peter and Saul, long after their insanity has been put to rest by the sane- and holistic-minded folk.
Study estimates that the earliest admixture date between West European Hunter-Gatherers and Ancient North Eurasians was 16,000 years ago. This led to the formation of the East European Hunter-Gatherer population.
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