Mums Unstuck

Umm Khadeeja, Parenting and Motherhood Growth Coach

CBT Practitioner

❤️‍?STOP yelling & shaming your children AND yourself

?HERE for you so you can be THERE for your family

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hace 2 meses, 3 semanas
I’m NOT a believer in quick …

I’m NOT a believer in quick fixes BECAUSE quick fixes DON’T stick!

If you want your children to start listening without you having to scream like a crazy person, stop looking for the “one thing” you can say or do that will “make my children listen”

Because that one-thing doesn’t exist

You’re looking for the one-thing because you don’t realise there’s multiple things that need to be put in place

And those multiple things often begin with you, not your children

You see, if your children are not listening, it’s you who needs to change first-

Because you’re leading where your children follow.

Your children can only do what you “allow” and “teach” them to do

Now, before you start tuning me out, hear me out…

I get it

I’ve been there

The women I work with have been there

You’re trying your best, waking up every day dedicated to raising and nurturing your children

You’ve dedicated your life to raising them

You put their needs before your own

Everything you do is for them

I’m not saying there’s anything inherently wrong with”wrong” with you - but I am saying, you’re probably carrying a lot of baggage that makes it difficult for you to respond instead of react

And it’s that baggage you need to put down because it isn’t helping you break the destructive cycles that make you want to yell-out at the kids when triggered

When you can take control of yourself, you know how to take control of your children

And yes, as parents despite what the new-age “gentle” parenting brigade has you believe, you do have a responsibility to take control of your children because they are a responsibility given to us by our Lord

When I say this, I do not mean control in the sense of being a dictator. Authoritarian parents who try to control their children’s every move simply push their kids away

I mean control in the sense of being an intentional, authoritative parent who helps guide and nurture their children toward that which is good for them in this life AND the next, insha’Allah… and you can’t do that if your children are not listening and the only way you know of how to handle it is to yell and scream

If you’re ready to do things differently and seek out lasting change WITHOUT searching for quick-fixes that don’t stick, join me inside the membership to get access to an AWESOME community of Muslim mumas all striving for parenting and personal growth without being left to figure it all out alone! ….

AND without breaking the bank!

Membership costs LESS than one take-out a month and gives you so much more value than a temporary full-stomach - for yourself AND your family ?

Learn more and join us here

Umm Khadeeja ?

hace 2 meses, 3 semanas
Mums Unstuck
hace 2 meses, 3 semanas
I don’t know who needs to …

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but if you judge your child’s actions, choices or behaviour, it’s going to be incredibly difficult to successfully influence them…

Especially if you have a teenager.

When you judge, your child’s defences go up.

When you judge, you step into fear mode…

When you’re in fear mode you can’t connect..

When you can’t connect, you can’t successfully correct, nurture and guide

Instead you push your child away into hiding…

I’m not saying give kids a free pass to do whatever they wish…

What I am saying, is when you see they are making poor choices, step out of judgement and step into curiosity…

What’s making my child behave this way?

What need are they trying to meet?

What fear are they trying to avert?

What skill are they missing?

What challenge are they experiencing?

You have to understand your child’s world before they will willingly understand and follow yours. And you can’t do that with judgement.

Need help letting go of judgement so you can parent through love not fear?

Membership doors are open!

Join me and a community of Muslim mumas like you striving to connect with their children AND with themselves without yelling and punitive punishments that don’t work ?

Umm Khadeeja x

hace 3 meses

Swipe slides above then read below…

There is no doubt that the best place for women is in our homes….

The difficulty I see many mumas face (especially living in the West) is we have lost our “village”….

We’re not living in communities with women besides us as we raise our children anymore.

We are often alone in our home with no women in “our village” for support

We are raising our families, running our homes and educating our children alone and it can feel incredibly isolating…

This isolation is something we don’t talk about and so many sisters are struggling, trying to show the world they are okay but on the inside, falling apart.

One of the things I knew was important when I launched Mums Unstuck three years ago (can you believe it has been three years!!!!) was to have a safe space away from the “wolf” for Muslim women to grow strong together as they raise their children fisabillAllah….

To have a village even if it is an online one.

A place that is HERE to support YOU so you can be THERE to support your family…

A place that allows you to level-up your parenting game so you know how to handle tantrums, sibling rivalry and not being listened to WITHOUT yelling and using punitive punishments that don’t work!

A place that allows you to do the inner work to understand your triggers and take control of them instead of triggers taking control of you!

Allahumma barik while members come and go, many once they join us, don’t leave…. And when they do, some come back because there isn’t anything else out there like Mums Unstuck!

If you are tired of feeling alone, and you want to parent with confidence in your ability to handle everyday parenting challenges without losing control, membership doors are open so you can join anytime!

See how we can help you

Umm Khadeeja ?

hace 3 meses
Mums Unstuck
hace 3 meses
Mums Unstuck
hace 3 meses, 1 semana
No one told me before I …

No one told me before I became a parent how much I had to learn and grow within myself to be able to raise another little human!

I didn’t get the memo on that… did you?

To raise a child we have to first raise ourselves…

We have to constantly correct ourselves

We have to strengthen ourselves

We have to take account of ourselves

We have to nurture ourselves…

Because we cannot give our children what we don’t have yet… and that’s a pretty hard pill to swallow sometimes

The good news is…. we absolutely can do that inshaAllah…..


….we realise and acknowledge no one else can do it for us ?

Follow for help overcoming everyday parenting challenges AND raising yourself from the inside-out ?

Umm Khadeeja ?

hace 3 meses, 1 semana

?swipe the slides and then read the caption below...

I remember when I became a mother for the first time, day 3 after an emergency c-section I burst into tears in the hospital bed desperate to go home, feeling bad for feeling so sad after the most amazing blessing I'd just received...

I remember at 3 months, crying in bed in the middle of the night exhausted with my baby waking to be fed...again,

I remember one time yelling at the kids like an absolute monster, I took them to the toy store to buy a gift to apologise for what I did.

When my children were young, I was doing the best I could on the outside, getting through each day and making sure everyone was well looked after.

I talked to them, played with them, educated them, nurtured them. I knew I had to give them what they needed from me so they would be healthy, inside and out. But I didn't enjoy any of it. I was doing what I knew I needed to do. I was physically there, but mentally checked out because I was in survival mode.

I dedicated my life to being a mother. I only wanted to be a mother. Nothing was more important than my children. But, I had an internal rage and an inner sadness I couldn't explain.

I knew I had to change because I wasn't living a life. I was existing.

I knew no one else could make the changes for me.

Alhamdulillah one thing I always had was a desire for growth. I studied, I got coaching, I got therapy.... and that led me to getting professional qualifications and what I do now today.

I didn't start Mums Unstuck because I was always a "great mum". I started it because I KNOW the struggle, and I KNOW you don't have to stay stuck.

If you're ready for change, join us?

hace 3 meses, 1 semana
Mums Unstuck
hace 5 meses, 2 semanas
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