Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump
Reserved for the 45th President of the United States
Last updated 2 Monate, 2 Wochen her
Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement
MyGov homepage: mygov.in
MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in
MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi
Last updated 1 Jahr her
EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.
Last updated 1 Monat her
Here is my latest episode of 2A For Today!
2A For Today | Republicans Go CRA on the ATF's CRAZY Lawfare & Unwelcome Guest Gets Blasted
House and Senate Republicans have offered up a Congressional Review Act resolution condemning the Biden Admin for its many faceted attacks on gun owners and the gun industry and they are using a strategy with some power to overturn the Biden ATF’s flagrant misuse of power. Just like in any relationship it is good to reaffirm your love every once in a while. SO, from gun owners across the country.
Thanks honey.
And our 2A For Today Modern Militiaman spotlight is on Vermillion, SD where a man "unlawfully and forcefully entered” a home. I guess he took the welcome mat a little too seriously, because he was absolutely unwelcome and that should have been clear by the restraining order that he was violating by even being 500 ft from the home. Now, he is having a permanent out of body experience. Perhaps the restraining order was issued to protect him from himself.
My name is Zoe Warren and I am your host. Thank you for watching 2A For Today!
The New American
Republicans Go CRA on the ATF's CRAZY Lawfare & Unwelcome Guest Gets Blasted
House and Senate Republicans have offered up a Congressional Review Act resolution condemning the Biden Admin for its many faceted attacks on gun owners and the gun industry and they are using a strategy with some power to overturn the Biden ATF’s flagrant…
Who is Zoe Warren for SC Senate District 23?
In this video, you will learn a little about me and my family and what I have done to preserve liberty and accomplish our Conservative, Republican platform goals. There are many more things that I have done, but I wanted to give you a glimpse into who I am in hopes that you will look further to see all that I have done to fight for freedom, defend our women, and preserve our traditional values.
Do you know what will NOT preserve liberty?
Slick marketing, NeverTrump PAC mailers, empty promises, backroom deals, hobknobbing with the good ole boys, or selling access to the government.
Simply Google the names of the candidates and read what the candidates have done to accomplish Conservative, Republican platform goals, or what they have failed to do. Give each name a 5 minute search. Then tell your friends to support the candidate who hasn't betrayed Republican voters and who has a history of bold, Conservative action.
Learn More about Zoe Warren here:
Zoe Warren for SC Senate District 23 answers the first question at a candidate forum event hosted by the American Leadership Academy Lexington 6-12.
The first question was:
"What is the most important piece of legislation that the Senate is currently working on and what are the priorities that you will focus on as a Senator?"
New show released!
Amazon Driver Drops Young Thug | Colorado Dems Fight Against Semi Auto Gun Ban | Pistol Brace Court Update
House Democrats in Colorado have been on a gun control free for all, treading down the God given rights of Coloradans. However, the Colorado House Dems have jumped the shark and passed a semi-automatic gun ban, so now they are facing opposition from a coalition of Colorado Senate Republicans and Democrats slowing their gun grab extravaganza.
I have said this before, but it bears repeating, the ATF is nothing more than a lawless political arm of the security state and the gun control lobby. They create rules to bankrupt free Americans who deign to live freely and within their God given rights to buy, sell, keep, and bear arms. The pistol brace rule is a prime example. We are going to give a brief update on the court battle.
And Special Delivery, our 2A For Today Modern Militiaman spotlight is on Cleveland Ohio where an Amazon delivery driver dropped a couple of young thugs and put an end to their crime spree. He packaged them up for delivery to the authorities. It's nice when companies take care of the shipping and handling. Especially when its some excellent gun handling.
You’re watching 2A For Today, my name is Zoe.
The New American
Amazon Driver Drops Young Thug. Colorado Dems Fight Against Semi Auto Gun Ban, Pistol Brace Court Update
House Democrats in Colorado have been on a gun control free for all, treading down the God given rights of Coloradans. However, the Colorado House Dems have jumped the shark and passed a semi-automatic gun ban, so now they are facing opposition from a coalition…
The border crisis is a Biden administration funded, criminal enterprise, that illegally allows literally millions of undocumented foreign nationals to illegally enter and remain in our nation with impunity. The New York Post has captured footage of MS-13 gang members allegedly selling fake IDs, social security cards and Green Cards to those undocumented foreign nationals. Many of the undocumented foreign nationals are involved in organized crime and prosper by poisoning our citizens, selling human beings for sex, and/or forced labor.
In South Carolina, we even have official documents related to voter registration being provided to non citizens. We should join states like Montana who have passed legislation recently to provide criminal penalties for any foreign national that is caught in their state illegally- including jail time, fines, and a mandate to leave the state.
The Biden Administration’s border disaster has been the main driving force behind the flood of illicit Fentanyl into our country. That poison is also being sprayed on marijiuana to make it more potent, and even being pressed into pills to make it look like other common medications.
Join my team and help me in my campaign to be the Republican Nominee in SC Senate District 23 and we will Promote Parenthood, Protect Personhood, Preserve Statehood, and Stop the Criminal Enterprise and the Chemical warfare being waged on our communities. It's time that we put South Carolinians First! ??
Learn more about our campaign, sign up to volunteer, and donate on our website: ZoeWarren.com
The policy and law implemented during Covid was a crime spree; an all out assault on the Constitutionally protected and God given rights of South Carolinians. Our nurses, Guardsman, teachers, first responders, small business community, parents, you name it, in every area of life and industry, were devastated by the lock downs and reliance on bureaucrats. They were fired, harassed, lost retirements, were put out of business, endured all sorts of threat, force, and intimidation as a consequence- some even died and none of them have been brought before any committees to share their testimony of how their lives were ruined by government action and determine the source of the pandemic policy and law that our bureaucrats relied on.
Join my team and help me in my campaign to be the Republican Nominee in SC Senate District 23 and we will Promote Parenthood, Protect Personhood, Preserve Statehood, and Mandate Medical Freedom! ??
Join my team and donate here:
The policy and law implemented during Covid was a crime spree; an all out assault on the Constitutionally protected and God given rights of South Carolinians. Our nurses, Guardsman, teachers, first responders, small business community, parents, you name it, in every area of life and industry, were devastated by the lock downs and reliance on bureaucrats. They were fired, harassed, lost retirements, were put out of business, endured all sorts of threat, force, and intimidation as a consequence- some even died and none of them have been brought before any committees to share their testimony of how their lives were ruined by government action and determine the source of the pandemic policy and law that our bureaucrats relied on.
Join my team and help me in my campaign to be the Republican Nominee in SC Senate District 23 and we will Promote Parenthood, Protect Personhood, Preserve Statehood, and Mandate Medical Freedom! ??
Join my team and donate here:
Please share this week's episode of 2A For Today!
How Constitutional are SC and Louisiana's recently passed and signed into law "Constitutional Carry" bills?
I answered that question in this week's episode of 2A For Today?
Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump
Reserved for the 45th President of the United States
Last updated 2 Monate, 2 Wochen her
Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement
MyGov homepage: mygov.in
MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in
MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi
Last updated 1 Jahr her
EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.
Last updated 1 Monat her