
"It is a supreme demonstration of faith when a living soul, forsaking even self-love, offers himself as a living sacrifice in order that Christ-Victory be glorified through him."

Galatians 2:20

Timothy 1:7
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10 months ago

Spin your ego into the opposite direction that it went into, and you will age regress your sins back in time.

This sets you up for a slingshot to the future-past of a higher dimensional universe upon transition.

10 months ago

MIT Technology Review

Top U.S. Intelligence Official Calls Gene Editing a WMD Threat

Easy to use. Hard to control. The intelligence community now sees CRISPR as a threat to national safety.

11 months ago


11 months, 1 week ago

Investor's Business Daily

Crispr Surges After Winning The First-Ever Approval For A CRISPR-Based Gene-Editing Drug

The drug will sell under the brand name Casgevy in the UK for two blood diseases.

11 months, 1 week ago
“The term ["mind control"]( comes from …

“The term "mind control" comes from former CIA director Allen Dulles.
In 1953, Dulles, speaking before a national meeting of Princeton alumni, distinguished two fronts in the then-current "battle for men's minds": a "first front" of mass indoctrination through censorship & propaganda, & a "second front" of individual "brainwashing" & “brain changing." The same year, Dulles approved the notorious MKULTRA project

“Pre-packaged dream sequences are able to be downloaded to an individual’s brain. Cult/military harassers then interact with the victims while they are dreaming. Stressful traumas/shocks are also induced via artificial dreams (completely wirelessly - without any chip implants, electrodes etc.)”

I never sleep with wifi on & turn it off when I’m not using. Just once, same day my name was mentioned at a SRA event & I napped with wifi on & had intense techno-sorcery attack

Our bodies heal if we give them breaks from toxins, in this case frequency/radiation. Disconnect from tech?

11 months, 1 week ago

While this is true, they also sneak in secrets of the Mystery traditions in some of these movies. One can argue various reasons as to why they do this. In Star Wars, for example, the training to become a 'Force Ghost' eludes to the electrical phase-conjugation of one's aura by way of breath/heart/mind coherence to trigger wakefulness inside of a lucid dream. This process then becomes a predictor for who will be able to retain their memory during the moment of death. A "successful" death, as they say. The Templar's initiation rites were actually originally based around this concept, by going through a near-death experience and replicating the process of the Resurrection.

11 months, 1 week ago

Once you understand the critical electrical nature of the aura, which really is the definition of all things spiritual, and it is very measurable... then you begin to make all your decisions in your life based on:

"Is my aura going to be bigger or smaller after this?"

11 months, 1 week ago

"Truth lives. There is naught but Truth and that which appears to be otherwise has no existence and therefore is not, nor will ever be."
-Walter Russell

11 months, 1 week ago



A man shuffles through a dream meeting various people and discussing the meanings and purposes of the universe.

Dreams. What are they? An escape from reality or reality itself? Waking Life follows the dream(s) of one man and his attempt to find and discern the absolute difference between waking life and the dreamworld. While trying to figure out a way to wake up, he runs into many people on his way; some of which offer one sentence asides on life, others delving deeply into existential questions and life's mysteries.

We become the main character. It becomes our dream and our questions being asked and answered. Can we control our dreams? What are they telling us about life? About death? About ourselves and where we come from and where we are going? The film does not answer all these for us. Instead, it inspires us to ask the questions and find the answers ourselves.

11 months, 1 week ago

What if I told you CERN "painted" itself backward through time and didn't actually exist until, say, the mid 90's?

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