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Last updated 2 months ago
The Bisterne Dragon.
This legend comes from the New Forest.
This is one of the versions preserved at Berkeley castle.
"Sir Moris Barkley the sonne of Sir John Barkley, of Beverston, beinge a man of great strength and courage, in his tyme there was bread in Hampshire neere Bistherne a devouring Dragon, who doing much mischief upon men and cattell and could not be destroyed but spoiled many in attempting it, making his den neere unto a Beacon. This Sir Moris Barkley armed himself and encountered with it and at length overcam and killed it but died himself soone after. This is the common saying even to this day in those parts of Hampshire, and the better to approve the same his children and posterity even to this present do beare for their creast a Dragon standing before a burning beacon. Wch seemeth the rather more credible because Sir Morice Barkley did beare the Miter with this authentick seale of his armes as is heare underneath one of his owen deedes exprest bearing date ye 10 of Henry 6. An Dni 1431."
Black Agnes
Black Agnes (also known as Black Annis) is a bogeyman figure in English folklore, said to haunt the countryside of Leicestershire, living in a cave in the Dane Hills with a great oak tree at the entrance.
She is said to venture out at night looking for unsuspecting children and lambs, tanning their skins after eating them before hanging them on a tree. She wears their skins around her waist. She's written as a blue face hag, with a grotesque visage and iron claws.
Apologies for the absence everyone. I've had various ailments which knocked me for six. Getting back into it now! I've been back at the gym and doing my boxing, which I can tell you, was very difficult the first session back.
A while ago, I wrote a couple of short stories. Unfortunately things didn't go to plan, which I shan't get into here. However, I fully intend on releasing them in an anthology. I'm really excited about this project, and I shall keep you informed.
Between Dal Riata and the Old Wilderness lie two mountain ranges. The Isa Peaks, and the Ginnungagap mountains.
These mountains are treacherous during the winter months, and are challenging even during summer. The paths are patrolled by Rangers, who keep beasts at bay for travellers, and hunt troublesome rievers.
Like the rest of the realm, the Rangers have several places of rest, such as the one in the picture. This small fort watches over the main crossing into the Old Wilderness through the Isa Peaks.
My good friend @AEthelwulf Art made this for me
@Æthelwulf Art produced this marvellous painting for me. I like to call this one "Controlled Burn". The novel is close to being published, and about bloody time, too. Feels like an eternity in the making. I'm getting it done, especially after all the quite literal blood, sweat and tears.
Now for a brief bit of lore. The raven you see in the picture is no ordinary raven. It's not even a bird. Why you ask? Because it's a tamed Daemon called a Night-Raven. These are used by the Rangers to scout ahead. To do this, they meld with the Night-Raven, and peer through their eyes. Selected Rangers are chosen as their keepers, and it's considered a high honour to be a Night-Raven keeper. It requires rigorous, mental training to become capable of forming a bond with a Night-Raven, and an even harder ordeal to tame one. Night-Raven's are one of only a few Daemon's not hostile to mankind.
Raglan Castle, Wales
Following the Norman invasion of Wales, the area around the village of Raglan was granted to William FitzOsbern, the Earl of Hereford. It's entirely possible the original castle was a motte and baily before being transformed into the current castle by Sir William ap Thomas, the lesser son of a minor Welsh family.
Hello all.
Sorry for the lengthy period of silence. A lot's happened lately and my mind's been elsewhere.
Recently I've taken up martial arts. Gracie JJ and western boxing. It's a completely different approach to fitness compared to the last two years where I only lifted weights, which I still do once a week. I found myself becoming unfulfilled after a workout, so decided a change was needed. I have to say I feel great. Far more confident than I ever have been in life.
Regarding the book. It's nearly done. Just doing the tedious work that comes along with it. Once a few things are sorted I shall publish it.
Onwards and upwards from here on out.
spread the word folks. a lot depends on your word of mouth. The iron age can't happen without you.
here's the link
Bayonetta and Chill
First time playing this classic. Join the book club : Buy my book Guest links :
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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Last updated 2 months ago