La vraie vie en Russie ??
Last updated 10 months, 1 week ago
Willkommen bei alexander - Aufklärung und Bewusstsein. ✨ Tauche mit mir ein in die Welt der transzendenten Erkenntnis und reflektiere kulturelle wie spirituelle Mechanismen. Gemeinsam schaffen wir Raum für Klarheit, und bewusste Selbstermächtigung.
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago
🌙 Night Story
We wake up to a noise. Out of habit, Big and I exchange glances - probably Baddi hiding something or making noise again (you know his night concerts 😏).
We went to check what's making the noise, but there's silence from Baddi's room - we checked the sable's camera, and he's sleeping peacefully!
Following the sound, we find Cheru, who somehow managed to put the meat bagel we gave him before bedtime on his paw. Yes, yes, on his PAW!
Just like a bracelet.
And there lies our borzoi, trying to eat this bagel and reach it at the same time, hitting the floor with it every time.
He put it on so carefully that he didn't hurt his paw, although it was clearly uncomfortable and the bagel was squeezing it.
His whole paw was covered in drool because he kept chewing this bagel right on his paw.
We had to rescue our night experimenter and remove the edible jewelry. And now we're sitting here thinking - did he catch this from the sable? Is it contagious? Baddi with his night hiding spots and noise, and now Cheru with a bagel-bracelet 😅
P.S. From now on, bagels will be given under supervision only 🫣
Ночная история
Ночью просыпаемся от шума. По привычке с Большим переглядываемся - наверное, опять Бадди что-то прячет или гремит (а вы же знаете его ночные концерты 😏).
Пошли проверять, что там шумит, но из комнаты Бадди тишина - посмотрели камеру соболя, а он спокойно спит!
Идём дальше на звук и находим Черу, который каким-то невероятным образом умудрился надеть мясной бублик, который мы дали ему перед сном, себе на лапу. Да-да, на ЛАПУ!
Прям как браслет.
И вот лежитнаш борзой, пытается достать и съесть этот бублик одновременно и каждый раз стучит этим бубликом по полу.
Причём так аккуратно его нацепил, что лапу не поранил, хотя явно было некомфортно и бублик сдавил его.
Вся лапа была в слюнях потому что он продолжал жевать этот бублик прямо на лапе.
Пришлось спасать ночного экспериментатора и снимать съедобное украшение. А теперь сидим и думаем - это у него что, от соболя? Оно заразное? Бадди со своими ночными тайниками и стуком, теперь вот Черу с бубликом-браслетом 😅
P.S. Бублики теперь будем давать только под присмотром 🫣
🐱 Guess what? Your "domestic" cat... isn't actually domestic at all!
Seriously! These fluffy little rascals just let us think we've tamed them. But in reality, they're still the same wild creatures they were thousands of years ago.
And you know why they decided to live with us? Nothing personal, just business! Where there are humans, there are granaries with grain, where there's grain, there are mice. And where there are mice, there's a well-fed cat life 😏 These clever fellows figured out that there would always be food around us, and were like: "Well, okay, we'll stay here." Then humans started feeding them directly, and cats realized that humans themselves are a food source.
Look at village cats roaming free today - they live in several houses at once. Often, they're considered "their own cat" in each house and even given different names. And this isn't about greed - it's pure practicality! Their ancient instinct tells them: "What if something happens to one food source? Better have a backup plan!" So the cat runs between houses, maintains connections, snacks here and there. They even develop different personalities with each human - quiet with some, purring sweetlings with others. Basically, it's an individual approach to maximize profits, aka food. Just in case 😼
Despite all this time living with us, the only things that have changed about them are their coat varieties and meowing (by the way, they learned to meow specifically to communicate with us! Because a loud meow can make a human give up that tasty fish. Strategic masterminds, I tell ya!) Everything else - hunting tricks, character, habits - is identical to their wild relatives. And this is proven by genetic analysis. Dogs, by the way, have changed a lot at the genetic level... But cats... well, accept it - your cat lives with you only for food money...
Nothing personal, just cat business! 🐱
Soon I’ll head to Leroy Merlin! I’ll buy more boards for the enclosure and make the side walls wooden. I’ll get a sheet of plexiglass to make one part of the enclosure transparent. I’ll try attaching it to the frame with bolts—I’ve got a metal drill and bolts ready. A beautiful little house for Buddy arrived, and I’ll hang it up ?.
The enclosure is great, but noisy as hell. And Buddy, being Buddy, thinks anything noisy is fun! He spent the whole day running in his wheel and throwing his toys around. Then he started asking to come out. I let him out, and he went straight back to sleep in his little cage. I guess that’s how he’s dealing with his wheel addiction. “Lock me up, Mom, or I’ll start running again.” So I closed him in his cage—he stretched his paws out and passed out, completely exhausted from the day. He didn’t even react when Cheru poked his nose into the room. That’s how it is!
Зара поеду в Леруа! Докуплю досок к вольеру и сделаю боковые стенки деревянными.
Куплю лист Орг стекла и одну часть вольера я хочу сделать прозрачной. Попробую на раму, на болты посадить… дрель по металлу у меня есть. Болты тоже. Пришел красивенный домик для Бадька и я его повешу ?
Вольер хорош но гремуч зараза. А Бадди он такой если что то гремит то это весело!
Весь день бегал в колесе кидался игрушками потом стал проситься наружу, выпустила опять пошел спать в свою маленькую клетку. Видимо так он со своей колесной зависимостью борется. «Запри меня мать, а то снова потянет бегать» закрыла его в клетке лапы раскинул и дрыхнет, настолько умотался за день что даж на то что Черу в комнату нос засунул не отреагировал. Такие дела!
Вот это видео посылалось непонятным черным экраном
This video was sent as some black screen
I implanted a Suprelorin in my beloved furry butt! His teeth are wearing down a lot. The doctor said that my little rascal gnaws on everything indiscriminately (which is true). Do I need to do something about it? No. As I understand it, males are by default more active and chew on everything, thus wearing down their teeth. Finally, she photographed the fangs of my little critter, and they turned out to be quite normal and sharp. Apparently, in nature, they can also chip their fangs, and over time they become sharp again. No tartar. All systems are fine)
Update! We enjoyed the spa for 16 minutes longer than we should have. And the turnstile wouldn't let us back in, then the girl I showed the magic cure for cellulite (sauna plus cold plunge pool) led us through. And I felt this small but pleasant revenge happiness! We didn't pay for these 16 minutes! Although I must say that the burnt balance on the card is more than a hundred euros, so it's not our problem! ???
Апдейт! Мы наслаждались спа на 16 минут дольше чем должны были. И нас не выпускал обратно турникет, тогда девушка которой я показала волшебное средство от целлюлита (сауна плюс холодная купель) провела нас за собой. И я почувствовала вот это мелочненькое но приятное счастье! Мы не заплатили за эти 16 минут! Хотя надо сказать что сгоревший остаток на карте больше сотни евро так что это больше чем 16 минут ! ???
La vraie vie en Russie ??
Last updated 10 months, 1 week ago
Willkommen bei alexander - Aufklärung und Bewusstsein. ✨ Tauche mit mir ein in die Welt der transzendenten Erkenntnis und reflektiere kulturelle wie spirituelle Mechanismen. Gemeinsam schaffen wir Raum für Klarheit, und bewusste Selbstermächtigung.
Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago